Shell Chemical Company

Pent-Oxol* glycol ether —Shell now offers you a full formulating range with all the ... haps you would like samples of them. IN AUGUST ... especial ...
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Above, a typical solvent manifold. Shell now offers five high boilers and 11 other syvei^^iiiecorHmjical mixed loads.

SOLVENTS: Shell Chemical now offers 5 high boilers, 2 ml boilers, 2 low boilers, 4 latent solvents, 2 mutual solvenfe4tnd 1 unclassifiable, all with mixed load savings With the addition of three h i g h boiling solvents—methyl amyl acetate and


completely n e w

Pent-Oxone* keto- ether


P e n t - O x o l * g l y c o l e t h e r — S h e l l n o w offers y o u a full f o r m u l a t i n g r a n g e w i t h all t h e bulk price benefits of s i n g l e - s o u r c e supply. Glance through these 16 solvents listed below. See h o w m a n y y o u a r e u s i n g c u r r e n t l y . If t h e r e a r e a n y y o u a r e n o t u s i n g , p e r ­ haps y o u w o u l d like samples of them. N AUGUST, 1960, Shell Chemical in­ troduced Pent-Oxone, a double-action kcto-ether high boiling solvent. At the same time Shell introduced Pent-Oxol, a glvcol ether solvent with especial promise as a blush retarding, reasonably quick drying high boiler for nitrocellulose. Now, to round out the high boiling line, Shell Chemical has added methyl amyl acetate.


5 high boilers This brings Shell's list of high boilers to five. Pent-Oxone, Pent-Oxol, methyl amyl acetate, ethyl amyl ketone and diacetone alcohol. 2 m e d i u m boilers Shell's major medium boiler scarcely

needs an introduction. It's methyl isobutyl ketone. Shell's second medium boiler is mesityl oxide, an unsaturated ketone with very strong solvent properties.

2 low boilers Like methyl isobutyl ketone, Shell's two low boilers are industry standards: methyl ethyl ketone and acetone. 4 latent solvents Shell's four latent solvents are ethyl al­ cohol, isopropyl alcohol, methyl isobutyl carbinol —an isomeric hcxyl alcohol — and secondary butyl alcohol, a solvent for many natural resins, gums and oils. 2 mutual solvents I Iexylene glycol and tertiary butyl alcoCircle No. 12 on Readers' Service Card

hol are excellent co-solvents for many immiscible substances. Unclassifiable Isopropyl ether is not so easy to put a tag on. It is an extractant for fine chem­ icals, a solvent for ethyl cellulose, and frequently is used to replace ethyl ether where a solvent of lower volatility is wanted. Mixed load savings These 16 solvents are all available in tank cars to drums from any of Shell's nine Industrial Chemical offices. Send for samples. And ask the man from Shell how you can save money through mixed load purchases. •Trademark, Shell Chemical Company

Shell Chemical SHELL Company Industrial Chemicals Division 110 W. 51 Street, New York 20, Ν. Υ.