full accessory availability and application support. GC-mini3 Gas Chromatograph ... system to prevent absorption or decomposition of samples and multi...
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Shimadzu The low cost alternative for quality GC. ANNOUNCING

Split-splitless operation, full detector selection, full accessory availability and application support.

• GC-MIM3 Gas Chromatograph The most compact microcomputerized GC with dual FID. S h i m a d z u ' s G C - M I N I 3 Gas Chromatograph with built-in microcomputer displays full per­ formance as a new-generation GC via keyboard operation. Features include an on-column on-detector system to prevent absorption or decomposition of samples and multi-stage tempera­ ture-program capability to keep column temperature at a nearambient point even when the temperature of injection ports is high. CIRCLE 304


A GC-9A Series Gas Chromatograph Shimadzu's GC-9A Series Gas Chromatograph with built-in micro­ processor saves valuable labora­ tory time without loss of analytical excellence. It makes available easy user-defined programming, multiple files with linking, compu­ ter interface and generous selfdiagnostics. The 2-door column oven offers the possibility of building a multi-system. Now available with full detector options(FID, TCD, ECD, FPD, FTD).

AOC-9 Automatic Sampler for GC-9A A new accessory designed to enlarge the capability of the GC9A, the AOC-9 offers sequence control through the GC-9A key­ board. 1, 2, 4 and 8μΙ sample volume; repeat sampling for up to a maximum of 10 samples; and sample vial detection eliminating the need for batch step sample placement.





Chromatograph Compact and reliable, Shimadzu's GC-MINI2 Gas Chromatograph with dual column flow system and on-column on-detector system will keep the gas flow rate constant in either isothermal or temperature programmed modes. An optional temperature programmer is available for programming from the near ambient point. The three temperature sensors provide excellent repeatability in resetting initial column temperature. • GC-8A Series Gas Chromatograph A simple construction and low cost are the key features of Shimadzu's high-quality GC. The GC-8A Series offers digital temperature setting and digital temperature programming. An oncolumn on-detector system, Flame Ionization Detector, constant current Thermal Conductivity Detector, Flame Photometric Detector and Electron Capture Detector models are available.

• GC-6AM Series Gas Chromatograph The first modular designed system with sample injection port, column and detector combined into one cartridge unit—quick change of analytical conditions, elimination of cross contamination between samples and shorter down time. The only system with the complete analytical unit in the oven simultaneously. CIRCLE 309


See SHIMADZU at the Pittsburgh Conference Booths

No. 4000~4011



SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 9147 Red Branch Road,Columbia.Md.21045.U.S.A.Phone:(301)997-1227 Fax:(301)730-1290 SHIMADZU (EUROPA) GMBH Acker Strasse 111, 4000 Dusseldorf, F.R. Germany Phone: (0211)666371 Telex: 08586839 SHIMADZU CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV. Shinjuku-Mitsui Building, 1-1, Nishishinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan. Phone: Tokyo 03-346-5641 Telex:0232-3291 SHMDT J.