Short Courses - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Aug 10, 1980 - such basic examples as nonisothermal batch reactors, flow reactor scaleups, combined adsorption and chemical reactions. A comparison of...
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Chemist •

Chemical Engineering for Chemists f

The Colorado Section of the Λ American Chemical Society is sponsoring the short course "Chemical Engineering for Chemists" in conjunction with the Rocky Mountain Analytical Conference. Content: A practical, problemsolving course with an industry oriented approach. A general background in the subject will be supplemented by illustrations of how to solve practical problems with frequent citing of industrial examples. Offering a basic understanding of the interaction of chemical engineering with chemical phenomena and processes, the course covers such basic examples as nonisothermal batch reactors, flow reactor scaleups, combined adsorption and chemical reactions. A comparison of the principal chemical engineering areas (fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer) will be discussed thoroughly. Some knowledge of calculus is required; the course, while not highly mathematical, does involve simple differentiation and integration.


The course is designed for chemists involved in production, pilot plant operations, development, design and technical personnel who have not been trained in chemical engineering but who require an understanding of chemical engineering principles.


Date: August 9 and 10, 1980 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Place: Metropolitan State College Instructor: Dr. Richard G. Griskey, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee Fee: ACS Members, $250; Nonmembers, $290. This includes the admittance fee to the Conference August 11-14, 1980. Coffee breaks are included; lunch is not included. Special Discounts: Students and Retirees may take the course at reduced rates, unemployed ACS members may enroll free of charge. Registration Deadline: July 23, 1980 To register or for more information, V call or write: Ms. Sonia Hoffner ACS Colorado Section c/o Marathon Oil Company P.O. Box 269 Littleton, CO 80160 Tel: (303) 794-2601, ext. 275

ACS 16th Midwest Regional Meeting. Nov. 6-7. Lincoln, Neb. Nebraska Section. Contact: C. Wilkins, Dept. of Chem., U of Ne­ braska, Lincoln, Neb. 68588. 402472-3304 ACS 12th Central Regional Meeting. Nov. 12-14. Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh Section. Contact: G. Gibbon, U.S. Dept. of Energy, 4800 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. 412-675-5804 19th Eastern Analytical Sympo­ sium. Nov. 19-21. New York City, N.Y. Contact: Ivor L. Simmons, M and Τ Chemicals Inc., Research Lab., P.O. Box 1104, Rahway, N.J. 07065.201-499-2464. March, page 382 A Electro-analytical Techniques: Industrial and Clinical Applica­ tions. Nov. 25-27. London, En­ gland. Contact: Audrey Mills, Sira Inst. Ltd., S. Hill, Chislehurst, Kent BR75EH, England. Tele­ phone 01-467-2636, Telex 896649 Atomic and Nuclear Methods in Fossil Energy Research. Dec. 1-4. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Spon­ sored by American Nuclear Society and American Chemical Society, Div. of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology. Contact: Royston Filby, Nuclear Radiation Center, Washington State University, Pullman, Wash. 99163 INTERCHIMIE '80. Dec. 8-13. Paris, France. Contact: Christiane Mondet, U.S. International Mar­ keting Center, 123 Avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly, France. Tel: 624.33.13—Telex: 610731F ACS Joint 37th Southwest-32nd Southeastern Regional Meeting. Dec. 10-13. New Orleans, La. Loui­ siana Section. Contact: R. Berni, SRRC, USDA, P.O. Box 19687, New Orleans, La. 70179. 504-5897547

Short Courses


ACS Courses. These new courses will be listed only once. For information on other ACS courses, see back issues and contact: Dept. of Educational Ac­ tivities, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 202-872-4508 Capillary Gas Chromatography San Francisco, Calif. Aug. 23-24. Stu­ art P. Cram, Milos Novotny. $295, ACS members; $355, nonmembers. Held in conjunction with t h e 180th ACS National Meeting


Editorial Assistant For monthly journal/maga­ zine presenting latest infor­ mation on analytical chem­ istry. Involves evaluation of peer-reviewed ' manuscripts and some writing. Bachelor's degree in Chemistry and two or more years of laboratory experience. Previous editorial experience not required put skill and interest in the English language as well as chemistry are required. Please send re­ sume with salary history to Personnel Office. American Chemical Society 1155 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Equal Opportunity Employer

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News Current Chromatographic T e c h niques— T L C / G C / H P L C San Francisco, Calif. Aug. 26-27. Harold M. McNair. $295, ACS members; $355, nonmembers. Held in conjunction with the 180th ACS National Meeting

Systems E n g i n e e r i n g in the Analytical Laboratory San Francisco, Caiif. Aug. 23-24. T o m a s Hirschfeld. $295, ACS members; $355, nonmembers. Held in conjunction with the 180th ACS National Meeting

