Self-Suspended Suspensions of Covalently ... - ACS Publications

Feb 24, 2015 - In this study, we report on the synthesis and physical properties of a novel family of ... Sung A Kim , Rahul Mangal , and Lynden A. Ar...
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Self-Suspended Suspensions of Covalently Grafted Hairy Nanoparticles Snehashis Choudhury,† Akanksha Agrawal,† Sung A Kim, and Lynden A. Archer* School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Dispersions of small particles in liquids have been studied continuously for almost two centuries for their ability to simultaneously advance understanding of physical properties of fluids and their widespread use in applications. In both settings, the suspending (liquid) and suspended (solid) phases are normally distinct and uncoupled on long length and time scales. In this study, we report on the synthesis and physical properties of a novel family of covalently grafted nanoparticles that exist as self-suspended suspensions with high particle loadings. In such suspensions, we find that the grafted polymer chains exhibit unusual multiscale structural transitions and enhanced conformational stability on subnanometer and nanometer length scales. On mesoscopic length scales, the suspensions display exceptional homogeneity and colloidal stability. We attribute this feature to steric repulsions between grafted chains and the space-filling constraint on the tethered chains in the single-component self-suspended materials, which inhibits phase segregation. On macroscopic length scales, the suspensions exist as neat fluids that exhibit soft glassy rheology and, counterintuitively, enhanced elasticity with increasing temperature. This feature is discussed in terms of increased interpenetration of the grafted chains and jamming of the nanoparticles.

I. INTRODUCTION Dispersions of small particles in simple liquids have been studied for at least a century to understand their interaction forces and dynamics.1−4 In recent years, interest in suspensions of particles with nanometer-sized dimensions has grown in response to their exceptional promise for applications in multiple fields of technology. In medicine, they are receiving increasing attention as therepeutics5,6 and for biomedical imaging.7−10 In energy harvesting and storage, nanosize particles have been reported to provide attractive attributes when used as tunable components in the anode, cathode, or electrolyte.11−24 Because of their small size, surface forces dominate and the difficulty in preparing dispersions of unaggregated nanoparticles is well known and has been extensively studied. This challenge has nevertheless hindered fundamental studies of the materials and delayed progress in understanding their colloidal science.25−27 A variety of approaches have been reported in the literature for controlling the phase stability of large and small particles. Only two are regarded as sufficiently versatile to be employed in practice: electrostatic stabilization28,29 using charges physically adsorbed to the particle surface in solution and steric stabilization using physically/chemically attached polymers.30−35 Recently, the concept of solventless nanoparticle fluids has been proposed as a means of creating macroscopic materials in which each and every building block is a nanoparticle−polymer hybrid object. These materials bear structural resemblances to block copolymer micelles and to multiarm star polymers,36−42 © 2015 American Chemical Society

except that their core is a discrete inorganic nanoparticle. Created by grafting short polymer chains to particles at high grafting densities, it has been reported that the materials exhibit remarkable phase stability and fluidity in the absence of a solvent.25,43,44 Theoretical studies show that the colloidal stability of such self-suspended suspensions arises from two sources: steric interactions between the tethered polymer chains and the requirement that the tethered chains must fill the interparticle space in the absence of a suspending medium.45,46 Density functional theoretical and molecular simulation studies further show that each nanoparticle in a self-suspended material carries its own share of the suspending fluid (the tethered polymer) on its back such that exactly one neighboring core is excluded by each hairy nanoparticle. This feature of the materials simultaneously makes them analogous to incompressible, single-component fluids composed of molecular units and leads to a vanishing structure factor S(q > 0) = 045,46 and good model systems for understanding the interactions, structure, and dynamics of soft colloids.45−49 A fundamental question that arises in the context of using self-suspended materials as model systems for soft colloids arises from the fidelity of the ligand coupling34,35 achieved with the ionic sulfonic acid−amine bond most commonly used for creating the most widely studied examples of these Received: December 11, 2014 Revised: February 19, 2015 Published: February 24, 2015 3222

