Semicontinuous Distillation of Quaternary Mixtures Using One

Apr 21, 2015 - A novel semicontinuous system for the separation of quaternary liquid mixtures is presented in this work. This semicontinuous system is...
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Semicontinuous Distillation of Quaternary Mixtures Using One Distillation Column and Two Integrated Middle Vessels Kushlani N. Wijesekera and Thomas A. Adams, II* Department of Chemical Engineering, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, L8S 4L7 ABSTRACT: A novel semicontinuous system for the separation of quaternary liquid mixtures is presented in this work. This semicontinuous system is a process intensification technique that uses one distillation column and two integrated middle vessels to achieve a separation which would traditionally be carried out using three continuous distillation columns. The system is a theoretical extension of the conventional ternary semicontinuous process, which has been repeatedly demonstrated to be profitable at intermediate flow rates when compared to continuous systems. Dynamic simulation results are used to demonstrate feasibility and performance of the system for three examples: a mixture of n-hexane, n-heptane, n-octane, and n-nonane, a mixture of benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene, and o-xylene, and a mixture of six alcohols and water. The results show that this new technique can achieve separation objectives while staying within safe operating limits. The semicontinuous system for the first example is compared to a conventional continuous system and is shown to be more profitable for low to intermediate production rates. intermediate flow rates.3 These processes include growing industries such as specialty chemicals6 and biorefineries.7 In contrast to the bulk chemicals industry, these areas are better suited for intermediate capacities because of the flexibility required by supply and demand uncertainty.7−11 For example, some pharmaceutical chemicals are produced at low volumes because of the short lifetime of final products.10 Similarly, plant capacity of biorefineries are sensitive to several factors such as biomass feedstock supply and spatial distribution and are generally operated at intermediate flow rates.12 Studies have shown that the use of multiple smaller, distributed biorefineries, instead of one large centralized plant can show significant cost savings due to lower transportation costs.13 Bowling et al. presented a systematic approach for optimal placement of distributed biorefineries and concluded that distributed configurations with smaller individual plants were more profitable than centralized solutions.14 Later, Sultana and Kumar carried out a similar study and determined that multiple distributed facilities would be economically favorable.15 More recently, Daoutidis et al. provided a perspective on biomass conversion processes and found that there is a movement toward local biomass-to-biofuel processing facilities with small-scale design units.16 Then in 2014, Santibañez-Aguilar et al. proposed an optimization model to design and plan distributed biorefineries and established that optimal configurations required distributed biomass processing units situated near local harvesting sites.17 Following these results, it seems that semicontinuous separation would be an ideal candidate for smaller, distributed biorefineries. While it has been well illustrated that semicontinuous separation is more profitable at intermediate production rates for a variety of applications, the focus has been on ternary

1. INTRODUCTION Distillation is one of the most commonly used chemical separation technologies and contributes to a large portion of the costs of most chemical processes. Because of this, even small improvements in distillation technology can have large impacts. One such approach is process intensification. The idea behind process intensification is to reduce the amount or size of equipment through innovative designs.1,2 Semicontinuous distillation is an example of a process intensification strategy. In a ternary semicontinuous distillation system, the middle vessel (MV) is charged with the liquid chemical mixture that needs to be separated into three parts. This MV continuously feeds the column while receiving a side draw from the column. The intermediate-boiling component concentrates in the MV while the light and heavy components are removed in the distillate and bottom streams, respectively. Once the intermediate product purity is reached, the liquid in the MV is drained and collected and the cycle is repeated, thus achieving the same separation as if two continuous distillation columns were used. Ternary semicontinuous separation methods have been well developed over the last 15 years. Adams and Pascall provide a thorough review on ternary semicontinuous separation methods, detailing various applications and methods used in this separation technique.3 More recently, significant advancements have been made to expand the applicability of semicontinuous systems. In 2013, Pascall and Adams presented a methodology for a semicontinuous approach to biomass-to-dimethyl ether (DME) production.4 They showed that significant reductions in cost are achieved by using semicontinuous separation for intermediate flow rates. In 2014, Meidanshahi and Adams proposed a new semicontinuous configuration without the use of MVs.5 They showed that semicontinuous systems without MVs outperformed both conventional semicontinuous systems and conventional continuous systems for some cases. These ternary semicontinuous systems, among many others, have shown the possibility of reducing costs for processes that operate at © 2015 American Chemical Society

Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 5294

November 21, 2014 April 17, 2015 April 21, 2015 April 21, 2015 DOI: 10.1021/ie504584y Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54, 5294−5306


Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Figure 1. Schematic of ternary (A) and quaternary (C) semicontinuous separation processes, with middle vessel mole fraction trajectories (B) and (D).

