Self-assembly of a hydrogen-bonded 2 + 3 supramolecular complex

Jan 1, 1991 - Soc. , 1991, 113 (2), pp 712–713. DOI: 10.1021/ja00002a071. Publication Date: January 1991. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an ab...
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1991, 113, 712-713 J. Am. Chem. SOC.

Molecule 11, [MoAs2Selo12-,obtained by the same procedure as I, but isolated as the n-butyl ammonium salt, contains one molybdenum atom chelated by two Asses groups (see Figure 2).13 Again, the metal is apical and there are two selenium atoms in the base instead of arsenic atoms. The coordinated selenium atoms of the two cages are rotated 24O away from fully eclipsing each other. In addition, one of the corners of each cage is tipped toward the other. This tipping is quite pronounced and does not appear to be caused by any steric crowding or crystal-packing effects. All of the other distances and angles in the molecule appear to be reasonable and are nearly identical with those in I.I4 Gouy measurements show that this molecule is also diamagnetic. The close Se(2)-Se(2a) contact is 2.702 (4) A. This is somewhat long for a true Se-Se bond, which is usually on the order of 2.35 A. However, the distance is considerably shorter than a van der Waals interaction and has been assigned as bonding in other selenium cage molecule^.'^ Alternatively, it may also be caused by a somewhat crowded coordination environment created by the large selenium atoms around a high-valent molybdenum. The distances between the other corner selenium atoms (3.017 (4) A) can be considered beyond bonding distance. The short Se-Se interaction in I1 leads to some difficulty in assigning formal oxidation states. If the Se-Se interaction is not considered, there is a formal charge of 4+ on the metal site. However, a bond between the two selenium atoms results in a formal oxidation state of 2+ on the molybdenum. The unusual environment around the bonded selenides does not lead to any substantial differences in the bond lengths to the metal center (2.500 (3) 8, versus 2.47 (4)

Self-Assembly of a Hydrogen-Bonded 2 Supramolecular Complex’


Christopher T. Seto and George M. Whitesides* Department of Chemistry, Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 Received August 13, 1990

We are designing and synthesizing three-dimensional supramolecular assemblies based on the pattern of hydrogen bonds present in the 1:l complex between cyanuric acid and melamine (CA-M). We have previously shown that hubM, (Scheme I) organizes three melamine units into a geometry compatible with the CA.M lattice and forms a 1:3 complex with neohexyl cyanurate., Here we report that hubM, reacts with the bis(cyanuric acid) R(CA), (Scheme I ) in CHCI, and forms a 2:3 complex, (hubM,),(R(CA),),, that incorporates two layers of the CA-M lattice into a well-defined three-dimensional ~ t r u c t u r e . ~ , ~ We monitored the titration of hubM3 in CDCI, with aliquots of R(CA)* by IH NMR spectroscopy (Figure I ) . The spectrum of uncomplexed hubM, (bottom trace) has resonances that are broadened by self-association and restricted rotation around the amide and RNH-triazine bonds. At intermediate points in the titration, the spectrum shows resonances for (hubM,),(R(CA),), against a background of uncomplexed hubM,. The complex appears to be predominantly a single conformation, and exchange between (hubM,),(R(CA),), and uncomplexed hubM, in solution is slow on the N M R time scale. Beyond the 2:3 stoichiometry, there is no further change in the spectrum. The hubM, units in 4. The reason for the unusual tipping is not clear at this point. (hubM,),(R(CA),), are chiral. From the ‘H NMR spectrum, To our knowledge there is no precedent for this type of behavior. we cannot tell whether the complex exists as a racemic mixture There have been several examples of hybrid transition-metalof R,R and S,S species or as a meso compound, R,S. The simmain-group cages reported in the literature, but most could be plicity of the spectrum suggests, however, that only racemic or explained by using classical bonding argument^.^ meso complexes are present, and not a mixture of the two. Both I and I 1 are isolated in low yields, but the procedure is Two features of Figure 1 support the assigned structure for simple enough that reasonable amounts of each product can be (hubM,),(R(CA),),: First, several equivalent protons of hubM3 obtained conveniently. Use of other arsenic selenide sources leads (8, g’; q, q’; and r, r’) and R(CA), (w, w’ and x, x’) are diasteto similar products but no improvement in yield. The molecules reotopic in (hubM,),(R(CA),), and thus appear as separate are thermally stable if protected from air and are soluble in polar resonances. Second, the two sets of imide N H protons (y, y’) of aprotic solvents, but all attempts to recrystallize them do not lead R(CA), are in different hydrogen-bonding environments and thus to any cleaner products. Nevertheless, we have demonstrated a appear as separate resonances in the complex, even though they reasonable synthetic entry to a novel series of mixed main-group are equivalent by symmetry in uncomplexed R(CA),. NOE transition-metal cages. studies also support our proposed structure. We observed several positive intermolecular NOEs between hubM, and R(CA)2 that Acknowledgment. We are indebted to the National Science are consistent with a CPK model of the (hubM,),(R(CA),), Foundation for support of this work (CHE-8802217). complex (Scheme I). The NOEs between the imide N H protons (y, y’) of R(CA), and the melamine N H protons (n, 0,o’, p) of Registry No. [(C HS)4P]2[WzAs2Se,3],130984-14-4; [(C&IS)~P],hubM, confirm the 3-fold nature of the hydrogen-bonded network. [ W 2 A s z S e , , ] ~ ( C H , ) 2 ~ C O H130984-15-5; . [ ( ~ - B U ) ~ N ] ~ ( M O A S ~ S ~ , ~ Two ], other analytical methods support the 2:3 stoichiometry 130955-19-0; [Ph,P],(WSe,], 112988-67-7; [ ( n - N ~ ) ~ N l , [ M o S e , l , of (hubM,),(R(CA),),. Vapor pressure osmometry (VPO) of the 130955-20-3; As4Se4, 12006-05-2. complex indicated MW = 5300 (calcd for ( ~ U ~ M , ) , ( R ( C A ) ~ ) , : 5 5 19) over the concentration range 2-16 mM in CHCI, at 37 OC Supplementary Material Available: Complete structural data, with a sucrose octaacetate standard.s Titration of hubM3 (0.1 listing of positional and thermal parameters for all atoms, complete mM in CH2Cl2)with R(CA), monitored by UV spectroscopy also distances and angles, and hydrogen atom coordinates for molecules indicated a 2:3 complex.6 I and I1 (1 2 pages); listing of observed and calculated structure factors for molecules 1 and I1 (33 pages). Ordering information ( I ) The National Science Foundation supported this work (Grants CHEis given on any current masthead page. (13) Crystal structure data for [(C4H9)4N]2[MoAs2Se,,1:deep purple arallelepiped sealed in epoxy, space group monoclinic, C 2 / c , u = 18.277 9) b = 15.445 (8) A, c = 17.983 (7) A, j3 = 104.04 (4)’. V = 4925 (4) Z = 4, Dale,, = 2.05 g cm-,, p(Mo Ka) = 89.31 cm-I, 4 scans (transmission factors 0.74-1 .OO), T = 21 OC. Measured 3348 reflections (3.5’ d 20 d 45O), of which 3227 were unique (Rinl= 0.072); data were corrected for absorption by using the $ scan technique; refinement used 1898 reflections with :F > 2.58u(F:) and resulted in residuals of R = 0.0667 and R, = 0.0752 (214 parameters; all non-hydrogen atoms anisotropic). (14) It is difficult to distinguish between arsenic and selenium atoms on the basis of crystallography alone, and it could be postulated that these atoms might be trivalent arsenic. However, this would conflict with elemental analysis and would still provide an electron counting problem, since this distance is too long to be a legitimate As-As single bond. ( I 5 ) (a) McMullan, R. K.; Prince, D. J.; Corbett, J. D. Inorg. Chem. 1971, IO, 1749. (b) Gillespie, R. J. Chem. SOC.Reo. 1979, 8, 315.