DOI: 10.1021/la5048326 Langmuir 2015, 31, 3222−3231



Figure 1. (a) Reaction schematic for synthesizing the functionalized PEO and then tethering it to silica. (b) Upturned vial showing liquidlike behavior of solventless covalently grafted nanoparticles. (c) Typical transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image of the covalently grafted hairy nanoparticles. The scale for all of the images is 200 nm.

materials.25,43,50 Additionally, recent work by Fernandez et al. shows that electrostatic interactions between an ionically linked particle core and corona can lead to complex layering of the charged core and corona.51 In particular, these authors found that the diffusivity of the grafted polymeric chains does not correlate with the hard-sphere-like diffusivity of the core51,52 and instead point out that the exchange of polymers between a bilayer of chains tethered to the particles creates a dynamic interface between the particle core and polymer corona.51,52 In a model self-suspended system of nanoparticles, this exchange is undesirable. Herein we report a synthesis strategy for creating truly selfsuspended suspensions of nanoparticles in which polymeric ligands are covalently grafted to nanoparticles at high coverage. These materials spontaneously transition to a homogeneous fluid state in the absence of any solvent and exhibit jammed, soft glassy rheology behavior at much lower particle volume fractions than found in conventional colloidal suspensions. The materials open new opportunities for both fundamental studies and for applications where the particles must be exposed to high-dielectric-constant, polar solvents that may dissociate the polymer−particle linkages in their more widely studied ionic counterparts. We show by means of scattering experiments and rheology that the materials are self-suspended, exhibit hierarchical structure, and display distinct soft glassy fluid rheology characteristic of jammed colloidal suspensions.

from Sigma-Aldrich) with the amine group present in aminopoly(ethylene oxide) (MW ≈ 5000 Da, PDI ≈ 1.1, purchased from Polymer Source) in a stoichiometric ratio, creating a stable urethane bond between the core and corona. In the next step, the silanized PEO is reacted with the hydroxyl groups on the surface of a silica nanoparticle (SM-30, Sigma-Aldrich) with diameter 10 ± 2 nm (Figure S1) The excess polymer chains were removed from the system by repeated centrifugation in a chloroform−hexane mixture. This is an important step in making sure that there are no extra polymeric chains other than what is carried by the nanoparticles. The inorganic content of these hairy nanoparticles was analyzed after each centrifugation cycle using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) on a TGA Q1000 (TA Instruments). The inorganic content was found to decrease with successive cycles, finally reaching a constant value. The TGA for different samples revealed inorganic contents of 16.97, 26.03, 37.21, and 42% corresponding to grafting densities of approximately 1.18, 1.03, 0.703, and 0.576 chains/nm2, respectively. 2. Characterization. The sample for the transmission electron micrograph (TEM) was prepared by the solvent-casting method. Dilute suspensions of the nanoparticles in chloroform were dropped on copper grids, which were subsequently annealed at 65 °C for 24 h to ensure complete evaporation of chloroform and uniform particle dispersion. 1 H NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectra were collected on a NOVA 600 MHz NMR operating at 599.50 MHz at 25 °C to confirm the formation of the covalent bond. The chemical shifts were referenced to CDCl3 as standards. Two-dimensional 1H−13C shortrange correlation spectra were recorded through edited HSQC (heteronuclear single quantum correlation) using the HSQCAD sequence in CDCl3. HMBC (heteronulear multiple bond correlation) experiment was performed with the gradient HMBCAD sequence in CDCl3 for long-range correlation. The melting temperature of tethered and free PEO chains were studied using differential scanning calorimetry on a DSC Q2000 (TA Instruments). Further analysis of chain conformations was done using attenuated total reflectance−Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR FTIR) on a Nicolet iS10 FTIR spectrometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific) equipped with a deuterated triglycine sulfate (DTGS) detector and a SMART iTR diamond ATR accessory.

II. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 1. Synthesis of Self-Suspended Covalently Grafted Nanoparticles. Figure 1(a) shows the reaction scheme used for the synthesis. Briefly, these covalently grafted hairy nanoparticles are synthesized in a two-step process in which the polymer is first functionalized with a silane group, after which it is grafted to the silica nanoparticle surface. In the first step of reaction, the polymer (in this case poly(ethylene oxide),) was attached to a silane group by reacting the isocyanate group in 3-(triethoxysilyl) propyl isocyanate (purchased 3223

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Figure 2. (a) FTIR spectra of a tethered PEO chain, free PEO, and 3-(triethoxysilyl)propyl isocyanate. (b) 1H NMR spectra with structural assignments of functionalized PEO. (c) DSC thermograms of free PEO (solid line) and tethered PEO chains (dashed lines). Free PEO chains have three types of crystallite structuresextended, once folded, and twice foldedas seen on going from high to low temperature corresponding to the three peaks while the tethered chains have just the extended-type crystallite structure and thus only one peak in the DSC. equipped with a 10 mm cone and a plate fixture at temperatures ranging from 70 to 150 °C. All of the suspensions were presheared to erase any strain history before characterizing their rheological behaviors. Variable-amplitude oscillatory measurements were performed at a fixed angular frequency of ω = 10 rad/s.

3. Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Measurements. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements were performed at Station D1 of the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) using a point-collimated X-ray beam. Samples were smeared on a thermal sample cell, and the measurements were performed at different temperatures above the melting temperature of PEO. The measured scattering intensity, I(q), depends on wave vector q and particle volume fraction φ as I(q , φ) = P(q) S(q , φ)

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION On macroscopic length scales, these materials exhibit liquidlike behavior, even in the absence of a solvent as evident from Figure 1(b), while on the nanoscale, as observed from the transmission electron micrograph (TEM) for these systems, shown in Figure 1(c), each nanoparticle is uniformly dispersed and well segregated from each other. It is remarkable that there is no aggregation or phase separation in the sea of nanoparticles.


where P(q) and S(q, φ) represent the particle form factor and the interparticle structure factor, respectively. Because in the limit of infinite dilution S(q, φ → 0) ≈ 1, the particle form factor can thus be obtained from the scattering intensities of dilute aqueous suspensions of particles. The structure factor can then be obtained by normalizing the scattering intensity with the form factor. 4. Rheological Characterization. Oscillatory shear measurements were performed using a MCR501 (Anton Paar) rheometer 3224

DOI: 10.1021/la5048326 Langmuir 2015, 31, 3222−3231



Figure 3. (a) FTIR spectra for tethered PEO chains with different grafting densities and for free PEO chains. (b) Intensity ratios as obtained from the Gaussian fitting between helix and zigzag structures of tethered (squares) and free (dashed line) PEO chains. (c) Intensity ratio between gauche (wavenumber ≈ 1357 cm−1) and trans (wavenumber ≈ 1342 cm−1) conformations of C−C bonds of tethered (triangles) and free (dashed line) PEO chains. The decrease in grafting density leads to increased helix and gauche conformations for the tethered chains, indicating enhanced stability.