separation. Therefore, in this study we extend the applicability of conventional ternary semicontinuous separation to the semicontinuous separation of a quaternary mixture. Intermediate capacity plants requiring the separation of four or more components in a compact space may be able to benefit from using a semicontinuous quaternary separation because of its ability to achieve specified purity objectives using just one column and two MVs. The proposed design would require much less capital than a traditional continuous distillation configuration, which would require three columns to separate four components. To the best of our knowledge, this concept has never been proposed previously in the open literature. Figure 1 shows a comparison between ternary and quaternary semicontinuous systems. Figure 1A shows a conventional ternary semicontinuous separation method for the separation of A, B, and C, where the components are ordered in decreasing volatility. The intermediate component, B, accumulates in the MV, as seen in the mole fraction trajectory in Figure 1B. This configuration has been used for many applications for more than a decade. Figure 1C shows the proposed quaternary semicontinuous system for a mixture of A, B, C, and D, ordered in decreasing relative volatilities. This configuration separates a quaternary mixture into nearly pure components by using a single distillation column and two highly integrated MVs. The two intermediate components, B and C, accumulate in their respective MV, as seen in Figure 1D. The quaternary semicontinuous separation process is described in detail in section 2.2. The lower capital cost of this system (compared to the threecolumn continuous alternative) is attractive to companies who desire rapid development and quick turnarounds, which is important when considering market uncertainty and investment risk, especially for smaller systems. This system is also flexible, which means that variations in feed mixture composition can be effectively handled. The feasibility of quaternary semicontinuous

separation is analyzed through rigorous simulations over a range of production capacities. To determine the feasibility of the semicontinuous quaternary separation design, three case studies were considered: (1) Equimolar mixture of alkanes (n-hexane, n-heptane, n-octane, n-nonane). (2) Equimolar mixture of aromatics (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene). (3) Nonideal mixture of mixed-alcohols (methanol, ethanol, and water; propanol; isobutanol; pentanol and hexanol). Case study 1 is used as a proof-of-concept because the relative volatilities and boiling point temperatures are in easily manageable ranges. A parametric analysis, a disturbance rejection analysis, and an economic comparison to a conventional continuous process are conducted on this alkane mixture. Case studies 2 and 3 are used to show the application of this system to industrially relevant examples of separating petrochemical derivatives and producing biofuels, respectively. The separation of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene (BTEX) from industrial waste is important as it contains volatile organic compounds that can be harmful to the environment.18 In case study 3, the main goal of the separation of a reaction mixture produced by a mixed alcohol synthesis catalyst is to obtain a fuel grade quality isobutanol stream. Biomass-derived isobutanol is a biofuel that has a high energy content, low affinity to water, and higher compatibility with existing internal combustion engines.19 For all examples, the proposed system is simulated in Aspen Dynamics V8.0 with appropriate control configurations that have been studied in depth previously for ternary systems.4

2. PROCESS DESCRIPTION 2.1. Conventional Continuous System. Traditionally, N-1 distillation columns are required to separate an N-component nonazeotropic mixture using continuous separation.20 The 5295

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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

3. PROCESS SIMULATION 3.1. Continuous Process. The continuous distillation process for case study 1 was modeled in Aspen Plus (V8.0 was used in this study) using the equilibrium-based RadFrac model. The vapor−liquid equilibrium (VLE) is modeled using the UNIQUAC activity coefficient model with the Redlich−Kwong equation of state for the vapor phase (UNIQUAC-RK). The default binary parameters contained in the Aspen databank were used. The first column was modeled with 40 stages, with the feed entering stage 15 at 100 °C and 1.14 atm (1.16 bar). The second and third columns were modeled with 24 and 30 stages, respectively. A pressure drop of 0.0068 bar per tray and Murphree efficiency of 85% were used for all three columns. 3.2. Semicontinuous Process. Before simulating the dynamic semicontinuous system, a steady state simulation was modeled in Aspen Plus. The design spec/vary function within the RadFrac unit in Aspen Plus was used to achieve the desired distillate and bottoms purities, by varying the reflux and boilup ratios. The locations of the feed and side draws were manually adjusted to ensure that these constrained purities are met. In this simulation, the side draws from the column are not recycled back into the MVs in order to ensure convergence to a steady state solution. Although the semicontinuous process never reaches a steady state, the Aspen Plus steady state simulation provides a good approximation of the state of the column at the beginning of mode 2, which is used as a starting point for dynamic simulation. Once the simulation is exported to Aspen Dynamics as a pressure-driven simulation and initialized, then a control structure is added, the side streams are connected to the MVs, and dynamic simulation can begin. In Aspen Dynamics, several cycles are executed, and the system reaches a stable limit cycle within one or two cycles. Those early cycles are merely a result of the strategy used to find a stable limit cycle and have little real-world meaning, so throughout this work, the trajectories shown define time zero as the beginning of mode 2 of the first stable limit cycle. In case study 1, the distillation column is simulated using an equilibrium-based RadFrac model with 50 stages. The VLE is modeled using the UNIQUAC-RK property method, and the feed enters the column at 100 °C and 1.14 atm (1.16 bar). In case study 2, the column is simulated with 100 stages and the feed enters the column at 85 °C and 1.14 atm. Phase equilibria are modeled using the Non-Random-Two-Liquid activity coefficient model (NRTL) and ideal gas in the vapor phase. In case study 3, the column is simulated with 60 stages, the feed enters the process at 94 °C and 1.32 atm (1.34 bar), and the VLE is modeled using the Non-Random-Two-Liquid activity coefficient model with the Redlich−Kwong equation of state (NRTL-RK). For each case, the physical property methods were chosen because they were shown to match experimental phase equilibrium data very well when used with the default parameters found in the Aspen Properties database.21−23 It is assumed that the columns have a constant Murphree efficiency of 85% for all trays and use atmospheric pressure as the set point in the reflux drum. The MVs are sized to each hold roughly 25 kmol of fresh feed (this is varied later as a parameter, see section 4.2.2) and a pressure set point large enough to meet the column pressure after accounting for losses. Design heuristics, as defined by Luyben, are used to size the reflux drum and sump to allow for 10 min of liquid holdup.24 These values are reasonable choices for this case study as they have been used in similar systems.4−6

