Short Courses - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Meetings. The following meetings are newly listed in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. The 1980 meetings listed earlier ap- pear in the March and April issues. m ...
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Meetings The following meetings are newly listed in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. The 1980 meetings listed earlier appear in the March and April issues. •


Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis Conference. J u n e 4-6. Barcelona, Spain. Contact: Centre de Rech. de Calorimétrie, 26 rue du 141ème Ria, F-13003 Marseille, France Annual Meeting of t h e Council for Optical Radiation Measurements. J u n e 10. Gaithersburg, Md. Contact: Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr., Dept. of Chemistry, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, Ν. Υ. 12181 N u c l e a r Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Solids. J u n e 1 8 19. London, Great Britain. Con­ tact: The Executive Secretary, The Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y5AG, Great Britain. Gordon R e s e a r c h Conference on E l e c t r o n Spectroscopy. July 1 4 18. Wolfeboro, N.H. Contact: Alex­ ander M. Cruickshank, Gordon Re­ search Conferences, Pastore Chemical Laboratory, U of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. 02881. 401783-4011 or -3372. From June 9 to Aug. 22, address will be, Gordon Research Conferences, Colby-Saw­ yer College, New London, N.H. 03257. 603-526-2870 Gordon R e s e a r c h Conference on Analytical Chemistry. Aug. 1 1 15. New Hampton, N.H. Contact: Alexander M. Cruickshank, Gor­ don Research Conferences, Pastore Chemical Laboratory, U of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. 02881. 401783-4011 or -3372. From June 9 to Aug. 22, address will be, Gordon Research Conferences, Colby-Saw­ yer College, New London, N.H. 03257. 603-526-2870 Gordon R e s e a r c h Conference on Vibrational Spectroscopy. Aug. 18-22. Wolfeboro, N.H. Contact: Alexander M. Cruickshank, Gor­ don Research Conferences, Pastore

Chemical Laboratory, U of Rhode Island, Kingston, R.I. 02881. 401783-4011 or -3372. From June 9 to Aug. 22, address will be, Gordon Research Conferences, Colby-Saw­ yer College, New London, N.H. 03257. 603-526-2870 Joint I S M A R - A m p è r e International Conference on Magnetic Resonance. Aug. 25-30. Delft, T h e Netherlands. Contact: ISMARAmpère 1980, Post bus 30424, NL.2500 GK Den Haag, The Netherlands 2nd International Congress on B i o l u m i n e s c e n c e and Chemiluminescence. Aug. 26-28. La Jolla, Calif. Contact: Jean Rippon, Chemistry Dept., M-001, U of California at San Diego, La Jolla, Calif. 92093. 714-452-2491 11th International Congress of Clinical Chemistry—4th European Congress of Clinical Chemistry. Aug. 30-Sept. 5. Vienna, Austria. Contact: Congress Secretariat, Interconvention, P.O. Box 35, A-1095 Vienna, Austria. (0222)421352 5th National Conference on Spectrochemical Excitation and Analysis. Sept. 4-5. Boston, Mass. Contact: Thomas Gilbert, New England Aquarium, Central Wharf, Boston, Mass. 02110. 617-742-8830 2nd International Symposium on Isotachophoresis. Sept. 9-11. Eindhoven, T h e Netherlands. Contact: ITP 80, Afd. Instrumentele Analyse, Technische Hogeschool, Eindhoven, Postbus 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands 6th International Symposium on Advances and Applications of Chromatography in Industry. Sept. 16-19. Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Contact: Jan Remen, Analytical Section CS VTS, pri n.p. Slovnaft, 82300 Bratislava, Czechoslovakia N e w Spectroscopic Methods for Biomedical R e s e a r c h . Oct. 20-21. Columbus, Ohio. Contact: Karen Waite, Battelle-Columbus Labs., 505 King Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43201. 614-424-4179 or -5592 94th Annual Meeting of t h e A s sociation of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). Oct. 20-23. Washington, D.C. Contact: Kathleen Fominaya, AOAC, 1111 N. 19th St., Arlington, Va. 22209, April, page 492 A Multidiscipline Spectroscopy Symposium. Oct. 27-31. Chicago, 111. Sponsored by the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. Discussions will include GC/MS, N M R , E P R , X-Ray, Surface Analysis. Contact:


