Semimicro qualitative organic analyses: The systematic identification

it is clear therefore that there is a risk of estimating not the characteristics of the solute particle itself, but of the model particlewhich replace...
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data obtained by the measurement. Unless the investigator has some understanding of the theoretical basis for the experimental technique, the technique may be incorrectly applied or the data. misinterpreted. The problem is well indicated by Ogston in his discussion of the hydrodynamio properties of solute particles, it ia clear therefore that there is a risk of estimating not the oherilcteristics of the solute psrticle itself, but of the model perticle whioh replaces it in the theory!' Thus the need for a good introductory discussion cannot be overemphasized. This volume fills that need. I t does not replace the many comprehensive monographs available, but, it supplements these monographs and provides the investigstor with the necessary background for his further study. The book is a valushle addition to the literature and highly recommended for the personal library of any biochemist and biophysicist aotive in research.

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their derivatives (including numerous organo-fluorine and physiologioelly active compounds) require 186 pages. Exercises and problems are provided at the end of nine chapters. The usefulness of this book is greatly enhanced by the very extensive bihliographical references a t the end of each chapter and the inclusion of an Index of the Text ttnd an Index of Tables. The latter index lists spproximately 5000 organic compounds exclusive of thousands of their derivatives which are found in the tables. This book will be welcomed by students of qualitative organic analysis as well an by more mature chemists faced with the problem of identifying organic compounds. JAMES L. A. WEBB SO~X-XEBTE ATBM NBMPH~



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SEMlMICRO QUALITATIVE ORGANIC ANALYSES: THE SYSTEMATIC IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Nicholas D. Chemnia, Professor of Chemistry, Brooklyn College, and John B. Entrikin, Professor of Chemisky, Centenary College of Louisiana. Second edition. Interscience Publishers, Inc., New Yark, 1957. xiv 774 pp. 92 figs. Numerous tables. $9.


THE completely rewritten and enpanded second edition of thia book is divided into four parts: Part One-Teehniques of Organic Analysis; Part T w o Procedures for Tentative Identification of an Unknown; Part Three-Procedures for Final Chsracterization of an Unknown; Part Fou-Tables of Organic Compounds with Their Constants and Derivatives. T h ~ sis the most comprehensive treatment of qualitative organic analysis ourrently avdilable in a single volume. The chapters on laboratory techniques are clearly written and amply illastreted; specific, detailed examples of various techniques and apparatus tempt one to go immediately into the laboratory. The inclusion of discussions of fusion techniques, vacuum fractional sublimation, rhromatographic procedures and ion exchangers is notable. The discussion of solubility classifications is supplemented by a chapter on the use of Davidson's acid-base indicators as a further aid in clmificetion of water soluble compounds as well as compounds exhibiting borderline solubility. A section on the detection of functional groups by infrared spectroscopy is also included. Stress is laid on the separation of mixtures and, in addition to the discussions in the chapters on techniques, a chapter on systematic procedures far fractionation of mixtures of unknowns is included. The section of the book devoted to derivatization of organic compounds covers 211 pages. Tables devoted to physical constants of organic compounds and

SPOT TESTS IN ORGANIC ANALYSIS Fritz Feigl, Laboratmio da hoducao Mineral, Ministerio da Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro; Professor at the University of Brad. Translated by Ralph E. Oesper, Professor Emeritus, University of Cincinnati. Elsevier Publishing Co. Amsterdam: distributed by the D. Van Nostrand co., Inc. Princeton, 1956. n 616 pp. Fiqures and many tables. 16 X 23 cm.



A DrscwsIoN of the use af spot tests for the detection of organic compounds and organic functional groups has a p peared in earlier editions of Professor Feigl's well-known hook, "Spot Tests." Prior to the fourth edition, which was published in 1954, the material on organic spot test analysis was of such limited soope that it was included as a supplement to the discussion of inorganic spot test analysis. In recent years, however, an increasing interest in this subject has resulted in the accumulation of a great amount of information, and in 1954 the fourth edition of "Spot Tests" appeared in two volumes, the second of which was devoted to the use of spot reactions in qualitative organic amalysis. So many new tests have now been developed that the present edition is not merely a repetition of the fourth edition, but it consists of an essential and fundamental enlargement. This is indicated by the fact that the number of pages has been increased by almost 200. The new fourth edition, which originally appeared as Volume I1 of "Spot Tests," is now titled "Spot Tests in Organic Analysis." The content of this book is arranged essentially according to the pattern adopted in the previous edition. The description of numerous procedures and the chemical principles upon which they are based, together with extensive literature references, are presented ss before. Some of the important changes appearing in the present volume are: The introduetory chapter has been increased to 28 pages, snd includes a more intensive treatment of the basic philosophy of the analytical use of organic reactions; it includes a consideration of the principles

employed in the discoveryof newanalytirnl reactions for organic compounds. Chapter I11 on Preliminary Tests has now been enlarged to 25 subsections with 62 tests. Chapter IV on the Detection of Functional Groups has now been enlarged to include 49 subsections with 116 tests. Chapter V on the Detection of Individual Organic Compounds now includes directions for the detection of 78 compounds. Testa that are of significance to the chemistry of natural products are included. Chapter VI on sperial applications has been enlarged to 62 examples and includes the identification of medicinal products. A special ehapter has been included to provide a bibliography of studies of spot reactions not considered in previous chapters. Professor Feigl has drawn on a very extensive knowledge of chemical reactions in preparing the material for this book. Although the primary objective has been to develop a technique for the rapid identification of organic compounds by simple methods, this hook is not simply a isboboratory manual. .411 reactions used in the procedures are fully explained and are abundantly illustrated with chemical equations. For this reason "Spot Tests in Organic Analysis" should be a valuable reference work for the organic as well &B the analytical chemist. This hook is another of the many valuable contributions by the author in the development of new snalytieal methods. It should prove to be of value in practical organic analysis and as an aid in analytical research. FRANK J. WELCHER INDLANAUNIVBRBITY


QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Cumming and Kay. Revised by R. A. Chalmera, Lecturer in Analytical Chemistry. University of Aberdeen. Eleventh edition. O l i ~ eand ~ Boyd, Edinburgh, 540 pp. 91 figs. 15 X 1956. xvi 23cm. 30/-.


T m s text which first appeared in 1913 is now in its eleventh edition, a fact which sttests to ita popularity. The section on eolorimetly has beeu completely rewritten, and sections on the theory of precipitation and contamination of preripitates have been included. A brief outline of newer phyaieo-chemical methods has been added. The former treatment of water analysis has beeu omitted. Suggested references have been added. Cnlihrstian of volumetric glassware now follow the British Standard Specifications. The book is divided into eight seotians. General Principles, Volumetric Analysis, Gravimetric Analysis, Photometric Analysis, Sytematic Quantitative Analysis, Examples of Complete Analysis including Simple Ores and Alloys, Gaa Analpis and Pbysico-Chemical Methods. The appendix lists common reagents, solutions for analysis, typical analyses, specific gravities of reagents, logsrithms and a selected bibliography. Interesting points to the reviewer are the adjustment of platinum weights by JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION