SEP-KO CHEMICALS, INC. - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 23, 2012 - SEP-KO CHEMICALS, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (8), pp 48A–48A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60277a741. Publication Date: July 1969. ACS Legacy ...
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News Aug. 18 to 22—Two Separate Courses: Basic Infrared Spectroscopy; Gas Chromatography. Science Center, Vanderbilt University. Contact (12) Aug. 18 to 22—Two Separate Courses: Infrared Interpretation. Part II; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Aug. 18 to 29—Physical Measurement and Analysis. MIT. Contact: Director of the Summer Session, Rm. E19-356, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 02139 Aug. 18 to 29—Modern Industrial Spectroscopy. Arizona State University. Contact (10) Aug. 20 to 22—Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Spectrometry—Recent Advances. Hopatcong, N. J. G. G. Guilbault. Contact (6) Aug. 20 to 22—Organic Electrochemistry. Hopatcong, N. J. Galen W. Ewing. Contact (6) Aug. 25 to 27—Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy—Introductory. Hopatcong, N. J. James Robinson. Contact (6) Aug. 25 to 28—Thermoanalysis Institute (8th Annual). Hopatcong, N. J. Bernard Miller. Contact (6) Aug. 25 to 29—Organic Polarography. Georgetown U., Washington, D. C. V. Horak, R. de Levie. Contact (9) Aug. 25 to 29—Two Separate Courses:. Interpretation of Infrared Spectra; Ultraviolet, Fluorescence, and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Science Center, Vanderbilt University. Contact (12) Aug. 26 to 29—Basic Gas Chromatography. Mexico City, Mexico. Varian Aerograph. Contact: Benito Couriel, Dina-Lux, S.A., Tehuantepec 214, Mexico 7, D. F. Aug. 27 to 29—Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy—Recent Advances. Hopatcong, N. J. James Robinson. Contact (6) Sept. 1 to 5—Identification of Small Particles. London, England. McCrone Research Institute. Contact (2) Sept. 8 to 12—Activation Analysis. San Diego, Calif. Gulf General Atomic. Contact (8) Sept. 8 to 12—Two Separate Courses: Infrared Interpretation. Part I.; Gas Chromatography. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Sept. 8 to 12—Atomic Absorption. Georgetown U., Washington, D.C. L. P. Morgenthaler. Contact (9) Sept. 15 to 19—Atomic Absorption. Georgetown U., Washington, D.C. L. P. Morgenthaler. Contact (9) Sept. 15 to 1 9 — 2 1 - 6 2 1 Modular Mass Spectrometers. Monrovia, Calif. CEC/ Analytical Instruments Div. Contact (11) Sept. 15 to 19—Photomicrography. London, England. McCrone Research Institute. Contact (2) Sept. 15 to 26—Spectroscopic Techniques in Organic Chemistry. UCLA. T. Cairns, D. H. Williams. Contact (3) Sept. 15 to 26—Metallography. Metals Park, Ohio. American Society for Metals. Contact (5) Sept. 2 2 — 2 4 Design of the Chemical Laboratory. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Sept. 22 to 26—Infrared Interpretation, Part I. Chicago, III. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Sept. 22 to 26—Workshop on Instrumentation Problems. Philadelphia, Pa. Sadtler Research. Contact (4) Sept. 29 to Oct. 3—Liquid Crystals and Their Applications. UCLA. G. H. Brown, J. L. Fergason. Contact (3)

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'Education Office, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20036. Tel: (202) 737-3337 2 Mrs. Miriam L. Fallert, McCrone Research Institute, 451 East 31st St., Chicago, III. 60616. Tel: (312) 842-7105 3 University Extension, UCLA, 10851 Le Conte Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90024. 4 Sadtler Educational Division, Sadtler Research Laboratories, Inc., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. Tel: (215) 382-7800 5 Ronald J. Seman, Metals Park, Ohio 44703. Tel: (216) 338-5151 "Center for Professional Advancement, Saul Gordon Assoc, P.O. Box 66, Hopatcong, N. J. 07843. Tel: (201)398-7110 7 David B. Smyth, Varian Pty., Ltd., 38 Oxley St., Crows Nest, Sydney, NSW, Australia 8 Lawrence E. Kovar, P. O. Box 608, San Diego, Calif. 92112. Tel: (714) 453-1000 " C . F. Hammer, Institute for Advanced Analytical Chemistry, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. 20007. Tel: (202) 337-3300, Ext. 317 10 Jacob Fuchs, Dept. of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. 85281 11 Coordinator of Training and Technical Publications, Bell & Howell, 1500 S. Shamrock Ave., Monrovia, Calif. 91106 12 Nelson Fuson, Director, Fisk Institute, Box 8, Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn. 37203