The formation of covalent bond is mapped using FTIR and NMR techniques. Figure 2(a) shows the infrared spectra for monoamine-terminated poly(ethylene oxide), silane propyl isocyanate, and silane-terminated PEO. It is clearly observed that the −NCO peak (2270 cm−1) present in the silane propyl isocyanate is consumed, while in the silane-terminated PEO there is evidence of the formation of the urethane bond indicated by the −NH bond (3350 cm−1) and −CO bond (1640 cm−1).53 Also, to further confirm the reaction step, 2D HSQC and HMBC NMR experiments were performed on silanized PEO (shown in Figure S2). Figure 2(b) shows the 1H NMR spectrum with structural assignments of the functionalized PEO. All of the chemical species and bonds in the expected structure of silanized PEO are observed in the NMR spectrum. This confirms the formation of a covalent bond between silane isocyanate and the PEO chain. The stability of the covalently grafted particles can be contrasted with that of their ionic counterparts using centrifugation at 10 000 rpm for 1 h in water. Figure S3(a,b) in Supporting Information shows the inorganic content of the ionic and covalently grafted nanoparticles before and after this treatment. Owing to the ionic linkage and dissociation of ions in a high-dielectric-constant medium, there is a noticeable loss of polymer chains in the ionically grafted materials under a high centrifugal force in the presence of water. This can be contrasted with the covalently grafted nanoparticles where the net polymer content is essentially completely preserved after ultracentrifugation under the same conditions! Furthermore, it is shown in Figure S3(c) of the Supporting Information that the amplitude sweep curves obtained from rheological

measurements overlap for samples before and after ultracentrifugation. It has been previously reported that an untethered PEO has three melting peaks owing to three types of crystallites while there is just one melting peak (single crystallite) present in tethered PEO polymer.54 Figure 2(c) indeed shows the reduction of melting modes from three to one in the DSC thermogram of PEO after the above steps, again confirming the absence of free chains and the covalent linkage of the PEO onto silica particles. The reduction of the degrees of freedom in polymer chains by surface confinement has been previously reported to lead to stable conformations.54,55 Figure 3(a) reports results from FTIR measurements on covalent SiO2−PEO systems with different grafting densities. For a PEO polymer, the chain conformations can be determined using the relative intensities of the FTIR peaks.18,54,56,57 The most stable conformation in a PEO strand is trans−trans−gauche followed by trans−trans− trans in (−O−CH2−CH2), which ultimately form the building blocks for helixlike and zigzag unit cells, respectively.18,54,56,57 These hairy nanoparticles can be characterized using only C−C trans and gauche conformation modes of CH2 (1342−1360 cm−1) (shown in Table STI in the Supporting Information). The relative FTIR intensities were measured by deconvoluting the peak using a Gaussian fit (shown in Figure S4 of the Supporting Information). Figure 3(b,c) shows the relative conformational abundance on the angstrom scale and nanometer scale, respectively. The tethered PEO chains are seen to exhibit a higher abundance of gauche conformations at lower grafting density (shown in Figure 3(b)). It is known that the gauche state has lower energy than the trans state in a C−C 3225

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Figure 4. Structure factor, S(q), varies with the wave vector nondimensionalized with the core radius, qa, for (a) Σ ≈ 1.18 chains/nm2, (b) Σ ≈ 1.03 chains/nm2, (c) Σ ≈ 0.703 chains/nm2, and (d) Σ ≈ 0.576 chains/nm2. The red circles are for experimental values, the solid blue lines represent the DFT fit, and the dotted black lines are for hard-sphere calculations. Symbols in (d) are for hard-sphere calculations.

bond.18,54 Thus, it can be concluded that on the molecular level the PEO chains are more thermodynamically stable when tethered at a lower grafting density. On the mesoscale, the helix- and zigzag-type unit cells were counted by adding the intensities at each assigned peak, as given in Table STI of the Supporting Information. Figure 3(c) shows the proportion of these two types of structures at various grafting densities (Σ). Again, the PEO chains in lower grafting densities are seen to have higher stability owing to the fact that the helix unit cell is more stable than the zigzag type.18,54 Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements were employed to study structural changes in the materials as the grafting density of tethered chains is varied. The scattering intensities shown in Figure S5 show no evidence of the upturn in the low-q region58 typically observed in suspensions of nanoparticles and in polymer−nanoparticle composite materials. This upturn is associated with particle−particle aggregates; its absence for the present materials is significant because it means that the hairy particles are well dispersed with no aggregation or phase separation. Figure 4 reports the structure factor S(q) for different grafting densities (Σ) as a function of the wave vector q nondimensionalized with the particle core radius a. The structure factors determined from experiment are compared to the predictions from DFT theory for selfsuspended NOHMs45,59 and to reference hard-sphere systems. It is evident from Figure 4 that both the S(q) results from experiment and from DFT theory show stronger nearestneighbor peaks than observed for the corresponding hardsphere suspensions, indicative of enhanced particle−particle correlations in the self-suspended materials. Additionally, the first structure factor peak is seen to be shifted to a smaller q value, which is consistent with the larger interparticle separation due to steric repulsion from the tethered polymer chains. Finally, in the low-q region, S(q) values for the self-suspended materials obtained from both experiment and DFT analysis are

