SEP-KO CHEMICALS, INC. - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 23, 2012 - SEP-KO CHEMICALS, INC. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (3), pp 70A–70A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60272a765. Publication Date: March 1969. Copyright ...
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to the effect of the drop time on the half-wave potential of an irreversible wave. Similarly, the discussion of maxima occupies only 4 pages because it does not mention the role of the rate of flow of mercury into the drop or the tangential surface velocity of the solu­ tion, and that of the residual current is confined to 2 pages by asserting that it varies linearly with potential and passes through zero at the potential of the electrocapillary maximum. This book will give its reader some idea of the kinds of problems to which polarography can be applied. It may stimulate his interest and curiosity to such an extent that he goes on to master a much fuller and more exact treatment of the subject as well. But until he has done so he is unlikely to meet with much success if he attempts to obtain, interpret, or appreciate polarographic data. If a good book on polarography is one that enables its users to do these things, then the authors' failure to write one probably means that it is no longer possible to write a good short book on polarog­ raphy. New Books

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The Microscope. A Practical Guide. G. H. Needham. xi + 115 pages. Charles C Thomas, Publisher, 3 0 1 327 E. Lawrence Ave., Springfield, III. 1968. $6.50

The author has provided detailed information on the many types of microscopes, objectives, accessories, and attachments which are new in the

field. Topics of discussion range from the dissection of the simple and com­ pound microscope to the necessary ob­ jectives for general work in micropro­ jection and drawing with the micro­ scope. Included also is a Microscopical Glossary, Subject Index, and 51 figures. Thin-Layer Chromatography: An Anno­ tated Bibliography: 1964-1968. B. J. Haywood. 284 pages. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., P. 0. Box 1425, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. 1968. Paperbound. $15

This 1000-reference annotated bibli­ ography has been designed as a labora­ tory analysis aid for those involved in clinical chromatography. The abstracts are useable, with most of them provid­ ing sufficient information to perform most of the experiments without re­ searching the original work. Thin-layer electrophoresis is also included, and an alphabetical index is provided at the back of the book. Nuclear Chemistry. Vol. II. L. Yaffe, Editor, xi + 409 pages. Academic Press, Inc., I l l Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. 1968. $22

Volume II completes the treatise which is a topical approach to impor­ tant problems associated with nuclear chemistry. I t continues the treatment of theoretical and experimental topics, but also deals with some modern tools and techniques now available to the nuclear chemist. There are six chapters, one of which (Modern Rapid Radio­ chemical Separations by Saadia Amiel) will be of particular interest to ana­ lytical chemists. Also included is a detailed author/subject index. The Research Society. E. Glatt and M. W. Shelly, Editors. 556 pages. Gordon & Breach, Science Pub­ lishers, Inc., 150 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10011. 1969. $28

This collection of papers is primarily concerned with the management of so­ cial relationships in a research and development laboratory. Its scope, however, encompasses a wider range of topics and the work emphasizes the solution, or future solution, to problems rather than concentrating on simple delineation of the problem itself. Sev­ eral of the papers included—such as "Group Age vs. Technical Perform­ ance" and "Technical Obsolescence and Obsolescence of Spirit"—will be of in­ terest to those dealing with manage­ ment problems in a variety of fields.