Sequoia-Turner Corporation

thepast 25 years. Seewhy our price/performance is unmatched by calling or writing us at 850 Maude Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043; (415) 969-5533...
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We started setting reliability standards in 1960... and never stopped.

Hamamatsu Hollow Cathode Lamps are now available from major lab suppliers. Hamamatsu single and multi­ element Hollow Cathode Lamps offer superior stability, spectral purity and output intensity, even for such elements as arsenic and selenium. They are compatible with most commercial spectro­ photometers, including Beckman, Zeiss and Perkin-Elmer. And best of all, they're available from your local lab supplier.

For Application Information, Call 1-800-524-0504 1-201-231-0960 in New Jersey


You also get more features at less cost with Sequoia-Turner spectro­ photometers and fluorometers. Advanced electronics. Superior optics. Compact design. Extended wavelength range. The Model 450 Fluorometer provides higher sensitivity, low drift and ease of use. Concentration range is 0 to 1999 and wavelength range is 350 to 650nm (extendable to 750nm). The Model 390 Spectrophotometer has concentration, absorbance, factor and transmission modes. A diffraction grating monochromator ensures a wavelength range of 330nm to 1000nm and can be expanded to 210nm with a Far UV accessory. The Model 340 is available with absorbance and transmission modes at an even lower cost. The MTBF for these instruments is 21 % years, based on a study of the first 1000 units in use. This means less down time and little, if any, maintenance costs.. .a feature enjoyed by Turner instrument users for the past 25 years. See why our price/performance is unmatched by calling or writing us at 850 Maude Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043; (415) 969-5533.

Sequoia-Turner Corporation CIRCLE 205 ON READER SERVICE CARD

HAMAMATSU CORPORATION 360 FOOTHILL ROAD P. O. BOX 6910 BRIDGEWATER, NJ 08807 PHONE: 201/231-0960 International Offices in Major Countries of Europe and Asia. © Hamamatsu Photonics, 1986 CIRCLE 76 ON READER SERVICE CARD