Effective Writing for Scientists and Engineers San Francisco, Calif. Aug. 22-24. Henrietta Tichy, Sylvia Fourdrinier. $395, ACS members; $455, nonmembers. Held in conjunction with the 180th ACS National Meeting

Carbon-13 N M R Spectroscopy Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 2-4. George C. Levy, Paul D. Ellis. $395, ACS members; $455, nonmembers

P h a r m a c o l o g y for Chemists San Francisco, Calif. Aug. 22-24. Joseph G. Cannon. $395, ACS members; $455, nonmembers. Held in conjunc- . tion with the 180th ACS National Meeting P r a c t i c e of Modern Liquid Chromatography San Francisco, Calif. Aug. 22-24. J. J. Kirkland, Lloyd R. Snyder. $395, ACS members; $455, nonmembers. Held in conjunction with the 180th ACS National Meeting

Gas C h r o m a t o g r a p h y - M a s s Spectrometry Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 3-4. J. Throck Watson, O. David Sparkman. $295, ACS members; $355, nonmembers Modern T e c h n i q u e s in Gas Chromatography Philadelphia, Pa. Oct. 3-4. Harold M. McNair, Stuart P . Cram. $295, ACS members; $355, nonmembers Maintaining and Troubleshooting Chromatographic Systems Workshop Kansas City, Mo. Oct. 4-5; Washington, D.C. Oct. 18-19. John Q. Walker,

Minor T. Jackson, Jr., M. P . T. Bradley. $295, ACS members; $355, nonmembers For information on Finnigan Institute courses listed below, contact: Nancy Kranpitz, Finnigan Inst., 11 Triangle Park Dr., Cincinnati, Ohio 45246. 513-772-5500 Analysis of Priority Pollutants by Chromatographic T e c h n i q u e s Cincinnati, Ohio. July 28-Aug. 1, Sept. 8-12. Steve Lammert. $650 B a s i c Mass Spectral Interpretation Denver, Colo. Aug. 14-16. Don DeJongh. $350. In conjunction with the 22nd Rocky Mountain Conference. December, page 2498 A N M R Interpretation Denver, Colo. Aug. 14-16. In conjunction with the 22nd Rocky Mountain Conference, December, page 2498 A; Cincinnati, Ohio. Oct. 21-24. Dan Traficante. $440 Atomic Absorption: Basic Concepts and T e c h n i q u e s Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept. 15-19. Joe Stork. $650 Infrared Interpretation Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept. 16-18. Howard Sloane. $330

PROSTAGLANDINS Upjohn Diagnostics n o w offers y o u 9 prostaglandin c o m p o u n d s —for use as laboratory research chemicals. T h e y are: • PGE,

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Advanced Practical Training in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept. 29-Oct. 3. Dave Hilligoss. $650 Analysis of Priority Pollutants by GC/MS/DS Cincinnati, Ohio. Oct. 13-17. Joe Stork. $650

• PGFia

Copyright 1979, The Upjohn Company

Chemical Derivatization for Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept. 22-25. Mark Weidner or Quentin Thomas. $520

UD 79-014

For information on Varian Instruments courses listed below, contact: Varian Instrument Group, G. C. Training Department, 2700 Mitchell Dr., Walnut Creek, Calif. 94598. 415939-2400, ext. 365 B a s i c Gas Chromatography Walnut Creek, Calif. Sept. 8-10. Hal H a r t m a n n . $250/3 days (lecture and lab), $175/2 days (lecture only)

News Glass Capillary Gas Chromatography Walnut Creek, Calif. Sept. 11-12. Kent Hammarstrand. $250/2 days (lecture and lab) Automatic Gas Chromatography Walnut Creek, Calif. Sept. 15-17. J o h n Berg; Florham Park, N.J. Sept. 22-24. John Berg, Kent H a m m a r strand. $250/3 days (lecture and lab), $125/1.5 days (lecture only) Safety in Chemical Laboratories and Pilot Plants Chicago, 111. Sept. 22-24. Charles A. McMenamy. $535. Contact: Rosanne Razzano, Dept. NR, T h e Center for Professional Advancement, P.O. Box H, E. Brunswick, N.J. 08816. 201249-1400 Analytical and Preparative E l e c trofocusing Workshops Chicago, 111. Oct. 6-7, 8-9; New York City, N.Y. Oct. 21-22, 23-24. Linda Pembroke, Steve Spots. $150. Contact: Workshop Director, L K B Instruments, Inc., 12221 Parklawn Dr., Rockville, Md. 20852. 301-881-2510 Fourier and Spectral Analysis in Dynamic Systems Austin, Tex. Oct. 13-17. Craig Smith, Joe Thornhill. $425. Contact: Continuing Engineering Studies, Cockrell Hall 2.102, T h e U of Texas at Austin, Austin, Tex. 78712. 512-471-3506

