Before you buy a diode array detector, let benzene and anthracene speak on our behalf:
The new SPD-M6A detector from Shimadzu delivers high resolution spectra without compromising sensitivity. By using a 512 diode array for optimal resolution. And by using two (D2 and Tungsten) lamps for highest sensitivity over the full spectral range. Temperaturecontrolled optics yield high baseline stability, protecting the quality of acquired data. And ratio, absorption or total chromatogram displays in either contour or 3D mode at any desired wavelength enhances interpretation.
If the above traces don't answer all your questions, call or write: Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc 7102 Riverwood Drive Columbia, MD 21046 (301)381-1227
The New Force in HTLGdetection SHIMADZU
'Data by SPD-M6A. Graphics by Spectra Calc. " Circle 154 for sales rep.
Circle 155 for information.
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 61, NO. 11, JUNE 1, 1989 · 725 A