Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc

The new UV-265: a UV-VIS with a fundamental difference. Good, basic optics. Since good spectroscopy has ... Advanced software power To fully utilize t...
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The new UV-265: α UV-VIS with α fundamental difference. Good, basic optics. Since good spectroscopy has to start with good optics, we've put our best "back-tobasics" thinking into our advanced UV-VIS model UV-265. Fully-sealed optics and completely separate lamphouse without a mirror for long term integrity of i results; proven symmetrical, double beam I Hew? design for a flat baseline—every time; a I «wra, blazed, holographic grating for increased energy throughput; and adjustable slits J .==. ensure high spectral resolution (better B& j "than 0.1 nm) Advanced software power. To fully utilize the informa­ tion obtained from the UV-265 high-resolution optics and integrated recording system, we've added complete microprocessor control, comprehensive applications software, a full line of accessories and

the largest memory yet. A full 2.4 Mbyte memory lets you store and retrieve up to 75 spectra or over 200 parameters and calibration sets per disk. And, of course, it comes with IBM PC/Apple II interface. So, compare the fundamental differences in UV-VIS instrumentation, write or call for our "Back-to-basics in UV-VIS" booklet and details on the new UV-265. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc. 7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, MD 21046 (301) 381-1227


Shimadzu Corporation International Marketing Div.: Shinjuku-Mitsui Building, 1-1, Nishishinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan. Tel: Tokyo 03-346-5641 Telex: 0232-3291 SHMDT J. Shimadzu (Europa) GmbH: Acker Strasse 111, 4000 Dusseldorf, PR. Germany. Tel: (0211) 666371 Telex: 08586839 Circle 151 for Literature.

Circle 152 for a Call from our Representative.