Short Courses - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

ACS members; $135, nonmembers ... Check the appropriate box or write or call for more information,. l r technical .... Texas Health Science Center, Sa...
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News Short Courses ACS Courses. For more information, contact: Department of Educational Activities, American Chemical Soci­ ety, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Wash­ ington, D.C. 20036. 202-872-4508 Liquid Chromatography, Theory and P r a c t i c e Blacksburg, Va., J u n e 4-7, Dec. 10-13. H. M. McNair. $450, ACS members; $510, nonmembers

H i g h - P r e s s u r e Liquid Chromatog­ raphy Apparatus Workshop Los Angeles, J u n e 7-8; Philadelphia (FACSS Meeting), Sept. 15-16. D. H. Freeman. $250, ACS members; $300, nonmembers

Federal Regulations in the Chemi­ cal Industry Los Angeles, J u n e 8-9. G. S. Dominguez. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmembers

Chemical Abstracts Workshops Los Angeles J u n e 7-8. CA staff. $75, ACS members; $135, nonmembers

Microprocessors and Minicomput­ ers—Interfacing and Applica­ tions Blacksburg, Va., J u n e 10-15, Sept. 23-28, and Dec. 9-14. R. E. Dessy and the Chemistry Dept. Instrument and Design Group of VPI&SU. $455, ACS members; $515, nonmembers

Multinuclear N M R Spectroscopy Los Angeles, J u n e 7-9; Tallahassee, Fla., J u n e 14-16. G. C. Levy. $295, ACS members; $340, nonmembers

If you've got a constant temperature problem, we've got four constant temperature solutions WATER BATHS · OIL BATHS · DRY HEAT BATHS · FLUIDIZED BATHS BATH —Low Π IMMERSION CIRCULATORS — D POLYPROPYLENE 1 Convert any container into a precise cost, 3 /2 gallon capacity for educa­ constant temperature bath. Control to tional and clinical applications. Con±0.005°C, all solid state with vective circulation maintains temper­ temperature preset and built-in safety ature within ±0.5°C. Includes tray and thermometer. features. D SOLID STATE CIRCULATOR—Cir­ D DRY HEAT BATHS—Maintain test culates liquid to maintain cuvettes and tube samples to within ±0.1 °C ac­ external apparatus at set or preset curacy. Silent and solid state. UL listed temperatures, stable to ±0.02°C. Has for safety. integral safety features. D FLUIDIZED BATHS—Dry, inert, D CIRCULATING BATHS—Seamless clean and non-toxic f l u i d i z e d stainless steel for water or oil. Solid aluminum oxide provides safe, isother­ state controls, stability to ±0.05°C. mal environment from ambient to Various racks, covers, trays and cool­ 1100°C. Superior to heating mantles, oil baths, or air ovens. ing coils available. A lr

Check the appropriate box or write or call for more information, technical details or applications assistance.

Gas Chromatography Atlanta, J u n e 14-15. R. A. Keller and M. F. Burke. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmembers Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Atlanta, J u n e 14-15. Samuel Koirtyohann, Michael Epstein, and Theodore Rains. $245, ACS members; $290, nonmembers D e s i g n and Analysis of Industrial Experiments Atlanta, J u n e 14-16; Philadelphia (FACSS Meeting), Sept. 14-16. J o h n Hromi. $295, ACS members; $340, nonmembers Carbon-13 N M R Spectroscopy Washington, D.C. (178th ACS Nation­ al Meeting), Sept. 7-9. G. C. Levy and Paul Ellis. $295, ACS members; $340, nonmembers Effective Writing for Scientists and Engineers Washington, D.C. (178th ACS Nation­ al Meeting), Sept. 7-9. Henrietta Tichy and Sylvia Fourdrinier. $295, ACS members; $340, nonmembers High-Performance Management Washington, D.C. (178th ACS Nation­ al Meeting), Sept. 8-9. J. H. Morrison. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmem­ bers






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Electroanalytical Chemistry Philadelphia (FACSS Meeting), Sept. 14-16. Dennis Evans and P . E. Whitson. $295, ACS members; $340, nonmembers Laboratory Automation: Micro-, Mini-, or Midicomputers? Philadelphia (FACSS Meeting), Sept. 15-16. R. E. Dessy and the Chemistry Dept. Instrument and Design Group of VPI&SU. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmembers Thermal Methods of Analysis Philadelphia (FACSS Meeting), Sept. 15-16. W. W. Wendlandt and I. M.


Liquid C 0 2 Extraction Made Easy by J&W Scientific, Inc.

Sarasohn. $225, ACS members; $265, nonmembers Gas Chromatography, Theory and Practice Blacksburg, Va., Sept. 24-27. H. M. McNair. $425, ACS members; $485, nonmembers Maintaining and Troubleshooting Chromatography Systems Work­ shop Philadelphia (ASTM E-19 Meeting), Oct. 20-21. Q. Walker, M. T. Jackson, and M. P. T. Bradley. $250, ACS members; $300, nonmembers

Methodology of Thin Layer Chro­ matography and in situ Quanti­ tation Philadelphia, J u n e 11-12; San Fran­ cisco, J u n e 26-27; Chicago, July Π ­ Ι 8; Boston, Aug. 7-8; Houston, Aug. 28-29; Washington, D.C., Sept. 17-18. $125. Contact: Dexter Rogers, Techni­ cal Director, Kontes, Spruce St., P.O. Box 729, Vineland, N.J. 08360

Our "High Pressure Soxhlet Extractor" (Pat. Pending) Makes It Easy to Take Advantage of the Excellent Solvent Properties of Liquid C0 2 Applications in a Wide Variety of Analyses. Environmental Research, E,ood & Flavor Analysis, Essence Extraction, Pheremone Analysis.

Provides a Low Temperature, Inert Atmosphere Which Minimizes Artifact Formation.

Liquid Chromatography—Columns and Applications University of Wisconsin-Madison, J u n e 18-19. $280. Contact: J. E. Nicholls, Dept. of Engineering, Universi­ ty of Wisconsin-Extension, 432 North Lake St., Madison, Wis. 53706

Readily Desorbs Volatiles from Porous Polymer Traps or Activated Charcoal Substrates.

High Performance Liquid Chroma­ tography Cincinnati, J u n e 21-22; Chicago, J u n e 25-26. $100. Contact: Altex Scientific Inc., 1780 4th St., Berkeley, Calif. 94710

Yields Essentially Complete Recovery of Compounds in a Solvent-Free System.

S c a n n i n g Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Analysis Lehigh University, J u n e 25-29. Con­ tact: J. I. Goldstein, Dept. of Metal­ lurgy and Materials Engineering, Le­ high University, Bethlehem, P a . 18015

Allows Recovery of Low Boiling Compounds.

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Automatic Methods of Analysis University College of Swansea, July 9-13. £125, Chemical Society mem­ bers; £145, nonmembers. Contact: Susan Leclercq, T h e Chemical Soci­ ety, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1V 0ΒΝ, UK High Performance Liquid Chroma­ tography: Introduction and Ad­ vanced University of Edinburgh, West Mains Rd., Edinburgh, July 9-13. Contact: P . E. Hutchinson, Chemical Society, Analytical Division, Burlington House, London W1V OBN

News Computers for Chemist Cincinnati, July 9-13. Q. Thomas. $625. Contact: Ann Woolley, Finnigan Institute, 11750 Chesterdale Rd., Bldg. 5, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513772-5500 Problem Solving by Chromatogra­ phy: HPLC and GC Cincinnati, July 16-20 and Aug. 2 7 31. W. Averill. $625. Contact: Ann Woolley, Finnigan Institute, 11750 Chesterdale Rd., Bldg. 5, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513-772-5500

Atomic Absorption Spectropho­ tometry: Basic Concepts and Techniques Cincinnati, July 23-27 and Aug. 2 0 24. A. K n o t t or W. Stelzer. $625. Con­ tact: Ann Woolley, Finnigan Institute, 11750 Chesterdale Rd., Bldg. 5, Cin­ cinnati, Ohio 45246. 513-772-5500 Basic Mass Spectral Interpretation Toronto, Canada, July 23-27. G. Vander Velde and D. De Jongh. $450. Contact: Ann Woolley, Finnigan Insti-


tute, 11750 Chesterdale Rd., Bldg. 5, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513-772-5500 Forensic and Clinical Toxicology: Analytical Techniques New Orelans, La., July 23-27. Con­ tact: J. E. Wallace, Course Director, Dept. of Pathology, University of Texas Health Science Center, San An­ tonio, Tex. 78284 Mass Spectral Interpretation: A p ­ plications Toronto, Canada, July 30-31. D. De Jongh. $220. Contact: Ann Woolley, Finnigan Institute, 11750 Chesterdale Rd., Bldg. 5, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513-772-5500 Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics: Quantitative & Qualitative Anal­ ysis Cincinnati, July 30-Aug. 3. W. Braun. $625. Contact: Ann Woolley, Finnigan Institute, 11750 Chesterdale Rd., Bldg. 5, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513772-5500 Problem Solving by G C / M S / D S Cincinnati, Aug. 6-10. Q. T h o m a s and G. Vander Velde. $625. Contact: Ann Woolley, Finnigan Institute, 11750 Chesterdale Rd., Bldg. 5, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513-772-5500 Chemical Derivatization for Chro­ matography and Mass Spectrom­ etry Cincinnati, Aug. 13-15. M. Quilliam. $400. Contact: Ann Woolley, Finnigan Institute, 11750 Chesterdale Rd., Bldg. 5, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513772-5500

PORTABLE LAB/FIELD CALIBRATION KITS Lif-O-Gen offers precise calibration standards to insure accurate monitor function. The kits, including control equipment, are χ€ designed particularly for this service, coupled with the highest quality gravametric gas mixtures that guarantee fine performance. All models come equipped with a reusable push button No. 515 ι regulator with contents gauge. Disposable cylinders are either aluminum or steel depending on gas mixtures required. H20 Private labeling available. Contact William J. Walsh.