columns can be arranged in a variety of different configurations, known as distillation column sequences, and the number of possible configurations increases combinatorially as N increases.20,21 For example, a four component feed has 18 possible configurations, while a 7 component feed has 185 421 possible configurations.21 Figure 2 shows the continuous separation configuration chosen

Figure 2. Conventional continuous separation process.

for this study where the two lightest components are separated in the second column and the heavier components are separated in the third column. 2.2. Semicontinuous System. The semicontinuous quaternary separation design, depicted in Figure 1C, uses a single distillation column with two tightly integrated MVs. This separation system can be described by three operating modes that are used in a cyclic campaign. In mode 1, the mixture to be separated is charged to the MVs, divided evenly between them. During this mode, each MV both feeds to and receives a side draw from the distillation column which continues to operate. Distillate and bottoms are collected as well. However, mode 1 is relatively short, and the flow rates of the feeds, side draws, distillate, and bottoms are all rather small. Once the MV liquid levels have both reached their specified values, charging is complete and mode 2 begins. In mode 2, the feed to the MVs is stopped and the distillate (A) and bottoms (D) are removed in much larger but gradually diminishing flow rates, at the specified product purity. As the distillate and bottoms products are removed, the side stream components (rich in B and C) are recycled back to the MVs. During this mode, the one MV begins to concentrate in B and the other MV begins to concentrate in C. Once the MVs have reached the desired purity of either B or C, mode 3 begins. During this brief mode, the MVs are emptied of their contents. The distillation column continues to function with feeds, side draw, distillate, and bottoms streams all still active, although at low flow rates. The system cycles back to mode 1 once both MVs are nearly empty (a complete drain is avoided to ensure that the column feed is never interrupted). The process does not have startup or shutdown phases between cycles, and it exhibits unsteady-state behavior throughout each cycle. This semicontinuous quaternary separation is simulated according to the procedure described in section 3.2. 5296

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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Figure 3. Dynamic quaternary semicontinuous separation system.

The flow rate of the side draw is controlled using the ideal sidedraw recovery strategy to reduce loss of intermediate species and ensure high purity side streams. In ternary semicontinuous systems, this side draw flow rate is controlled by4,26

Since getting a suitable initial state in Aspen Plus is not trivial, it is useful to note that the columns in Aspen Plus were set to have a pressure drop of 0.0068 bar per tray for case study 1, a pressure drop of 0.0141 bar for case study 2, and a pressure drop of 0.0172 bar for case study 3. 3.3. Control. The forced cyclic design of this model means that the control schemes, which drive process dynamics, are paramount to the success of the process. This process has seven degrees of freedom (DOF): the condenser heat duty, the reboiler heat duty, feed to the column, distillate, bottoms, and side draw. The corresponding manipulated variables are condenser pressure, reflux and sump levels, distillate and bottoms compositions, and side draw flow rates. On the basis of previously developed heuristics that have been repeatedly shown to be quite successful in ternary semicontinuous systems at obtaining stable dynamic performance, the distillate and bottoms (“DB”) dual composition control structure is chosen for this simulation.4−6,25 “DB” control has been shown to provide good dynamic performance for semicontinuous systems because of the lack of mass balance constraints between the distillate and bottoms flow rates.25 Figure 3 depicts the control strategy used for the quaternary semicontinuous process. The condenser pressure is controlled by manipulating the condenser heat duty, and the sump level is controlled by manipulating the reboiler heat duty. In this case, the distillate and bottoms molar flow rates are used to control the distillate and bottoms compositions, respectively. These composition controllers are modeled with a dead time of 3 min, which is based on previously used heuristics.4−6,24 (a composition controller with a higher dead time of 10 min was also tested, and the resulting system was found to have essentially the same performance as one with a 3 min dead time). It should be noted that it has previously been shown that that temperatureinferential could be used instead of composition control with a 3 min dead time with approximately the same performance.4

S(t ) = F(t )xf,species(t )


where S(t) is the molar flow rate of the side draw, F(t) is the molar flow rate of the feed stream from the MV to the column, and xf,species(t) is the mole fraction of the intermediate species in the feed. In the case of quaternary semicontinuous separation, eq 1 has to be extended to deal with two intermediate species. In this case, the side draw flow rates are controlled by S1(t ) = F1(t )xf,light,1(t ) + F2(t )xf,light,2(t )