noticeably lower than the corresponding results for hard-sphere suspensions. This feature has been reported previously to reflect the entropic penalty imposed on the tethered chains to uniformly fill the spaces between the cores.45 A notable feature of the self-suspended covalently grafted nanoparticles is the presence of a stronger first peak than the second peak in S(q). The first peak is believed to reflect the steric repulsion of the chains, and the second peak is thought to reflect the entropic attraction between the chains. In contrast to previous observations based on self-suspended suspensions of ionically grafted particles,59 where the first peak was found to be weaker for densely grafted systems, the stronger first peak observed for the present systems at both low and high grafting densities is a consequence of the permanent bond between the chains and the particle surface. Remarkably, the observation of a weaker second peak has also been observed in computer simulations of self-suspended particles.47 It is postulated that this feature reflects the fact that chains in covalently grafted hairy nanoparticles are directly tethered to the surface of the particle core as opposed to previous studies where electrostatic interactions between the positively charged core and negatively charged corona52,59 produce stronger S(q) peaks at higher q. A recently developed version of the DFT theory for selfsuspended materials59 allows polydispersities in core size and grafting densities Σ to be obtained by fitting experimental S(q) data. Figure S1 shows the polydispersity in core size extracted by fitting the form factor of a dilute suspension using a Gaussian function. It shows an average size of 10 ± 2 nm, which corresponds to a polydispersity of 20% in core size. With the known core size and polydispersity, the polydispersities in grafting density for different systems obtained from the DFT analysis of S(q) are reported in Table 1. It can be noted that with increasing Σ, or decreasing particle volume fraction, the polydispersity in the grafting density increases. This suggests that the stronger entropic constraints on the chains at lower 3226

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where the chains are not able to stretch out as much and thus the particles are much closer and the correlation is hence much enhanced. A potentially even more interesting feature is the increasing S(q) value at low q → 0 with the increase in Σ, as shown in Figure 5(c). A lower S(0) value at lower grafting densities indicates a more uniform distribution for particles than at higher grafting densities. The S(0) value for experimental systems was extracted by performing a quadratic fit for S(q) in the low q region (qa < 1.5) and was then extrapolated to q = 0. It is noteworthy,that the S(0) values for the experiment are comparable to theory and are much lower than the hard-sphere values, which is strong evidence of a more uniform distribution for self-suspended particles as opposed to hard spheres. We performed oscillatory shear experiments at variable shear strain to investigate the properties of these self-suspended nanoparticles on macroscopic length scales. The observed material response (inset of Figure 6(a)) is typical of a soft glass43,60,61 wherein the storage modulus G′ dominates the loss modulus G″ at low strain values and on further increasing the strain a prominent maximum is observed in G″, which is now understood to be associated with breaking the cages that neighboring particles exert on each other. Figure 6(a) reports the effect of temperature on the strain-dependent rheological response of the materials. We observe that the loss maximum increases with temperature, indicating enhanced jamming because the height of G″ is a reflection of the degree of jamming in the system. This conclusion is confirmed by a clear decrease in the loss tangent, tan δ (= G″/G′) with increasing temperature (Figure 6(c)), indicative of an enhancement in jamming with increasing temperature. As previously seen in ionically grafted silica nanoparticles,50 the measurement temperature has no noticeable effect on the location of the first peak in S(q) (Figure 6b)) for the covalently grafted self-