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Basic G C / M S / D S Cincinnati, Aug. 27-31. Q. Thomas. $625. Contact: Ann Woolley, Finnigan Institute, 11750 Chesterdale Rd., Bldg. 5, Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513772-5500

Expochem Courses. Houston, Tex., Oct. 20-21. $300/course. Contact: A. Zlatkis, Chemistry Dept., University of Houston, Houston, Tex. 77004. 713-749-2623 Capillary Gas Chromatography G. Schomburg and L. S. E t t r e Gas C h r o m a t o g r a p h y / M a s s S p e c ­ trometry C. J. W. Brooks and B. S. Middleditch Quantitative Thin-Layer Chroma­ tography U. Hezel and D. C. Fenimore

News High Performance Liquid Chroma­ tography Cs Horvath and I. Molnar Analysis of Industrial Effluents for Toxic Pollutants D. A. Flory and H. A. Lichtenstein Thermal Methods of Analysis W. W. Wendlandt and I. M. Sarasohn Practical Electroanalytical Chem­ istry K. M. Kadish and L. A. Bottomley Simplex Optimization in R e s e a r c h and Development S. N. Deming and S. L. Morgan Analog and Digital Electronics for Laboratory Scientists S. N. Deming and H. L. Pardue

For Your Information A booklet entitled Materials and N a ­ tional Policy comprises the proceed­ ings of the two symposia, Public Poli­ cy Aspects of the Materials Problem and Materials from t h e Chemical Viewpoint, held in New Orleans, La., in March 1977. Copies are available as

free ACS service literature from: American Chemical Society, Special Issues Sales, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 A symposium on t h e History of Chemical Instrumentation will be included in the program of the 178th Annual ACS Meeting to be held in Washington, D . C , Sept. 9-14. Spon­ sored jointly by the Divisions of the History of Chemistry and of Analyti­ cal Chemistry, one aim of the sympo­ sium is to alert scientists to the need for checking before discarding any in­ strument. Further details can be ob­ tained from the organizer, J. T. Stock, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Conn. 06268 A series of one-day seminars on H P L C and TLC will be conducted throughout the U.S. and Canada by W h a t m a n Inc. Dates include J u n e 25-28 and July 9-11. Those interested in attending should contact: Ε. Μ. Nash, Creative Services Manager, W h a t m a n Inc., 9 Bridewell Place, Clif­ ton, N.J. 07014. 201-777-4825. Price is $75 for each one-day session and $40 for either the morning or afternoon sessions.

LOVU-COST.IIIGII PERFORMANCE POLARIMETERS AND SACCHARIMETERS FOR RESEARCH, ANALYSIS AND CONTROL The Autopol series are high precision, quality state-of-the-art instruments available at a price lower than all other automatics and even lower than many manually operated polarimeters. The only operating controls are two pushbuttons, Power and Reset, all other functions are fully automatic. For all the details contact the Polarimetry Experts, Rudolph Research, 40 Pier Lane, Box 1446, Fairfield, N.J. 07006 (201) 227-6810.



T h e theme for the Third Annual Ar­ nold O. B e c k m a n Conference in Clinical Chemistry, to be held Oct. 2-5 in Colorado Springs, is the Rela­ tionship of the Laboratory to the Phy­ sician. This theme is the subtitle of the book, Clinician and Chemist, which records the proceedings of the conference. To obtain a copy, order from: AACC, Business Office, 1725 Κ St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. Price is $27.50 for nonmembers, $16.50 for members, plus $1.50 for postage and handling. T h e federal government is accepting job applications from scientists who specialize in toxicology according to the Office of Personnel Management. Applications are being accepted be­ tween April 2 and J u n e 30. Copies of the Directory of Under­ g r a d u a t e R e s e a r c h Participation P r o j e c t s — S u m m e r 1979 are avail­ able from N S F . T h e Student-Oriented Programs especially seek to involve s t u d e n t s from colleges without sub­ stantial established research pro­ grams. Contact: Student-Oriented Programs, Div. of Scientific Personnel Improvement, N S F , Washington, D.C. 20550. 202-282-7150. Request the U R P Directory, SE 79-21D. T h e 1979 National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards M e m ­ b e r s h i p D i r e c t o r y and Handbook provides information to the member­ ship about N C C L S ' structure, policies, goals, programs, and activities. Re­ quest copies from: NCCLS, 771 E. Lancaster Ave., Villanova, P a . 19085 An air monitoring filter-selection guide wall chart is available t h a t con­ tains all the information pertaining to monitoring workplace airborne partic­ ulates. For a free copy, call the techni­ cal services dept. at 800-225-1380 (in Mass. 617-275-9200; in Canada 800268-4881) or write, Millipore Corp., Laboratory Products Div., Bedford, Mass. 01730 Finnigan Instruments is presenting a series of free one-day seminars which features instrumentation de­ signed to handle the organics-in-water analysis problems. T h e OWA/1020 an­ alyzer will be demonstrated. Seminar dates include J u n e 19, 22, 26, and 29 at various locations in the U.S. For further information, contact: D. Frazier, Finnigan Instruments, 845 West M a u d e Ave., Sunnyvale, Calif. 94086