S2(t ) = F1(t )xf,heavy,1(t ) + F2(t )xf,heavy,2(t )


where S1(t) and S2(t) are the molar flow rates of each side draw, F1(t) and F2(t) are the molar flow rates of the feeds to the column, xf,light,1(t) and xf,light,2(t) are the mole fractions of the lighter intermediate species (i.e., n-heptane in the case study 1 example) in feed streams 1 and 2 to the column, and xf,heavy,1(t) and xf,heavy,2(t) are the mole fractions of the heavier intermediate species (i.e., n-octane in the case study 1 example) in feed streams 1 and 2 to the column. In most control structures used in ternary semicontinuous systems, the reflux drum level is controlled by manipulating the feed flow rate to the column. However, because the quaternary semicontinuous systems use two feed flows to the column, the drum level is controlled by manipulating the sum of F1 and F2. F1 and F2 are individually manipulated by adjusting valves V6 and V7 to ensure that the desired sum was obtained while keeping the ratio of the valve openings of V6 and V7 to be the same as the ratio of the molar holdup of MV1 to MV2: 5297

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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research ⎡ ⎛ ⎞ MV1,level(t ) ⎟⎟ V 6%opening (t ) = ⎢2⎜⎜ ⎢⎣ ⎝ MV1,level(t ) + MV2,level(t ) ⎠ ⎤ × LCoutput (t )⎥ ⎥⎦

cycles. During mode 2, the composition of the undesired species in each MV decreases steadily over time. As each intermediate component concentrates in its corresponding MV, the composition of each increases steadily over time. As expected, the system reaches a stable cycle throughout its campaign. Although not shown in the figures, simulations were run to 10 cycles or more to ensure that, indeed, the limit cycle was stable. Table 1 summarizes the tuning parameters and the feed and side draw locations for case study 1. Figure 4D shows the effectiveness of the composition controllers in maintaining a 95 mol % purity of the distillate and bottoms streams. Despite the significantly changing flow rates during each mode (shown in Figure 4E) and the transitions between cycles, the composition controllers are able to provide a fairly stable control. Similarly, the sump and reflux drum holdups are maintained to satisfaction as shown in Figure 4F. Also, Figure 4G shows how the liquid levels on the side draw trays are maintained throughout the cyclic campaign, and Figure 4H depicts how the reflux ratio varies through mode 2. Note the reflux ratio reaches infinity as the modes transition and the valve closes. One of the indirect benefits to this particular control configuration is that the liquid and vapor flow rates inside the column remain sufficiently balanced throughout the cycle such that flooding and weeping do not occur. Flooding and weeping calculations are computed throughout the cycle to ensure that these situations are avoided. The flooding approach is calculated using the Fair correlation.27 Flooding occurs due to excessive vapor flow, which causes entrainment of liquid leaving the downcomers. This phenomenon is considered to be an upper limit of tray operation.28 Figure 5 shows the flooding profile for each stage over four cycles. The flooding approach limit (80%) is never exceeded ensuring the column operates within safe operating limits. Weeping is a result of excessive flow of liquid through sieve tray perforations and is considered to be the lower limit of tray operation.28 During weeping, the vapor flow is insufficient to hold up the liquid on the trays and liquid leaks through the perforations. Weeping velocities in the top, bottom and middle sections are calculated using the equations shown by Mersmann et al.29 Weeping profiles for this system over four cycles is shown in Figure 6. The actual vapor velocities were calculated in Aspen Dynamics at each time step, and it is clear that the vapor velocities are always above the weeping velocity, thereby avoiding weeping. 4.2. Sensitivity Analysis. Systems with different column diameters or batch charges tend to operate similarly to each other as long as they use the same tuning parameters for the control system. For example, for the same control system tuning, systems with larger column diameters have larger product flow rates, larger side draw rates, and larger column feed flow rates in approximately the same proportion, and the shapes of the trajectories will be similar. These larger flow rates in turn lead to shorter cycle times. Conversely, systems with larger MVs (i.e., larger batch charges), have longer cycle times, although more will be processed per cycle. However, in both cases, there are tradeoffs in terms of the total annualized costs (TAC), and so the effect of changes in these parameters is explored in this section. The TAC is calculated using eqs 6−8, assuming a 3-year plant lifetime (payback period) and 8400 h per year of operation, which is based on values used in similar studies.4−6


⎡ ⎛ ⎞ MV2,level(t ) ⎟⎟ V 7%opening(t ) = ⎢2⎜⎜ ⎢⎣ ⎝ MV1,level(t ) + MV2,level(t ) ⎠ ⎤ × LCoutput (t )⎥ ⎥⎦