Table 1. Polydispersity in Grafting Densities As Calculated from DFT grafting density (chains/nm2)

polydispersity in grafting density (%)

1.18 1.03 0.703 0.576

42 35 20 5

Table 2. VFT Fit Parameters for Noise Temperature X for Systems with Different Grafting Densities grafting density (chains/nm2)




1.18 0.703 0.576

1.0 1.029 1.004

2.006 0.967 2.537

327.42 323 323

volume fraction can be released more efficiently by introducing more polydispersity into the grafting density. Figure 5(a) compares the interparticle distance, dp‑p, extracted from the first peak position of S(q). It can be seen that dp‑p increases with Σ, which is not surprising as a higher grafting density means that the tethered chains are more effective at keeping the cores apart and thus exhibit an effectively higher steric repulsion as compared to systems with lower grafting densities. The experimental dp‑p is also roughly consistent with the theoretical estimate dp‑p = 2a(0.63/φ)1/3 for random close-packed spheres, where φ is the particle volume fraction. A similar trend is manifested in the decrease in peak height of the first peak S(qpeak) (Figure 5(b)) with increasing grafting density. Because densely tethered cores are able to push each other more due to stronger steric repulsion by the tethered chains, this results in a decrease in correlation among the nearest neighbors as opposed to the sparsely tethered cores

Figure 5. (a) Interparticle distance, dp‑p, extracted from the experimental S(q) (closed symbols) increases with grafting density. A similar trend is observed for theoretical dp‑p (open symbols). The dashed lines are a guide to the eye. (b) The height of first peak of S(q) decreases while the (c) S(0) values increases with increasing grafting density. The experimental values agree well with DFT, and the HS S(0) values are seen to be higher. 3227

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Figure 6. (a) The height of the normalized loss maximum, G″/G″γ→0, increases with temperature. The inset shows a typical soft glassy response of the material. All measurements are performed at ω = 10 rad/s. (b) The interparticle distance does not change with temperature, as observed from the variation of the first peak of structure factor S(q) with wave vector q at different temperatures for the system. (c) The loss tangent, tan δ, decreases with temperature. All results are for Σ ≈ 1.18 chains/nm2. The inset shows a decrease in noise temperature, X, with temperature. The dashed line is the VFT fit to the data.

Figure 7. (a) G′ in the linear viscoelastic regime decreases with increasing grafting density while (b) the cage size, R, estimated from G′ and SAXS, and (c) the linear viscoelastic loss tangent, tan δγ0, increases with increasing grafting density. The lines are guides for the eye. 3228

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nanoparticle−polymer composite in which each and every building block is itself a nanoparticle−polymer composite. On nanometer length scales, the materials show the dominance of thermodynamically stable conformational modes in the polymer strands compared to free polymer. On mesoscopic length scales, we observe that these systems exhibit less heterogeneity as opposed to their ionic counterparts and have stronger steric repulsions due to the absence of any electrostatic interactions between the core and corona, conforming to the observations from DFT results. On macroscopic length scales, dynamic rheology measurements firmly place the materials in the universality class of soft glasses, but we find that temperature can enhance jamming in the systems, an unexpected result for a true soft glass where the cage energy is considered to be substantially higher than kT.

