Shimadzu. Three steps in the direction of cost-efficient

SHIMADZU CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV. Shinjuku-Mitsui Building ... accessories a very affordable research-quality ... connection to all HP...
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t/Λ Shimadzu S^ESCA-750 r\sE\ectror\ Spectrometer Shimadzu's compactness and ultra-fast start-up brings a new d i m e n s i o n to ESCA. Designed for non-destructive testing, long-term stability and good repeatability, the ESCA750 with turbomolecular pump and high-speed vanes, ef­ ficiently evacuates all gases and vapors, establishing a vacuum free of oil vapor. The non-dispersive energy analyz­ er assures high sensitivity and high resolution for rapid, trace and sample analysis. Full accessory availability— ion etching device, sample temperature controller and evaporating attachment—fur­ ther enlarges system versatili­ ty. CIRCLE 234 ON READER SERVICE CARD


Shimadzu EPM-810 Electron Probe Microanalyzer High performance and economy together with the newest technology ... including a color CRT. Shimadzu's EPM810 Electron Probe Microana­ lyzer with wavelength disper­ sive X-ray spectrometer offers ultra-high-speed detection and completely automates electron probe microanalysis, scanning electron microscopy and even positioning of large specimens by way of computer software. Automatically controlled elec­ tron optics enable simulta­ neous ΕΡΜΑ and SEM.

Shimadzu. Three steps in the direction of cost-efficient analysis performance oriented.



Shimadzu delivers a new family of analyzers complete with powerful software. Write today for more information on these and other Shimadzu instruments.

SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 7102 Riverwood Drive. Columbia, Maryland 21046, U.S.A. Phone: (301 ) 997-1227 SHIMADZU (EUROPA) GMBH Acker Strasse 111. 4000 Dusseldorf, F.R. Germany. Phone: (0211) 666371 Telex : 08586839 SHIMADZU CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV. Shinjuku-Mitsui Building, 1-1, Nishishinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo160, Japan. Phone:Tokyo 03-346-5641 Telex:0232-3291 SHMDT J.

/ J Shimadzu /GCMS-QP1000— # Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer System Measurements are stable even in the high-mass range with Shimadzu's GCMS-QP1000 Gas C h r o m a t o g r a p h - M a s s Spectrometer System, a quadrapole type GCMS with a mass range of 1000. Data processing functions for tabulations, gra­ phics and area calculations are standard and standard floppy disc capacity is 1M bytes. Also standard for easy and costefficient monitoring is display of auto repeat scanning. Con­ versational dialog using the key­ board and CRT assures easy gas and mass chromatogra­ phy, mass spectrometry, mass fragmentography (MF), directinlet mass spectrometry, multi­ ple mini-range mass profile, mass number calibration and mass peak catching in mass fragmentography. X


(yj Shimadzu y ^ UV-240/UV-250 r\yUV-VIS Recording Spectrophotometer A low-cost, high-performance microprocessor-controlled spec­ trophotometer with built-in gra­ phic recorder. The low stray light, double-beam optics and advanced data processing func­ tions make the UV-240 and its accessories a very affordable research-quality spectrophoto­ meter. The UV-250 has a premonochromator reducing stray light 1/50 and extending the linear dynamic range from 3.999 to 5.000.

Shimadzu. Three ways to update recording

spectrophotometers A I M them cost efficient

CIRCLE 237 ON READER SERVICE CARD Shimadzu delivers low cost without compromising results. Write today for more information on these and other Shimadzu instruments.

SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 7102 Riverwood Drive Columbia, Maryland 21046, U.S.A. Phone: (301 ) 997-1227 SHIMADZU (EUROPA) GMBH Acker Strasse 111. 4000 Dusseldorf. F.R.Germany. Phone:(0211)666371 Telex : 08586839 SHIMADZU CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV. Shinjuku-Mitsui Building, 1-1, Nishishinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan. PhoneTokyo 03-346-5641 Telex:0232-3291 SHMDTJ.


Shimadzu UV-3000—Full range UV-VIS dual-wavelength scanning free of background effects


Shimadzu's UV-3000 UV-VIS Dual-Wavelength Double-Beam Recording Spectrophotometer combines high quality optics and a wide dynamic range to enable the latest dual-wavelength scanning tech­ niques and spectral recording of the full UV or VIS spectrum range in the dual-wavelength mode. The UV-3000 offers flexible parameter setting and has one-touch recall of preset parameters. For extended flexi­ bility in a wide range of work, modes of operation include double-beam, difference, dualwavelength, dual-wavelength scanning, derivative and singlebeam modes. CIRCLE 236 ON READER SERVICE CARD


Shimadzu UV-120 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Designed for day-to-day work, the Shimadzu UV-120 singlebeam spectrophotometer is a fine instrument in total keeping with a policy of making high quality available at affordable cost. It features a digital dis­ play, highly stable/low-noise silicon photocell and blazed holographic grating with mini­ mized stray light. Two models give 190~1000nm and 3 2 5 1000nm spectral ranges. CIRCLE 238 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Shimadzu SPD-M1A Photodiode Array UV-VIS Spectrophotometry Detector for HPLC


y ^ Shimadzu r\yRF-530 Fluorescence Spectromonitor for HPLC Shimadzu's RF-530 Fluores­ cence Spectromonitor with x e n o n l a m p and c o n c a v e holographic gratings offers a wide range of excitation and emission wavelengths.