Donald H. Arendt, Wells Manufacturing Co., 7800 N. Austin Ave., Skokie, III. 60077 • 19th Eastern Analytical Symposium. Nov. 19-21. New York City, N.Y. Contact: Ivor L. Simmons, M and Τ Chemicals Inc., Research Lab., P.O. Box 1104, Rahway, N.J. 07065. 201-499-2464, March, page 382 A

Short Courses ACS Courses. These new courses will be listed only once. For information on other ACS courses, see back issues and contact: Dept. of Educational Ac­ tivities, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 202-872-4508 Thermal, Mechanical, and Optical Characterization of P o l y m e r s Blacksburg, Va. J u n e 1-6. James E. McGrath. $560, ACS members; $615, nonmembers Microprocessors and Minicomput­ ers—Interfacing and Applica­ tions Blacksburg, Va. J u n e 8-13. Raymond E. Dessy. $495, ACS members; $570, nonmembers. The following ACS courses are being held in conjunction with the 180th ACS National Meeting in San Fran­ cisco, Calif. C-13 N M R Spectroscopy Aug. 22-24. George C. Levy, Paul D. Ellis. $365, ACS members; $405, nonmembers P r a c t i c e of Modern Liquid Chro­ matography Aug. 22-24. J. J. Kirkland, Lloyd R. Snyder. $365, ACS members; $405, nonmembers Capillary Gas Chromatography Aug. 23-24. Stuart P . Cram, Milos Novotny. $265, ACS members; $305, nonmembers Current Chromatographic T e c h ­ niques—TLC/GC/HPLC Aug. 26-27. Harold M. McNair. $265, ACS members; $305, nonmembers. H i g h P e r f o r m a n c e Liquid Chroma­ tography West Chester State College, West Chester, Pa. May 19-20. Sponsored by the Delaware Valley Chromatography

News Forum. $125. Contact: Carole Doleba Crowe, Du Pont Co., Experimental Station, Bldg. 334, Wilmington, Del. 19898. 302-772-4888

For information on Finnigan Institute courses listed below, contact: Nancy Kranpitz, Finnigan Institute, 11 Triangle Park Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513-772-5500 Introduction to G C / M S : Basic Mass Spectral Interpretation Cincinnati, Ohio, J u n e 2-6. Don DeJongh, Quentin Thomas. $495 Mass Spectral Interpretation: Applications Cincinnati, Ohio. J u n e 9-10. Don DeJongh,$250 Chemical Derivatization for Chromatography and Mass S p e c t r o m etry Cincinnati, Ohio. J u n e 9-12. Mark Weidner. $390 Advanced Atomic Absorption

Cincinnati, Ohio. J u n e 9-13. Richard Beaty. $650 Atomic Absorption: Basic Concepts and T e c h n i q u e s Cincinnati, Ohio. J u n e 16-20. Richard Beaty. $650 Analytical Pyrolysis Cincinnati, Ohio. J u n e 16-20. R. Levy. $390 Basic G C / M S / D S Cincinnati, Ohio. July 7—11. Quentin T h o m a s . $650 Liquid Chromatography: Separation plus Spectroscopy Cincinnati, Ohio. July 14-19. Barbara Dannacher. $650 Analysis of Priority Pollutants by Chromatographic T e c h n i q u e s Cincinnati, Ohio. July 21-25. Joseph Stork. $650

For information on Center for Professional Advancement courses listed below, contact: Rosanne Razzano,

Dept. NR, The Center for Professional Advancement, P.O. Box H, E. Brunswick, N.J. 08816. 201-249-1400 H i g h P e r f o r m a n c e Liquid Chromatography E. Brunswick, N.J. J u n e 9-11. T. Wolf. $510 Industrial Hygiene T e c h n o l o g y Houston, Tex. J u n e 16-18. J. T. Schrippa. $685 Chromatographic Separation and Identification T e c h n o l o g y E. Brunswick, N.J. Aug. 4-6. $520 Analytical Solids Pyrolysis E. Brunswick, N.J. Aug. 7-8. $355