suspended nanoparticles. This implies that changing the temperature does not alter the interparticle spacing but rather the increase in temperature appears to lead to enhanced corona interpenetration and thereby to tighter cages and enhanced jamming. This temperature-induced jamming of the system can be quantified using a parameter referred to as noise temperature, X, which has been described in the soft glassy rheology (SGR) model61,62 as an indication of the amount of energy available for each particle to hop out of its potential energy well in the energy landscape. The noise temperature can be related to the loss tangent as X = 1 + (2/π)δ.42,52 The inset of Figure 6(c) shows a decreasing trend for X with increasing temperature for a material with Σ ≈ 1.18 chains/nm2, implying that the jammed nanoparticles have less energy available for hopping at higher temperatures, meaning that the soft glass is indeed more jammed at higher temperatures than at lower ones. Similar thermal jamming is seen at lower grafting densities of 0.703 and 0.576 chains/nm2 as shown in the Supporting Information. It is striking that the dependence of X on T follows the Vogel− Fulcher−Tammann (VFT) fit:63 X = A exp(B/(T − T*)), where A is the high-temperature value of X, B is the activation energy, and T* is the Vogel temperature. T* values for all of the materials studied are listed in Table 2. It is remarkable that, irrespective of the grafting density, T* is close to the melting point of PEG, indicating that the tethered chains play a crucial role in determine the dependence of X on T. It is also notable that the value of A is always close to unity, indicating that the colloidal glass transition occurs at high temperature. The thermal jamming observed here is reminiscent of the thermal vitrification reported in star polymers.64,65 In those systems, however, the behavior has enthalpic origins and arises from the fact that the star polymers form clusters due to improved solvent quality on heating. For the current materials, the spacefilling constraint imposed on the tethered chains and absence of a solvent prevent the formation of clusters, implying that thermal jamming has an entirely entropic origin. The effect of grafting density (Σ) on cage strength can also be deduced from the rheological data. In particular, from Figure 7(a) it is apparent that the value of G′ in the linear viscoelastic regime decreases with increasing Σ. Previous studies have shown that G′ varies as ∼kT/r2locD, where rloc is the particle localization length and D is the particle diameter.66,67 In the present systems, the cage is determined both by the interactions of the tethered chains and the particles to which they are attached. The cage dimension can thus be estimated using the following simple formula G′ ≈ kT/R3, where 2R is the effective cage size. The cage size estimated from G′ is close to the value obtained from SAXS as 2R = dp‑p − 2a (Figure 6b)) and is seen to increase with an increase in Σ, implying that the materials become less jammed on increasing the grafting density. This behavior is consistent with the result obtained by plotting tan δ as a function of Σ (Figure 6c)). The increase in tan δ with Σ indicates unjamming of the system on adding more chains to the particles, which clearly indicates that the cage strength is lowered by an increase in grafting density.


S Supporting Information *

The significance of noise temperature X and description of the VFT fits for the variation of X with temperature. HSQC and HMBC 1H NMR spectral characterization of the hairy particles. Comparison of physical features of covalently and ionically grafted particles after ultracentrifugation. Gaussian fit to the FTIR peaks for tethered PEO chains. Variation of intensity measured from SAXS as a function of wave vector for particles with different grafting densities. Variation of the normalized loss modulus, loss tangent, and noise temperature as a function of thermodynamic temperature, including fits with the VFT equation with temperature for grafting densities of 0.7 and 0.58 chains/nm2. Comparison of different vibrational peaks for free and tethered PEO chains and their corresponding conformations. VFT parameters for systems with different grafting densities. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Author Contributions †

S.C. and A.A. contributed equally to this article.


The authors declare the following competing financial interest(s): Prof. Archer is a Founder and Scientific Adviser of NOHMS Technologies. The company is developing nanoparticle-based high-voltage electrolytes and electrodes for lithium−sulfur secondary batteries.


This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, award no. DMR-1006323, and by award no. KUS-C1-018-02 from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Use of the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source was supported by the U.S. DOE under contract no. DEAC02-06CH11357. This work made use of the Cornell Center for Materials Research Shared Facilities, which is supported through the NSF MRSEC program (DMR-1120296). We thank Dr. Rajesh Mallavajula for his insights and ideas. We acknowledge Dr. Ivan Keresztes for help with the NMR experiment. We also thank Adithya Sagar Gurram for his help with the DFT calculations.

IV. CONCLUSIONS We report a facile route for creating self-suspended nanoparticles in which each particle can be thought to carry its own share of liquid covalently tethered to the particle surface. The materials are found to exhibit outstanding phase stability in the absence of any solvent. They are among the first example of a 3229

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