Semimicro Qualitative Analysis: A Non-Hydrogen Sulfide System

Semimicro Qualitative Analysis: A Non-Hydrogen Sulfide System (Carnog, Jacob). Ray Woodriff. J. Chem. Educ. , 1962, 39 (5), p A420...
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BOOK REVIEWS Measurement and Chapter 8 on Precautions are particularly instructive, and contain some good sound advice for people who wish to work with carbon-14 compounds. CLAIRJ. COLLINS Oak Rzdge ~VahonalLabomlo7y Oak Rzdge, Tennessee

Semimicro Qualitative Analysis: Non-Hydrogen Sulfide System


Jacob Comog, formerly of the State University of Iowa, Iowa City. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1981. 1961 ed. v 253 pp. Figs. and tables. l i . 5 X 24 cm. Paperbound. $5.


This new edition is more than a new edition. I t is an extensive revision. Like the 15 year old previous edition it avoids the use of hydrogen sulfide. However it does not entirely slight the metal sulfides. The group precipitates are: chloride Group, PbCL, AgCI, and Hg,CI.; Sulfate Group, PhSO,, BaSO4, and CaS04; Amphalyte Group, SbO,C--, SnOa--, ZnOz--, AIOz-, and CrOl--; Sulfide Group, HgS, Bi& FeS, CuS, CdS, CoS, and NiS; Phosphate Group, hln8(PO&, and Mg,(PO.)?. Strontium and titanium are omitted and NH,+, K, and Naf are tested far an the original. An option is provided in the anion analysis. The short option provides for KO.-, GOs; S-, C1-, SO4-, and CrO4-. The long option ~rovideafor COX-, CrOl-, Mn04-, SOa-, S-, SO4-, POI-, CI-, B r r , I-, NOI-, C2H80.-, and soluble silicates. The procedures provide for the use of solid unknowns. The first 54 pages deal with preliminary exercises. The last 92 pages are devoted to theory. The book is suitable for a one quarter or semester course in freshman qualitative analysis. Such s, course should serve as a goad foundation on which advanced courses in qualitative analysis snd inorganic chemistry can be based.

RAYWOODRIFF Montana Slate College Rozeman

Les Mithoder de l a Chimie Analytique: Analyre Quantitative Minhrole

Gaston Charlot, 1'Ecole de Physique et de Chimie industrielles de Paris. Masson et Cie., Paris, 1961. 4th ed. vii 1024 pp. Figs. and tables. 17.5 X 25 cm. Broehe, 100 KF, cartonne toile, 110 PiF.


This book, a. fourth edition, represents s major revision of the earlier text. The English language texts most similar to this volume are Kolthoff and Sandell's "Textbook of Quantitative Analysis" and Wilson and Wilson's "Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry." Charlot's ex(Conlinued on page A422)



Journal o f Chemical Education