For Your Information A computer system called U P G R A D E (User-Prompted Graphic Data Evaluation) has been made available by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) for analyzing environmental data. T h e system has been used by CEQ for the last four years to analyze environmental, natural resource, demographic and public health data and trends. T h e system's software provides English-language interactive instructions, step-by-step analysis, and graphic and statistical displays for assessment of environmental and health relationships. T h e system, accessible by phone, is located at Boeing Computer Services in McLean, Va. More information may be obtained from J o h n D. Buffington, Council on Environmental Quality, 722 Jackson Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. 202395-5760 T h e University of Houston is offering a nonthesis master's degree program in chemistry, to be added to

their current curriculum this fall. T h e program is designed for employed chemists seeking professional advancement. Emphasis of the program will be on lecture courses rather than on research activities. Courses in the areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and biochemistry form the core of the program, b u t courses in other areas of chemistry as well as in the natural sciences, education, and business are being offered to accomodate various professional goals. Contact the D e p a r t m e n t of Chemistry, University of Houston, Central Campus, Houston, Tex. 77004, 713749-2612, to obtain more information. P y e U n i c a m has formed a Projects Group which offers comprehensive engineering services for analytical and industrial laboratories requiring nonstandard facilities. P a r t of their service is to recommend and manufacture factory-engineered gas chromatographs designed for the specific needs of an individual research facility. For more information, contact: Tony Goodall, Pye Unicam Ltd., York St., Cambridge CB1 2PX. Telephone: Cambridge (0223) 358866, ext. 368 Information Sciences Corp., in conjunction with the Interagency Steering Committee of the N I H - E P A Chemical Information System (CIS) recently announced t h a t the $300 annual subscription fee for use of the CIS computer-based retrieval service will be waived for educational organizations. T h e change, effective May 1, enables users at any university to establish a CIS account with no initial charge. T h e CIS usage charges of $36 and $60 per connect hour are unchanged as is the annual subscription fee for all other CIS users. Individuals exempt from the annual subscription fee will be required to purchase User Manuals for the system. A complete set of User Manuals, one for each of the 12 CIS data bases, is available from the CIS for $60. For more information, contact: M. Kay Pool, CIS Project, Information Sciences Corporation, 918 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. 800-424-9600 or 202223-6503, in Washington Those needing help or advice in searching Chemical Abstracts S e r vice (CAS) publications or computer files can now obtain it through the Search Assistance Desk at CAS, open Monday through Friday from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Eastern time. It can be reached by calling 614-421-6940, ext. 3209 or by writing the Search Assis-


tance Desk, Chemical Abstracts Service, P.O. Box 3012, Columbus, Ohio 43210 "Industrial Hygiene Overview for Chemists and Chemical Managers," a 14-page article available from Varian, provides basic information for monitoring worker exposure to chemical contaminants in the workplace. It provides an introduction and reference to both the major industrial hygiene organizations and to the terminology. For copies, write: Varian I n s t r u m e n t Division, Box D-070, 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303

T h e Foxboro Company has acquired the organic vapor analyzer line of Century Systems Corp. Acquisition of the instruments designed for measurement and analysis of low hydrocarbon levels in air will complement the existing Foxboro line of ambient air monitoring instrumentation. Manufacture of the Century Systems line will ultimately move from Arkansas City, Kan., to Foxboro's facilities in Burlington, Mass. For more information, contact: Foxboro Analytical, A Division of T h e Foxboro Co., Public Relations Department, South Norwalk, Conn. 06856. 203-853-1616

T h e Environmental Technology Division of Lear Siegler, Inc. has exp a n d e d its customer training program to include on-site instruction. A free p a m p h l e t describing all available customer training programs can be obtained by contacting the Environmental Technology Division of Lear Siegler, Inc., 74 Inverness Dr. East, Englewood, Colo. 80112. 303-770-3300

All public information telephone numbers for the National S c i e n c e Foundation have been changed. T h e new numbers are 202-357-9498 or -9499. P e r n i c k a Corp. has expanded its research and manufacturing facilities by moving to 450 E a s t Middlefield Rd., Mountain View, Calif. 94043. T h e company is known for its development of systems for trace gas analysis, hermeticity testing, surface physics, and thin film analysis. It also manufactures semiconductor test systems and has recently begun manufacture of a laser-powered system for reprocessing nuclear fuel rods. For more information, call Linda Healy at 408-735-0220