COATING FORMULATORS: How Shell's new PENToXONE* and PENToXOL* solvents can save money, improve formulations and eliminate the need for specialty high boilers HELL'S P E N T O X O N E and PENT
oXOL are unusually active high boiling solvents. Together, they constitute a vir tually complete high boiler inven tory. Below is solubility data for 30 im portant resins in PENToXONE and PENToXOL solvents. W i t h acrylics, nitrocellulose and alkyds, these n e w Shell solvents can
improve your formulations. W i t h vinyls, PENToXONE lowers solvent cost and improves odor. W i t h thermosetting acrylics, efoxies and cellulose acetate butyrate, both PENToXONE and PENT oXOL give excellent film properties. I n urethane systems, PENT oXONE solvent has low isocyanate reactivity, eliminates need for pre m i u m priced upgraded solvents.
In -polyvinyl hutyral lacquers, PENToXOL can lower solvent cost by 11 φ per gallon and almost double water resistance. If you'd like to receive samples, plus technical bulletins on all of t h e s e a p p l i c a t i o n s , w r i t e a n y of Shell's n i n e I n d u s t r i a l C h e m i c a l Division Offices, or directly to Shell Chemical Company, 110 West 51 Street, N e w York 20, Ν . Υ.
XOL S o l u b i l i t y of r e s i n s 1 in Shell's PENToXONE and PENToX O L solvents. solvents
Resin Nitrocellulose R.S. y 2 -Second Grade, Eight Grams per 100 Mis S.S. y2 -Second Grade, Eight Grams per 100 Mis Acryloid A - 2 1 , 1 5 % Weight Acryloid B-44, 1 5 % Weight Acryloid B-66, 1 5 % Weight Acryloid AT-50, 3 0 % Weight Bakélite BKS-2600 Amberol F-7 Methylon 7 5 1 0 8 Beetle 227-8 Uformite F-240 Beckamine P-196 Cymel 248-8 MM-55 Resimene 872 Cellolyn 102 Amberol 8 0 1 Aroplaz 2480 Rezyl 4 1 2 Cellolyn 502 Cellolyn 582 Duraplex ND 77B Aroplaz 6006 Cycopol 102 Half-Second Butyrate 1 0 % Weight Vinylite XYHL, 5 % Weight Parlon Ρ Buton 200 Epon® 1002, 5 0 % Weight Epon® 1007
Rohm & Haas Co. Rohm & Haas Co. Rohm & Haas Co. Rohm & Haas Co. Union Carbide Plastics Co. Rohm & Haas Co. General Electric Co. American Cyanamid Co. Hercules Powder Co. Reichhold Chemicals Inc. American Cyanamid Co. Monsanto Chemical Co. Monsanto Chemical Co. Hercules Powder Co. Rohm & Haas Co. Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. American Cyanamid Co. Hercules Powder Co. Hercules Powder Co. Rohm & Haas Co. Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. American Cyanamid Co. Eastman Chem. Products, Inc. Union Carbide Plastics Co. Hercules Powder Co. Enjay Chemical Co. Shell Chemical Co. Shell Chemical Co.
PENToXOL* PENToXONE* Solvent Solvent Viscosity, Cps., 25°C
30 25 25 90 87 37 11 31 11 14 19 23 29 18 32 27 13 25 17 42 27 80 117
22 20 15 63 46 19 5 26 7 8 11 14 16 9 17 24 14 19 12 31 23 62 75
55 1260 45 898 229
630 31 240 107
( 1 ) Commercially available resin reduced to 30 per cent weight solids, except indicated. ted. :ept as indici Viscosities of resulting solutions measured in absolute units with capillary tube viscometers.
Remarkable activity of Shell's PENToXONE high boiling solvent comes from this unique keto-ether structure. The COC of ethers and the double bond Ο of ketones com bine for double action solvency. Shell's PENToXOL solvent is a very closely related glycol ether. Both these solvents are true high boilers. PENToXONE'S total evapo r a t i o n t i m e is 2 4 5 0 s e c o n d s . PENToXOL'S is 3375 seconds. *Shell Trade Marl·.
Shell Chemical Company Industrial Chemicals Division
Circle No. 43 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 53, NO. 12
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