where V6%opening (t) and V7%opening (t) are the valves manipulating F1 and F2, MV1,level (t) and MV2,level (t) are the middle vessel liquid levels, and LCoutput(t) is the reflux drum controller output. In all three cases, this strategy was shown to be successful at maintaining appropriate reflux drum levels while ensuring that both MVs reach their purity goals at approximately the same time each cycle. Composition and pressure loops use proportional-integral (PI) control while level and side draw controllers use proportional-only (P) control because they do not require stringent control. The controllers are manually tuned to attempt to minimize the integral squared error (ISE) of the distillate and bottoms compositions. Changes between operational modes are handled using the event-driven task feature in Aspen Dynamics which controls the opening and closing of valves as appropriate. In mode 1, valves V2 and V3 are fully opened until the specified MV liquid level is reached. Valves V4 and V5 are closed during this time to prevent intermediate product leakage. Mode 2 begins when both MVs have completed charging. In this mode, valves V2 and V3 are closed to allow the concentration of the side draw products. After the desired product purities in both MVs are attained, mode 3 begins with the opening of valves V4 and V5, enabling the discharge of the intermediate products. This continues until a specified liquid level is reached. Once both MVs have been almost completely drained (a small amount of liquid is left in the MV to ensure that the column feed is never interrupted), the cycle repeats and goes back to mode 1. It should be noted here that the MVs do not have any pressure controllers as the model used in the simulation only considers the liquid phase at a fixed pressure.

4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Case Study 1. The performance of the quaternary semicontinuous distillation system is illustrated using an equimolar feed of alkanes (25 mol % each of n-hexane, n-heptane, n-octane, and n-nonane). The column diameter chosen for this example is 7 ft. Figure 4A depicts the MV liquid levels during the cyclic campaign, while Figure 4B,C shows the MV mole fraction trajectories. Note that time zero begins at mode 2 (with full MVs). For case study 1, 95 mol % purity was desired for all four components. As the distillate (n-hexane) and bottoms (n-nonane) streams are continuously removed in mode 2, the liquid level in each MV drops over time. After 4 h, the desired purity in each MV (n-heptane, n-octane) has been reached, mode 3 begins. This is visible as the sharp drop in liquid level. Mode 1 is visible as the recharging of the liquid level, which continues until the specified liquid level in each MV has been reached. Figure 4B,C depicts how the mole fractions in the MVs change over several 5298

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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Figure 4. Middle vessel liquid levels (A), mole fraction trajectories in middle vessels 1 (B) and 2 (C), distillate and bottoms compositions (D) and flows (E), reflux and sump levels (F), side draw tray liquid levels (G), and reflux ratio (H).

Table 1. Tuning Parameters for Case Study 1 controller

proportional gain, Kc (%/%)

integral time, τi (min)

condenser pressure reflux drum level sump level distillate composition bottoms composition 1st side draw flow 2nd side draw flow 1st feed stage 2nd feed stage 1st side draw stage 2nd side draw stage

20 10 10 50 75 1 1


75 75

20 25 15 36

⎛ $ ⎞ total direct cost($) TAC⎜ ⎟= payback period(year) ⎝ year ⎠ ⎛ $ ⎞ + annual operating cost⎜ ⎟ ⎝ year ⎠

Figure 5. Flooding approach profile for case study 1.

total direct costs($) = (6)

∑ equipment cost + ∑ installation cost i




DOI: 10.1021/ie504584y Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54, 5294−5306


Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research where i = column tower, reboiler, reflux drums, condensers, pumps, middle vessels

The total direct costs were computed using eq 7 and values obtained from the Aspen Process Economic Analyzer V8.0. The direct cost includes equipment, electrical, piping, instrumentation, civil, paint, and insulation. The operating costs were calculated using eq 8 by considering only the utility costs of steam and cooling water. The cost of steam was estimated using the price of natural gas ($2.51/MMBtu)30 and electricity ($0.0491/kWh)31 as outlined in the method of Towler and Sinnot.32 Similarly, the cost of cooling water was estimated using the same price of electricity, and the price of water makeup and chemical treatment ($0.02/1000 U.S. gallon).32 From this, the cost of steam at 160 °C was estimated as $8.49 per GJ of heating load, and the cost of cooling water at 24 °C was estimated as $0.69 per GJ of cooling load. Using the total direct and operating costs, the TAC was calculated for the following scenarios. The TAC used for the following scenarios are based on per volume of mixture separated and is therefore shown in units of ($/m3). These TAC values provide a good metric for the economies of scale of this proposed quaternary semicontinuous system.

⎛ $ ⎞ total operating costs⎜ ⎟ ⎝ year ⎠ =

⎛ h ⎞ utility cost($) × 8400⎜ ⎟ #cycles × total cycle time(h) ⎝ year ⎠


Figure 6. Vapor and weeping velocities for case study 1.

Figure 7. Effect of changing column diameter on direct costs (A), operating costs (B), TAC (C), and total mixture separated per year (D).

