ments of its radioactivity, some knowledge of the self-absorption characteristics of this low-energy. /3-emitting nuclide would be desirable. The pur-...
Introduction. Nickel-63, a 69 ± 2 kev. /3-emitter with a half- life of 85 ± 20 years2 could become a tracer nuclide of some utility. In order to make proper measure-.
Statistical Error a s a Function of the Total Count. The Statistics of. Radioactivity Measurement. Although the recorded number of counts is usually only a fraction ...
By the application of statistics, we may determine the probability with which the observed rate corresponds to the true average rate of disintegration of a radio-.
P-emitting nuclide would be desirable. The pur- pose of this investigation was to develop methods for the preparation of nickel-63 samples and to ascertain their ...
Luis, and the Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Their support is gratefully acknowledged. Organizing Committee: G. Zgrablich. Chairman, Universidad ...
Mesure directe de gaz a l'aide des radio $eacute$l$eacute$ments $eacute$metteurs $\beta$ ou $\alpha$: adsorption de krypton-85 sur des solides de faible ...
Observations: (a) Blue CoCI2. ( b Pink Go++. (c) Blue alcohol ... The box dimensions are 13 X 4.5 X 9 cms; the ball and plate are of brass; the foil of very thin.
tracks were detected in a Wilson cloud chamber after the bombardment had ... where M, N, and 0 are the three elements involved in the transformations, z is the ...
BY J. R. WRIGHT AND GEORGE W. HEISE. In recent years there have been so many investigations of the radioactivity of waters that comparative data are now.
two yea,rs earlier, shr wts anticipated in her first major discovery hy the physicist, Gcrhard Carl Schmidt,. Early in 1896, Brcquerel had found invisihle, pene-.