P r a c t i c a l Gas Chromatography and Logical Troubleshooting Memphis, Tenn. J u n e 16-20; New Orleans, La. July 21-25; Houston, Tex. Aug. 25-29. J. McCary, L. Green. $500 or $125/day. Contact: Joy Baker, Hewlett-Packard, P.O. Box 105005, Atlanta, Ga. 30339. 404-955-1500, ext. 195

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News Digital Electronics for Scientists and Engineers Virginia Polytechnic Institute and S t a t e U, Blacksburg, Va. J u n e 23. Peter R. Rony. $125. Contact: Peter R. Rony, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. 24061. 703-9616370 High Performance Liquid Chromatography U of Sussex. J u n e 24-28. C. F. Simp-

son, £135, Council of Science and Technology Institutes/Chemical Society members; £145, nonmembers; £95, research students. Contact: L. Hart, T h e Chemical Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V OBN Great Britain T h e P r a c t i c e of Light S c a t t e r i n g — Application to Macromolecules and Colloids Potsdam, N.Y. J u n e 28-29. B. Chu, B.

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R. Jennings, M. Kerker, J. P . Kratohvil. $250. Sponsored by the Institute of Colloid and Surface Science, Clarkson College. Held in conjunction with the 10th Northeast Regional ACS Meeting. Contact: J. P. Kratohvil, Dept. of Chemistry, Clarkson College, Potsdam, N.Y. 13676. 315-268-2353 or -2389 Environmental Applications of Gas Chromatographic Mass S p e c trometry Indiana U, Bloomington, Ind. July 7-11. Ronald A. Hites. $580. Contact: Ronald A. Hites, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana U, 400 E. 7th St., Bloomington, Ind. 47405 For information on Bowdoin College courses listed below, contact: Dana W. Mayo, Dept. of Chemistry, Cleaveland Hall, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. 04011 Infrared Spectroscopy I: Applications Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. July 7-11. F . A. Miller, D. W. Mayo, L. J. Bellamy, R. H a n n a h , R. C. Lord. $490 (includes room and board) Infrared Spectroscopy II: Advanced Applications Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. July 14-18. R. C. Lord, R. H a n n a h , L. J. Bellamy, F. A. Miller, H. Willis, J. G. Grasselli, D. W. Mayo. $490 (includes room and board)

For information on Air Pollution Training Institute courses listed below, contact: Shelia Honeycutt, MD20, Environmental Research Center, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27711. 919-541-2498 Analytical Methods for Air Quality Standards Research Triangle Park, N.C. July 21-Aug. 1. Ken Joerger. $350 Atmospheric Sampling Davis, Calif. Aug. 18-22. Ken Joerger. $157.50


Hazardous Chemical Safety M a n agement Orlando, Fla. Aug. 4-7; Minneapolis, Minn. Aug. 18-21. Charles A. McMenamy. $480. Contact: Short Course Registrar, Eastek Corp., 3543 Baldwin Dr., Easton, Pa. 18042. 215-252-1737 Modern Industrial Spectroscopy Arizona State U, T e m p e , Ariz. Aug. 4-15. Robert E. Alvord, Jacob Fuchs,

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Nicholas Mirti, J o h n A. Norris, Jack Pracht, J u d d Vile, Ralph E. Wood. $700. Contact: Jacob Fuchs, Chemis­ try Dept., Arizona State U, T e m p e , Ariz. 85281. 602-965-4496 10th Gas Chromatography Short Course Villanova U, Villanova, Pa. Aug. 6-8, 3-day lecture; Aug. 8, 9,1-day lab (2 sections). Sponsored by the Chroma­ tography Forum of t h e Delaware Val­ ley. Robert L. Grob. Lecture: $110; after July 1, $135. Lab: $65; after July 1, $85. Contact: Robert L. Grob or J o h n F. Sullivan, Chemistry Dept., Villanova U, Villanova, Pa. 19085, 215-527-2100, ext. 496, 480, 481 P a p e r and Fiber Analysis Appleton, Wis. Aug. 6-14; Aug. 20-28. J o h n Litvay. $700. Contact: Kathy Stanek, Office of Continuing Educa­ tion, Institute of Paper Chemistry, P.O. Box 1039. Appleton, Wis. 54912