Figure 8. Effect of changing the middle vessel size on direct costs (A), operating costs (B), TAC (C), and total mixture separated per year (D). 5300

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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 4.2.1. Effect of Column Diameter. To determine the effect of column diameter, the column diameter was changed in six inch increments (in keeping with standard sizes) while keeping the MV size constant. The flow rates of the feed to the MV in mode 1 are increased or decreased proportionally, such that the mode is faster or slower with the same relative proportions between the internal flows. Figure 7 depicts the direct (A), operating (B), TAC per volume of mixture separated (C), and total mixture separated per year (D), for this case. All operating costs were computed using the average of at least 5 limit cycles (since there were minor variations between each cycle). As expected, the direct costs, operating costs, and production rate all increase with increasing column diameter. Operating costs and the production rate both grow at approximately the same rate as column diameter increases, but the direct costs grow much more slowly due to economies of scale. As a result, as shown in Figure 7C, the TAC per volume of mixture separated decreases. This is expected and is a normal result of economies of scale. The net effect is that systems with low throughputs (those separating about 1 000 m3/year using a column 2.0 ft in diameter) cost about four times as much as those with large throughputs (separating 13 000 m3/year with a column 7 ft in diameter), and the benefits from economies of scale become insignificant for systems with columns larger than 7 ft. 4.2.2. Effect of Middle Vessel Size. To determine the effect of MV size, the size of both MVs were changed while keeping the length to diameter (L/D) ratio and the column diameter fixed. Two column diameters at 4 and 7 ft were used for the analysis. Figure 8 shows the direct costs (A), operating costs (B), TAC per volume of feed separated (C), and the total mixture separated per year (D). Though different in absolute amounts, the trends for the two column diameters are similar, indicating that column diameter does not impact the general trends. The staircase-like shape of the direct cost curves corresponds to the discrete way the MVs are actually purchased. This shape also directly impacts the TAC contributing to the nonsmooth curve in Figure 8C. The key result is that smaller MVs are more economical up to a certain point, at which the molar holdups in the MVs become insufficient to drive mode 2 to completion and the cost of separation actually increases slightly. The idea is that smaller MVs result in less mixture separated per cycle but more cycles can be completed in a given time, and in this case, the total production rate per year was a little bit higher for larger MVs. This is a similar result to prior work for ternary semicontinuous systems and so it makes sense to use smaller vessels.26,33 In fact, for ternary semicontinuous systems, it has been shown that an alternative configuration with no MV at all can have an even lower TAC than traditional semicontinuous configurations with a MV.5 However, it is not immediately obvious if that MV-free configuration is feasible or desirable for quaternary separations and is an area of future research. 4.3. Disturbance Rejection. In practice, disturbances can enter the system and disrupt the operation of the process. In order to determine whether the proposed system can maintain normal operation under disturbances, a batch-to-batch disturbance was chosen as an illustrative example. A step change in fresh feed composition was introduced during the charging mode (mode 1) of the first stable limit cycle. Figures 9 and 10 show the response of the MV mole fractions and the distillate and bottoms compositions to a ±40% change in n-heptane in the fresh feed. The other components were varied proportionally to give a fresh feed composition of 20% n-hexane, 35% n-heptane, 25%

Figure 9. Mole fraction trajectories (A) and (B) and distillate and bottoms compositions (C) for a +40% step change in n-heptane in the fresh feed.

n-octane, and 20% n-nonane for a +40% change, and a composition of 30% n-hexane, 15% n-heptane, 25% n-octane, and 30% n-nonane for a −40% change. As seen in Figures 9 and 10, the control system can effectively reject the disturbance with minimal to no change in the shape of the trajectories. Although there are many kinds of disturbances that the system could potentially experience, a robust study of possible disturbances is outside the scope of this study and is a subject for future work. These include other kinds of disturbances such as changes in flows and temperatures of the feed and utilities or equipment fault-related disturbances such as valve stiction or sensor failure. 4.4. Comparison between Continuous and Semicontinuous Processes. The economics of a conventional continuous process was compared to that of the proposed quaternary semicontinuous design over a range of production rates. The continuous distillation columns were first optimized using the NQ curves tool in Aspen Plus. The optimization tool systematically varies the feed stage location and the number of stages and determines the optimal number of stages, feed tray location, reflux and boilup ratios that minimize the objective function (total heat duty as a function of the number of stages), while meeting the product specifications. The three continuous columns are constrained by the design spec/vary function in order to obtain the desired 95 mol % product purities for all four components. The resulting column diameters that are necessary to prevent flooding (and are at least at a minimum standard diameter of 1.5 ft)34 are used in the direct cost estimation via Aspen Process Economic Analyzer V8.0. The operating costs are 5301

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Figure 11. Total direct costs (A), operating costs (B), and total annualized costs (C) for continuous and semicontinuous systems for various production rates.

Figure 10. Mole fraction trajectories (A) and (B) and distillate and bottoms compositions (C) for a −40% step change in n-heptane in the fresh feed.

liquid levels (A) and the MV mole fraction trajectories (C, D) for a simulation using a column diameter of 7.5 ft and a MV charge size of 32 kmol each. Other configurations were simulated successfully with similar results. For the purposes of this case study, it was required to obtain 95 mol % product purities for all four components. As expected, the MV liquid level decreases during mode 2, sharply drops during mode 3 and then sharply increases during the recharge phase of mode 1. Figure 12C,D clearly shows the intermediate components (toluene and ethylbenzene) concentrating in the MVs and then being discharged once the desired purities (95 mol %) have been attained. As shown in Figure 12B, the distillate and bottoms purities were satisfactorily close to 95% purity throughout each cycle, and Figures 13, 14 confirm that flooding and weeping constraints were never violated. Table 2 shows the tuning parameters and the feed and side draw locations used for case study 2. In this example, the number of stages is too high to likely be attractive in practice. The number of stages can potentially be reduced through different designs found through formal optimization techniques, which is an area of future research. If it cannot be reduced, it may be simply that the semicontinuous approach is not suitable for this particular system of chemicals and that a traditional method is favorable. 4.6. Case Study 3. In this case study, a mixture of alcohols is examined for the purpose of separating and purifying isobutanol from a recently proposed biobutanol production process.19 The mixture to be separated consists of methanol (2.1 mol %), ethanol (5.6 mol %), water (5.5%), propanol (27.6%), isobutanol (52.7 mol %), pentanol (3.6 mol %), and hexanol (2.9 mol %), which is the product of that thermochemical biomass-to-butanol

