Short Courses - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Short Courses. Anal. Chem. , 1983, 55 (13), pp 1337A–1339A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00263a752. Publication Date: November 1983. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Short Courses ACS Courses. These new courses will be listed only once. For information on other ACS courses, see back issues and contact Department of Educational Activities, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St.,N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036; 202-872-4508. The following courses are being offered in conjunction with the 1984 Pittsburgh Conference in Atlantic City, N.J., March 5-9, 1984.


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Electronics for Laboratory Instrumentation March 2-3. Howard Malmstadt, Chris Enke, Stan Crouch. $575, ACS members; $635, nonmembers Practice of Modern Liquid Chromatography March 2-4. J. J. Kirkland, L. R. Snyder. $585, ACS members; $655, nonmembers

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Interpretation of NMR Spectra March 2-4. Leroy F. Johnson, Roy H. Bible. $575, ACS members; $645, nonmembers Analytical Light Microscopy March 2-4. Barbara M. Foster, Robert Hoffman. $585, ACS members; $655, nonmembers X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry March 2-4. Ron Jenkins, John Croke. $575, ACS members; $645, nonmembers LC/MS March 3-4. Jack Henion, Dai Games. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Capillary Gas Chromatography March 3-4. Stuart Cram, Milos Novotny. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Laboratory Automation: Micro-, Mini-, or Midicomputers? March 3-4. Raymond E. Dessy. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Atomic Absorption and Plasma Emission Spectrometry March 3-4. Theodore C. Rains. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Priority Pollutant Analysis— Wastewater March 3-4. Marcus Cooke. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers

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News Thermal Analysis March 3-4. W. W. Wendlandt, I. M. Sarasohn. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers GC/MS March 3-4. J. Throck Watson, O. D. Sparkman. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Electron Spectroscopy and Surface Analysis March 3-4. H. Ronald Thomas, James P. Wightman. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Statistics for Experimental Design March 3-4. Stanley N. Deming, Stephen L. Morgan. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Quality Assurance for Chemical Measurements March 3-4. John K. Taylor. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Maintaining and Troubleshooting Chromatographic Systems March 3-4. M.P.T. Bradley. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Analytical IR Spectroscopy: Techniques, Applications, Computer Methods March 3-4. Howard J. Sloane. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers Column Selection in GC March 3-4. Harold M. NcNair. $465, ACS members; $535, nonmembers

For Your Information Argonne National Laboratory is establishing the Premier Coal Sample Program to supply carefully prepared homogeneous coal samples to scientists thoughout the U.S. Coal will be mined from freshly exposed seams and sealed immediately in stainless steel drums with argon gas to prevent oxidation and to control humidity. The program will provide coal closer to its original state than any other coal sample program and should help alleviate complications encountered in coal research due to changes in the samples after mining. The first samples should be available in June 1984, and eight types will be offered by 1986. For more information contact Karl Vorres, Chemical Division, Bldg. 200, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, 111. 60439; 312-972-7374.

Beckman Instruments, Inc. has acquired Computer Inquiry Systems, Inc. (CIS), a designer and manufacturer of digital computer systems for analytical laboratory automation, process control, and energy distribution control. CIS, which will operate as part of Beckman's Scientific Instrument Division, tailors its systems to specific customer requirements and integrates systems manufactured by other companies into its own systems. For more information contact Ilene Schneider, Beckman Instruments, Inc., 2500 Harbor Blvd., Box 3100, Fullerton, Calif. 92634; 714-773-8458. Dialog Information Services has introduced new and inexpensive retrieval capabilities for chemical substance and substructure searching. Users can now perform nomenclature and substructure searches for all substances containing any type of single ring, multiple rings, or fused rings. This includes more than 80% of all substances registered from 1965 to date, a total of more than 6.5 million substances. For more information contact Dialog Information Services, Inc. 3460 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, Calif. 94304; 800-227-1927 (415-858-3785 in California). Fisher Scientific and Tecator, Inc. have announced an agreement making Fisher the sole U.S. distributor of Tecator instruments. Tecator is a Swedish manufacturer of instrumentation for nutritional analysis including selfcontained benchtop Kjeldahl systems and systems to determine crude fiber, acid or neutral detergent fiber, dietary fiber, and related parameters. For more information contact Fisher Scientific Co., 711 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219. Hewlett-Packard Company and Genentech, Inc. have announced the formation of a joint venture, HP Genenchem, to develop instruments and related systems for worldwide use by industries engaged in biotechnology. Such instruments potentially would include automated DNA sequencers and synthesizers; protein sequencers and synthesizers; advanced systems for the analysis of biological materials; and computerized systems for monitoring and control of biological processes. For more information contact Robert Bouzon, Hewlett-Packard, 3000 Hanover St., Palo Alto, Calif. 94304, 415-857-4220, or Suzanne McKean, Genentech, 460 Pt. San Buerno Blvd., South San Francisco, Calif. 94080; 415-952-1000.

Research in Photosynthesis^ and Transpiration Processes

BINOS® IR Gas Analyzer For biological research work exact knowledge of the influences on the photosynthesis and the transpiration processes is of importance. For example, the growth characteristics of newly cultivated cereals can be checked. The BINOS® infrared g a s . > analyzer, a compact and portable laboratory instrument, facilitates the measurement of C 0 2 and H 2 0 even under difficult operation conditions. These instruments include in their basic specification a reference cell which is purged with reference gas, a built-in gas feed pump, a fine dust sight filter for measuring and reference side and an optical filter. The IR analyzer is also available for battery power supply. The absolut^ and difference measuring ranges extend for CO;, from 0 to 50 ppm ' / ( ' 25 ppm) / and for H ; ,0 from 0 to 5000 ppm.

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