Now in bead form for chromatography of biologic substances...
Sephadex® Ion Exchangers Because of its advantages —sta bility and inertness —Sephadex has been used to produce a new class of ion exchangers: QAE-, DEAE-, C M - and SE-Sephadex. S i n c e t h e i r i n t r o d u c t i o n they have been used extensively, p a r t i c u larly in the biochemical and clin ical field. In the new bead form they will be more useful both for laboratory and m a n u f a c t u r i n g s c a l e p r o c esses. Their spherical shape gives increased mechanical strength and leads to easier column packing. More uniform p a r t i c l e s r e s u l t in i m p r o v e d hydrodynamic properties.
All Sephadex Ion Exchangers have a high capacity and low nonspecific adsorption. They are available in two types that differ in porosity, thus offering flexibility for your specific requirements. Sephadex Ion Ex changers are of analytic grade purity and are produced under rigorous quality con trol, thus ensuring uniform products to give accurate and reproducible results.
We have observed a great trend toward the use of tubing in making up small fluid control systems these days. To help you keep up with the trend we have added a great group of Hoke valves with integral Gyrolok tube connections to our already over-extended line. As a matter of fact, we have a special catalog waiting just for you.
HOKE INCORPORATED 1 Tenakill Park, Cresskill, N.J.
See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office Circle No. 43 on Readers' Service Card
μ g ml Hexose mono phosphates
Soon available—the new edition of an authoritative text . . .
glycogen glucose
Model experiment with glycogen, glucose, sugar phosphates and adenosine phosphates on a column of DEAE-Sephadex A-25. (From Biochim. Biophys. Acta 7 4 119631 5 8 8 , by permission of the author)
Anion Exchangers Grade
Ionic Form
Capacity (meq/g)
Bed Volume 1 (ml/g)
CI "
30 ± 04
A-50 40-120/1
30 ± 04
3.5 :*· 0 5
35 + 05
Type QAESephadex QAESephadex DEAESephadex DEAESephadex
A-50 40-120;/
Cation Exchangers Type
Ionic Form
Capacity (meq/g)
Bed Volume 2 (ml/g)
CM· Sephadex C-25
4 5 + 05
CM· Sephadex C-50
4.5 + 0 5
32 40
SESephadex C-25
2 3 -'- 0 3
SESephadex C-50
23 + 03
1. In T r i s - H C I buffer. pH^=8.3, ionic strength = 0.05. 2. In sodium phosphate buffer pH - - 6 . ionic strength = 0.06.
For additional technical information, booklet on Sephadex Ion Exchangers,
including write to:
PHARMACIA FINE CHEMICALS INC. 800 Centennial A v e n u e , Piscataway, N. J. 08854 Pharmacia (Canada) L t d . , 110 Place C r é m a z i e , Suite 412, M o n t r e a l 11, P.Q. (Inquiries outside U.S.A. and Canada should be directed ίο PHARMACIA FINE CHEMICALS AB. Uppsala. Sweden.) See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office
QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Fourth Edition By I. M. Kolthoff, Ε. J. Meehan, Ε. Β. Sandell, all of the University of Minnesota, and Stanley Brucken stein, State University of New York at Buffalo The F o u r t h Edition of this well-known text pro vides both theoretical and practical insights into analytic chemistry, quantitative analysis, and in strumental analysis. Each topic is introduced on an elementary level, carefully developed, and forti fied with ample exercises. In-depth coverage is given to electroanalytical and optical methods. A n unusual variety of gravimetric, volumetric, and other useful determinations is given. The text describes common laboratory operations, as well as individual determinations. In the F o u r t h Edi tion, material on analytic separations h a s been greatly expanded, as has t h a t on physiocochemical methods of analysis. 1969, approx. 1200 pages, prob. $12.95 Write to the Faculty Service Deck for an examination copy.
THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 8 6 6 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 In Canada, write to Collier-Macmillan Canada, Ltd., 1125B Leslie Street, Don Mills, Ontario
Circle No. 151 on Readers' Service Card Circle Να. 117 on Readers' Service Card
VOL. 4 1 , NO. 3, MARCH 1969 ·
131 A