calculated using the utility costs of steam and cooling water, as mentioned previously in section 4.2. Figure 11A,B shows the direct and operating costs for the continuous and semicontinuous systems. The total direct cost for the semicontinuous system is considerably cheaper than the continuous system below a production rate of 10 500 m3/year. At higher production rates, a larger column diameter is required to achieve the desired separation, and this significantly increases capital cost. At smaller production rates, the semicontinuous system is more profitable as the process only requires one column. The total operating cost for the semicontinuous process increases rapidly as the production rate increases because of the high reflux and boilup ratios necessary to maintain product purities. Figure 11 C shows the TAC ($/year) for the two systems and it is seen that the semicontinuous system has a lower TAC then the continuous system for production rates below 4 500 m3/year. These results are promising as the continuous design has been optimized, while the semicontinuous system is suboptimal with room for improvement. These results are expected as previous studies have shown that semicontinuous systems are more profitable compared to continuous systems at low to intermediate capacities. A formal global optimization strategy is in development and will be used to determine the optimal quaternary semicontinuous system in a future work. 4.5. Case Study 2. The feasibility of the proposed quaternary semicontinuous separation system was further examined by separating an equimolar mixture (25 mol % each) of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene. Figure 12 depicts the MV 5302

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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Figure 12. Middle vessel liquid levels (A), distillate and bottoms compositions (B), and mole fraction trajectories in middle vessels 1 (C) and 2 (D), and for case study 2.

Table 2. Tuning Parameters for Case Study 2

Figure 13. Flooding approach profile for case study 2.


proportional gain, Kc (%/%)

integral time, τi (min)

condenser pressure reflux drum level sump level distillate composition bottoms composition 1st side streamflow 2nd side streamflow 1st feed stage 2nd feed stage 1st side draw stage 2nd side draw stage

20 5 20 50 50 5 5


70 50

20 30 10 55

than 5 mol % isobutanol impurity in the bottoms. Although many configurations were used with similar results, the examples shown in Figure 15 are for a column diameter of 13.5 ft and an initial molar holdup of 42 kmol. The initial holdup is slightly larger than the previous case studies in order to account for nonidealities in the feed mixture. Figure 15 shows the MV liquid levels (part A) and the MV mole fraction trajectories (parts B and C) for this example. The MV level and mole fraction trajectories in this example differ from the results obtained in case studies 1 and 2 because the feed is not equimolar. As mode 2 progresses until the product purity is reached, the liquid level of MV2 (Figure 15A) increases and plateaus out because the final amount of isobutanol collected in MV2 is actually more than the total amount (in moles) of any chemical charged to it initially. This is due to the policy of charging both MVs equally in mode 1 and because one of the intermediate products (isobutanol) consists of more than half of the mixture to be separated. Despite the nonideal nature of the mixture, flooding and weeping were never violated (Figures 16 and 17). The tuning parameters and the locations of the feed and side draw are shown in Table 3. In the example shown, both MV1 and MV2 are drained at the same rate, but since MV1 contains much less than MV2 at the beginning of mode 3, it finishes draining before MV2 has finished

Figure 14. Vapor and weeping velocities for case study 2.

process after some preliminary separation steps. Although water can form a heterogeneous azeotrope with the higher alcohols, there is not enough water in this mixture to form an azeotrope as a result of the upstream separation steps. The separation objectives were to achieve a mixture of methanol, ethanol, and water in the distillate with less than 1 mol % isobutanol impurity, 91 vol % pure propanol (cosmetic grade)35 in the first MV, 96 vol % isobutanol (fuel grade)36 in the second MV, and a mixture of pentanol and hexanol with no more 5303

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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Figure 17. Vapor and weeping velocities for case study 3.

Table 3. Tuning Parameters for Case Study 3 controller

proportional gain, Kc (%/%)

integral time, τi (min)

condenser pressure reflux drum level sump level distillate composition bottoms composition 1st side streamflow 2nd side streamflow 1st feed stage 2nd feed stage 1st side draw stage 2nd side draw stage

20 5 10 5 10 10 10


100 100

20 23 12 55

both evenly. In this example, MV2 was charged in each mode 1 to have 1.9 times more holdup than MV1 since the mole fraction of isobutanol is 1.9 times more than the mole fraction of propanol in the feed mixture. It is clearly seen in Figure 18 that by changing the distribution of the MV charges in proportion to its final products, a higher productivity can be achieved with no difference in capital costs. By changing the MV charging distribution, the total amount of mixture separated per year increases by 5.5% and the reboiler heat duty per cycle decreases by 17%. These results indicate that charging the MVs equally is not an optimal policy, and the distribution of MV charges has a considerable impact on the performance of the separation. This is therefore a subject of future research.