0002-786319 1 115 13-7 12$02.50/0

88-12709 to G.M.W. and DMR-89-20490 to the Harvard University Materials Research Laboratory). (2) Seto, C. T.; Whitesides, G. M. J. Am. Chem. SOC.1990, 112, 6409-641 I , (3) For other supramolecular assemblies, see: Rebek, J., Jr. Angew. Chem., In!. Ed. Engl. 1990, 29, 245-255 and references therein. Bryant, J.; Ericson, J.; Cram, D. J. Am. Chem. SOC.199O,II2,12S5-1256. Etter, M. Acc. Chem. Res. 1990, 23, 120-126. Manka, J. S.;Lawrence, D. S.J. Am. Chem. SOC. 1990, 112, 2440-2442. Ashton, P.; Goodnow, T.; Kaifer, A.; Reddington, M.; Slawin, A.; Spencer, N.; Stoddart, J.; Vincent, C.; Williams, D. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl. 1989, 28, 1396-1399. (4) All new compounds gave satisfactory ’HNMR (500 MHz), ‘)C NMR (125 MHz), and elemental analyses. ( 5 ) The molecular weight of the complex estimated by using other standards was as follows (MWscmplei,standard MWllandad): 5890, perbenzoyl P-cyclodextrin 3321; 5390, polystyrene 5050 (polydispersity = 1.05); 4430, N,N’-bis(tert-butyloxycarbony1)gramicidinS 1342. We suggest that the gramicidin S derivative was associated in solution and, hence, unsuitable as a standard.

0 1991 American Chemical Society


J . Am. Chem. SOC.1991, II3, 7 13-7 15 Scheme 1. Self-Assembly of hubM, with R(CA)* Supramolecular 2:3 Complex

To Give a

In that sense, its strategy is more closely modeled on the principles that determine secondary and tertiary structure in proteins and nucleic acids than on the methods used in classical organic synthesis. Future papers will describe the synthesis of structures more complex than (hubM,),(R(CA),),. Acknowledgment. NMR instrumentation was supported by National Science Foundation Grant CHE-84-10774. We thank Professor Robert Cohen (MIT, Chemical Engineering) for the loan of the vapor pressure osmometer.

1,l'-Azonotbotnane Radical Cation. A Solution-Stable Azoalkane Radical Cation Maria E. Mendicino and Silas C. Blackstock* 169


18 2


Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee 37235 Received October 5. 1990

71 84

11 2

13 8




10 3








"Intermolecular NOES between hubM, and R(CI!)~ in the 2:3 complex are given in the table. The complex (10 m M ) in CDC13 was degassed with five freeze-pumpthaw cycles, and the NOE difference spectra were taken a t 500 M H z with a presaturation time of 3.0 s. ~ u ~ M , + R ( C A represents )~ irradiation of the proton on hubM3 and observation of an N O E a t the proton of R(CA)2. Ratio hubM3:R(CA)2





/ R



The discovery by Engel, Shine, and co-workers' of fast deazetative fragmentation of !,l '-azoadamantane upon one-electron oxidation has sparked general interest in the nature of azoalkane radical cations, their fragmentation mechanism, and their usefulness as precursors to various radical, cation, and radical cation systems.Id Azoalkane radical cations are short-lived species and, to date, have been observed only under matrix-isolation conditions by low-temperature ESR spectroscopy. Some azoalkane radical cations are even too reactive to survive matrix i~olation.~ Here we present the first example of a solution-stable azo radical cation system and report preliminary physical data for this species.

1. A

2. 3,



CHClj '




































1-norbomyl Et Pr


Electrochemical oxidation of 1,I'-azonorbornane7 (1) by cyclic voltammetry* (CV) yields a chemically reversible voltammogram (EO' = 1.40 V vs SCE, E,,,, = 60 mV), indicating a solution lifetime for I*+ of at least seconds. Chemical oxidation of 1 in cold CH2Clz by ! molar equiv of tris(2,4-dibromophenyl)amminium hexachloroantimonate, Ar3N+SbCI6-,results in decolorization of the green oxidant upon mixing. The resulting yellow solution shows a five-line ESR signal assigned as a(2N)







Figure 1. 'H N M R titration of hubM3 (500 MHz, IO m M in CDCI,) with R(CA)2. The peak assignments are shown a t the top of the figure. We believe that the small peaks in the base line of the upper spectrum correspond to conformational isomers of the 2 3 complex. These minor peaks are not impurities in either of the individual components. R(CA)2 alone is too insoluble to give a detectable spectrum at saturation (