GC-9A with Automatic Sampler and Data Processor
GC-8A with Automatic Sampler
Shimadzu's High Performance-Low cost Gas Ghromatograph Family. Low-cost versatility not found in any other GC G C - 9 A Microprocessor-Controlled Gas Chromatograph Fully expandable t o c o m p l e t e a u t o m a tion, i n c l u d i n g t h e c o n v e n i e n c e of automatic start-up and s h u t - d o w n . CIRCLE 202 From Shimadzu... analytical cartridge modularity for GC-9A G C - 9 A M Modular Gas Chromatograph Eliminates cross contamination between samples by w a y of a simple yet efficient construction.
Accessory to enlarge GC-9A/9AM capability A O C - 9 Automatic Sampler S e q u e n c e control t h r o u g h the G C - 9 A / 9 A M keyboard.
Dedicated detector means low cost GC-8APr Gas Chromatograph For automatic repeat temperature-prog r a m m e d analysis. CIRCLE 205 Low-cost temperature programmable GC G C - 8 A P Gas Chromatograph A high-quality low-cost dedicated detect o r design.
Unbelievable low-cost isothermal GC GC-8AI Gas Chromatograph Features include d u a l - c o l u m n d u a l flow T C D , FID or s i n g l e - c o l u m n E C D . CIRCLE 207
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on these and other Shtmadzu
For automatic liquid sampling A O C - 8 Automatic Sampler T h i s accessory boosts capability of G C - 8 A t h r o u g h automatic repeative injection of t h e samples. CIRCLE 208 Microprocessor version of Shimadzu compact GC G C - M I N I 3 Gas Chromatograph
Offers multi-stage temperature-program capability, an o n - c o l u m n on-detector system.
Shimadzu's well-known compact GC GC-MiNi2 G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h C o m p a c t and reliable, Shimadzu's p o p u lar GC-MiNi2 offers outstanding repeatability,
SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 7102 Riverwood Drive. Columbia. Maryland 21046. US A. Phone:(301)997-1227
SHIMADZU (EUROPA) GMBH Acker Strasse 111. 4000 Dùsseldorf. F.B. Germany. Phone:{0211)666371 Telex:08586839
SHIMADZU CORPORATION, INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV. Shinjuku-Mitsui Building. 1-1, Nishishinjuku 2-chome. Shinjuku-ku. Tokyo 160. Japan. Phone: Tokyo 03-346-5641 Telex : 0232-3291 SHMDT J