
to: PHARMACIA FINE CHEMICALS INC. 800 Centennial Avenue, Piscataway, N. J. 08854 ... Tenakill Park, Cresskill, N. J. See ACS Laboratory Guide for All ...
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Now in bead form for chromatography of biologic substances...


Sephadex® Ion Exchangers Because of its advantages —sta­ bility and inertness —Sephadex has been used to produce a new class of ion exchangers: QAE-, DEAE-, C M - and SE-Sephadex. S i n c e t h e i r i n t r o d u c t i o n they have been used extensively, p a r t i c u ­ larly in the biochemical and clin­ ical field. In the new bead form they will be more useful both for laboratory and m a n u f a c t u r i n g s c a l e p r o c ­ esses. Their spherical shape gives increased mechanical strength and leads to easier column packing. More uniform p a r t i c l e s r e s u l t in i m p r o v e d hydrodynamic properties.

All Sephadex Ion Exchangers have a high capacity and low nonspecific adsorption. They are available in two types that differ in porosity, thus offering flexibility for your specific requirements. Sephadex Ion Ex­ changers are of analytic grade purity and are produced under rigorous quality con­ trol, thus ensuring uniform products to give accurate and reproducible results.

We have observed a great trend toward the use of tubing in making up small fluid control systems these days. To help you keep up with the trend we have added a great group of Hoke valves with integral Gyrolok tube connections to our already over-extended line. As a matter of fact, we have a special catalog waiting just for you.

HOKE INCORPORATED 1 Tenakill Park, Cresskill, N.J.


See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office Circle No. 43 on Readers' Service Card

μ g ml Hexose mono phosphates

Soon available—the new edition of an authoritative text . . .

glycogen glucose

Model experiment with glycogen, glucose, sugar phosphates and adenosine phosphates on a column of DEAE-Sephadex A-25. (From Biochim. Biophys. Acta 7 4 119631 5 8 8 , by permission of the author)

Anion Exchangers Grade

Ionic Form

Capacity (meq/g)

Bed Volume 1 (ml/g)


CI "

30 ± 04


A-50 40-120/1


30 ± 04




3.5 :*· 0 5



35 + 05


Type QAESephadex QAESephadex DEAESephadex DEAESephadex



A-50 40-120;/


Cation Exchangers Type


Ionic Form

Capacity (meq/g)

Bed Volume 2 (ml/g)

CM· Sephadex C-25



4 5 + 05


CM· Sephadex C-50



4.5 + 0 5

32 40

SESephadex C-25



2 3 -'- 0 3


SESephadex C-50



23 + 03


1. In T r i s - H C I buffer. pH^=8.3, ionic strength = 0.05. 2. In sodium phosphate buffer pH - - 6 . ionic strength = 0.06.

For additional technical information, booklet on Sephadex Ion Exchangers,

including write to:

PHARMACIA FINE CHEMICALS INC. 800 Centennial A v e n u e , Piscataway, N. J. 08854 Pharmacia (Canada) L t d . , 110 Place C r é m a z i e , Suite 412, M o n t r e a l 11, P.Q. (Inquiries outside U.S.A. and Canada should be directed ίο PHARMACIA FINE CHEMICALS AB. Uppsala. Sweden.) See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office

QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Fourth Edition By I. M. Kolthoff, Ε. J. Meehan, Ε. Β. Sandell, all of the University of Minnesota, and Stanley Brucken­ stein, State University of New York at Buffalo The F o u r t h Edition of this well-known text pro­ vides both theoretical and practical insights into analytic chemistry, quantitative analysis, and in­ strumental analysis. Each topic is introduced on an elementary level, carefully developed, and forti­ fied with ample exercises. In-depth coverage is given to electroanalytical and optical methods. A n unusual variety of gravimetric, volumetric, and other useful determinations is given. The text describes common laboratory operations, as well as individual determinations. In the F o u r t h Edi­ tion, material on analytic separations h a s been greatly expanded, as has t h a t on physiocochemical methods of analysis. 1969, approx. 1200 pages, prob. $12.95 Write to the Faculty Service Deck for an examination copy.

THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 8 6 6 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10022 In Canada, write to Collier-Macmillan Canada, Ltd., 1125B Leslie Street, Don Mills, Ontario

Circle No. 151 on Readers' Service Card Circle Να. 117 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 4 1 , NO. 3, MARCH 1969 ·

131 A