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An agreement has recently been reached between Chemical A b ­ stracts S e r v i c e and the Internation­ al Patent D o c u m e n t a t i o n Center (INPADOC), in Austria, for acquiring and compiling information on patents. Currently, I N P A D O C receives and standardizes information from 46 na­ tional p a t e n t offices and two interna­ tional organizations and compiles t h e m on a computer d a t a base. Under the new agreement, CAS will receive weekly computer-readable updates from the INPADOC files. These updates will be used, in conjunction with an INPADOC backfile acquired earlier, to identify patents for ab­ stracting in Chemical Abstracts and t o compile the CA Patent Concor­ dance. Under the terms of the agree­ m e n t the Concordance will no longer be issued in computer-readable form, b u t it will continue to be available as p a r t of the weekly, semiannual, and five-year collective indexes to Chemi­ cal Abstracts. For more information, contact: E. P . Donnell, Public Infor­ mation, 2540 Olentangy River Rd., P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, Ohio 43210. 614-421-6940, ext. 2950 Valco Instruments Co., Inc. of Houston, Tex., has acquired Metronics, Inc. of Santa Clara, Calif. Metronics manufactures permeation tube devices and offers analytical a n d test­ ing services for meteorological moni­ toring programs and for air pollution, dispersion, wind tunnel, environmen-



NO. 6, MAY


tal impact, and gas calibration studies. Valco Instruments produces gas and liquid chromatography valves, fittings, a n d instrumentation. For further in­ formation, contact: Valco Instruments Co., Inc., P.O. Box 55063, Houston, Tex. 77055. 713-688-9345 Ann Arbor S c i e n c e Publishers, Inc., of Ann Arbor, Mich., publisher of environmental pollution control and energy books, has been sold to B u t t e r w o r t h s , the London-based p u b ­ lisher of scientific, technical, medical and legal books. Locations from which Butterworth will be marketing Ann Arbor publications are London, Syd­ ney, Wellington, Durban, Singapore, Bombay, Toronto, Vancouver, Woburn, Massachusetts, and Seattle. T h e newly formed subsidiary of IBM, I B M Instruments, Inc., has pur­ chased interests in the following com­ panies which produce and manufac­ ture spectrometric instruments: Bruker-Physik AG of West Germany, Spectrospin AG and Bruker-Spectrospin AG of Switzerland, and Bruker In­ struments, Inc., of the U.S. For more information, contact: Cecil P . Webb, 1000 Westchester Ave., White Plains, N.Y.10604 Eastman Kodak Co. has changed the name of its Eastman Organic Chemi­ cals business to Kodak Laboratory and Specialty Chemicals. T h e new name reflects an ongoing expansion into inorganic chemicals and biochemicals. For additional information, con­ tact: Marjorie G. Petschke, Corporate Communications, Eastman Kodak Co., 343 State St., Rochester, N.Y. 14650. 716-724-3854 Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. an­ nounces the formation of a new sub­ sidiary, Roche Analytical Instru­ ments, Inc., which specializes in the development and marketing of auto­ mated, computerized, clinical labora­ tory instrumentation. Additional in­ formation may be obtained from Lou Gaburo, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., Nutley, N.J. 07110. 201-235-3041 Copies of the Battelle Columbus Laboratories' report, "National Sur­ vey of Compensation Paid Scientists and Engineers Engaged in Research a n d Development," are available from the Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Additional information about t h e study may be obtained from J e a n Newborg, Battelle Columbus Laboratories, 505 King Ave., Columbus, Ohio 43201