Shimadzu. Three approaches to wide-ranging LC All are modular designs

An advance in HPLC that achieves simultane­ ous detection through the full UV-VIS wavelength range. Shimadzu's new SPD-M1A Photodiode Array Spectrophctometric Detector for liquid chromatography is designed for simultaneous quantitative and qualitative analyses. It offers the advantage of threedimensional spectro-chromatograms, easily identifiable peaks, spectrum memory on-f low and single and double-wavelength range chromatograms. The photodiode array sensorcovers the full UV and VIS spectrum range and all detector signals in the UV7VIS wavelength range are processed by dedicated microprocessor combined with a dialog system on the CRT for easy opera­ tion. CIRCLE 239 ON READER SERVICE CARD

The corrected excitation energy and sensitivity to give a detec­ tion limit for quinine sulphate is 0.45pg/12Ml. An off-plane optical system and aberrationcorrected concave holographic gratings decrease noise. All connections are made with standard 1/16" C D . tubing for connection to all HPLC sys­ tems. CIRCLE 240 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Shimadzu delivers modular design, versatile components and full automation. Write today for more Information on these and other Shimadzu instruments.

SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 7102 Riverwood Drive. Columbia, Maryland 21046, U.S.A. Phone: (301) 997-1227 SHIMADZU (EUROPA) GMBH Acker Strasse 111,4000 Dusseldorf, F.R. Germany. Phone: (0211) 666371 Telex : 08586839 SHIMADZU CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV Shtnjuku-Mitsui Building, 1-1, Nishishinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan. Phone:Tokyo 03-346-5641 Telex:0232-3291 SHMDT J.


ΨShimadzu SPD-2A UV Spectrophotometric Detector Series for HPLC Shimadzu's SPD-2A is equip­ ped with a high-performance grating monochromator hav­ ing a wavelength range from 195 to 350nm. To ensure high stability, the SPD-2A has a double beam optical system which cancels drifts caused by fluctuation in the intensity of the light source. Available with 8μΙ flow cell and 0.5μΙ micro flow cell. CIRCLE 241 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Shimadzu ~~~si GC-8A Series Gas Chromatograph A simple construction and low cost are the key features of Shimadzu's high-quality GC. The GC-8A Series offers digital temperature setting and digital temperature programming. An on-column on-detector system is standard. FID, constant current TCD, FPD, and ECD models are available. CIRCLE 243 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Shimadzu. Four recom­ mendations that lower the cost ot quality 6C

All with full accessory availability and application support

/JShimadzu 'JGC-9A Series # Gas Chromatograph— Our newest microcomputercontrolled gas chromato­ graph is our finest to date Shimadzu's finest is your best choice. The Simadzu GC-9A Series Gas Chromatograph with built-in microprocessor is designed to save valuable laboratory time without loss of analytical excellence. The GC-9A makes available easy user-defined programming, multiples with linking, com­ puter interface and generous self-diagnostics. With full detec­ tor options—including FID, TCD, ECD, FTD and FPD—it is ideally suited as the base for building a fully-automated laboratory system for quality G C . CIRCLE 245 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Shimadzu GC-MIN/3


Chromatograph The most compact microcomputerized GC with dual FID. A full performance new-gene­ ration GC with full keyboard operation. Features include an o n - c o l u m n o n - d e t e c t o r system, multi-stage tempera­ ture-program capability with near ambient column tem­ p e r a t u r e even w i t h high injection port temperature. CIRCLE 244 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Shimadzu delivers split/splitless operation and full detector selection on top of full accessory availability and applications support. Write today for more information on these and other Shimadzu instruments.

SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. SHIMADZU SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21046. U.S.A. Phone: (301 ) 997-1227 SHIMADZU (EUROPA) GMBH Acker Strasse 111. 4000 Dusseldorf, F.R. Germany. Phone: (0211) 666371 Telex : 08586839 SHIMADZU CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV. Shinjuku-Mitsui Building, 1-1, Nishtshinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo160, Japan. PhoneTokyo 03-346-5641 Telex:0232-3291 SHMDTJ.


Shimadzu GC-MINI2


Chromatograph C o m p a c t and reliable,

Shimadzu's G C - M I N I 2


Chromatograph has a dual column flow system and oncolumn on-detector system. An optional temperature pro­ g r a m m e r is a v a i l a b l e f o r programming from the near ambient point. The three temperature sensors provide excellent repeatability in re­ setting initial column tem­ perature. CIRCLE 245 ON READER SERVICE CARD