Figure 15. Middle vessel liquid levels (A) and mole fraction trajectories in middle vessels 1 (B) and 2 (C) for case study 3.

5. CONCLUSION A novel quaternary semicontinuous separation process has been proposed and demonstrated via simulation for the first time for four product streams using just one distillation column. This separation method is based on a cyclic design in which the distillate and bottoms products are continuously removed in a distillation column, while the intermediate products are concentrated in two MVs. The use of the MVs eliminates the need for additional columns, thereby greatly reducing both the capital cost and the complexity of the system. Using three different examples, our analysis showed that the proposed system was effective at reaching MV purity objectives while meeting distillate and bottoms purity objectives and preventing flooding and weeping in the column, despite the wide variety of flow rates experienced during the course of each cycle. All three examples reached stable limit cycles indicating cycle stability can be achieved even for nonideal mixtures containing four or more components. The results from the parametric analysis indicates that smaller MVs are more optimal up to a certain point, at which point the amount of molar holdup becomes insufficient to drive mode 2. The throughput is

Figure 16. Flooding approach profile for case study 3.

draining. As a result, the liquid level of MV1 can be seen increasing slightly during the end of Mode 3 because the drain valve V4 has closed but the mode has not completed. While MV2 is finishing its drain, MV1 continues to receive a side draw from the column as well as feed to it for a few hours until MV2 is finished draining. This could be prevented by simply draining MV1 more slowly such that both MV1 and MV2 would end at approximately the same time. However, for this example the timing was intentionally offset to demonstrate that even when the draining of the MVs are not synchronized, stable behavior can still be achieved. To determine the impact of changing the amounts that each MV is charged, Figure 18 shows the results for charging the MVs in proportion to their final expected makeup instead of charging 5304

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proven unsatisfactory, and thus the development of better methods is required. Another area of future work is to perform an economic comparison of this work versus conventional continuous and other complex configurations such as dividing wall columns at a variety of desired production rates to determine the conditions when one configuration is more economical than the other.


Corresponding Author

*Phone: +1 (905) 525-9140 x24782. E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by an Ontario Research Fund, Research Excellence Grant (ORF RE-05-072).

Figure 18. Middle vessel liquid levels (A) and mole fraction trajectories in middle vessels 1 (B) and 2 (C) for case study 3: proportional MV charging.

ABBREVIATIONS BTEX = benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene DME = dimethyl ether DOF = degrees of freedom ISE = integral squared error MV = middle vessel NRTL = non-random-two-liquid NRTL-RK = non-random-two-liquid Redlich−Kwong P = proportional control PI = proportional integral control PSO = particle swarm optimization UNIQUAC-RK = universal quasichemical Redlich−Kwong VLE = vapor−liquid equilibrium


determined by varying the column diameter. Large column diameters have a higher throughput and were shown to have a lower TAC per volume of mixture separated due to the benefits of economies of scale. Previous work has shown that ternary semicontinuous is cheaper than continuous for low to intermediate capacities, and this has been confirmed for quaternary semicontinuous processes. After developing a good optimization approach, a technoeconomic analysis can be completed in order to understand the conditions when one system is better than the others. Future work will use optimization algorithms currently in development to attempt to determine the optimal design and control parameters simultaneously (currently manual tuning and heuristics are used). The key design variables are the column diameter, the number of stages, the feed and side draw locations, and the MV sizes and corresponding charge ratios. The key control decision variables subject to optimization are the set points for the condenser pressure, condenser drum level, sump level, and the distillate and bottoms compositions, and the controller tuning parameters for the controllers which manipulate the condenser duty, reboiler duty, distillate and bottoms flow rates, column feed flow rates, and the side draw production flow rates. Because of the large number of degrees of freedom and the complexity associated with the tight integration of design and control decision variables on the behavior and performance of each cycle, existing dynamic optimization methods (such as those included with Aspen Dynamics) have

F1 = molar flow rate of the first feed stream from the MV to the column (kmol/h) F2 = molar flow rate of the second feed stream from the MV to the column (kmol/h) LCoutput = reflux drum controller output (valve % opening) MV1,level (t) = middle vessel 1 liquid level (m) MV2,level (t) = middle vessel 2 liquid level (m) N = number of components S1(t) = molar flow rate of the first side draw (kmol/h) S2(t) = molar flow rate of the second side draw (kmol/h) TAC = total annualized costs ($/year) V6% opening (t) = valve 6% opening V7% opening (t) = valve 7% opening xf,light,1 = mole fraction of the lighter intermediate species in F1 xf,light,2 = mole fraction of the lighter intermediate species in F2 xf,heavy,1 = mole fraction of the heavy intermediate species in F1 xf,heavy,2 = mole fraction of the heavy intermediate species in F2


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