Our new HPLJC
Columns ore well pocked!
Guaranteed peak symmetry and minimum plates per meter doubly assure you of optimum column performance. A completely new line of "stateof the-art" packed columns for high pressure liquid chromatography is now available in the U.S. and Canada from Rheodyne. All columns are 4.6 mm ID χ 25 cm long. Each column is tested and supplied with its own chromatogram. Currently six columns are available over a price range of $180 to $240. The table below showing column performance specifications and typical test conditions offers an excellent argument for the addition of these columns to your HPLC equipment. COLUMN TYPE
10 μΠΊ
10 μΓΠ
5 μΠΊ
Min. plates per meter Max. peak asymmetry Solvent
• 4
,9.0^,aTe' tonitnle
Flow, ml/min Pressure, psi Test nitronitronitrosubstance benzene benzene benzene 'available in 10 iim particle size also, "under evaluation
diethyl phthalate
Made by Brownlee Labs, the columns are guaranteed by both Brownlee and Rheodyne. Column packings are LiChrosorb (a registered T. M. of E. Merck Darmstadt Germany). For More Information. A detailed technical brochure is available for the asking. Address Rheodyne, Inc., 2809 Tenth Street, Berkeley, CA 94710. For even faster service, phone (415) 548 5374.
and Atmospheric Administration, and the National Science Founda tion. Contact: Alvin L. Morris, President, Ambient Analysis, Inc., P.O. Box 4056, Boulder, Colo. 80306 (303-442-5305) 21st International Symposium and Instrument Display of the Society of Photo-Optical Instru mentation Engineers. Aug. 22-27. San Diego, Calif. Held in conjunc tion with the IEEE Computer Society/SPIE 1977 International Opti cal Computer Conference (IOCC77). Contact: The Society of PhotoOptical Instrumentation Engi neers, P.O. Box 10, 405 Fieldston Rd., Bellingham, Wash. 98225 Arnold O. Beckman Conferences in Clinical Chemistry. Sept. 2830. Hilton Inn, Annapolis, Md. Sponsored by the American Associ ation for Clinical Chemistry. Topics to be covered are: Basis for Labora tory Testing, Screening for Disease, Strategies for Laboratory Testing, Response to Abnormal Test Data, and Education in Laboratory Utili zation. Contact: David Uddin, Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, Md. 20014 Annual Meeting of the Society of Forensic Toxicologists. Oct. 1417. Aboard S.S. Emerald Seas Miami/Nassau. Contact: Leonard Bednarczyk, 1050N.W. 19th St., Miami, Fla. 33136 36th Exposition of Chemical In dustries. Dec. 5-8. McCormick Place, Chicago. Contact: Interna tional Exposition Co., 200 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 Symposium on Applications of Electroanalytical Sensors. Dec. 6-8. The City University, London. Organized by Sira Institute. The technical program will concentrate on developments in the application of pH and ion-selective electrodes, ion-selective fet's, and other electro chemical sensors. Contact: R. G. Keiller, Sira Institute Ltd., South Hill, Chislehurst, Kent BR75EH, England
Short Courses ACS Courses. For more information, contact: Department of Educational Activities, American Chemical Soci ety, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 202-872-4508
Creative Problem Solving New York City. June 8-9. Eugene Raudsepp. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmembers
Gas Chromatography New York City. June 8-9. Roy Keller and Michael Burke. $195, ACS mem bers; $235, nonmembers Interpretation of Mass Spectra New York City. June 8-9. Don DeJongh. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmembers Carbon-13 NMR Spectroscopy New York City. June 8-10. George Levy and Paul Ellis. $235, ACS mem bers; $280, nonmembers Electroanalytical Chemistry Chicago. Aug. 26-28. Dennis Evans and Paul Whitson. Given in conjunc tion with the ACS National Meeting. $245, ACS members; $280, nonmem bers Creative Problem Solving Chicago. Aug. 26-27. Eugene Raud sepp. Given in conjunction with the ACS National Meeting. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmembers High-Pressure Liquid Chromatog raphy Workshop Chicago. Aug. 27-28. David Freeman. Given in conjunction with the ACS National Meeting. $195, ACS mem bers; $235, nonmembers Capillary Gas Chromatography Chicago. Aug. 27-28. Milos Novotny and Stuart Cram. Given in conjunc tion with the ACS National Meeting. $220, ACS members; $260, nonmem bers Statistics for Experimental Design Chicago. Aug. 27-28. John Hromi. Given in conjunction with the ACS National Meeting. $195, ACS mem bers; $235, nonmembers Chromatographic Maintenance and Troubleshooting Workshop San Francisco. Oct. 1-2. John Walker, Minor Jackson, and M.P.T. Bradley. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmem bers
Microscopy for Pharmaceutical Scientists Chicago. June 6-10. $400. Contact: Nancy Daerr, McCrone Research In stitute, 2508 S. Michigan Ave., Chica go, 111. 60616 (312-842-7105) Digital Electronics for Automation Workshop Blacksburg, Va. June 7-8. Contact: Norris Bell, VPI&SU, Continuing Ed ucation Center, Blacksburg, Va. 24061
Required Reading for Synthesis and Natural Products Chemists
New! Accelerating Research D e s c r i p t i o n o f PrepLC/500 enables professors a n d g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s t o accelerate their research by p u r i f y i n g grams o f syntheses reaction mixtures i n minutes. CIRCLE 2 2 5 O N READER SERVICE CARD
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News Microprocessors/Microcomputers Philadelphia, June 8; San Diego, June 22. Contact: Integrated Computer Systems, 4445 Overland Ave., Culver City, Calif. 90230
Scanning Electron Microscopy Chicago. Aug. 22-24. $300. Contact: Registrar, McCrone Research Institute, 2508 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 60616
Hands-on Microcomputer Programming Workshop Philadelphia, June 9-10; San Diego, June 23-24. Contact: Integrated Computer Systems, 4445 Overland Ave., Culver City, Calif. 90230
3rd International Summer Institute in Surface Science University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Aug. 22-26. Contact: Ralf Vanselow, Laboratory for Surface Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis. 53201
Microcomputer Interfacing Workshop Blacksburg, Va. June 9-11. Contact: Norris Bell, VPI&SU, Continuing Education Center, Blacksburg, Va. 24061 Atomic Absorption Los Angeles. June 13-15. Contact: R. L. Amey, Dept. of Chemistry, Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif. 90041 Applied Polarized Light Microscopy Chicago. June 13-17. $400. Contact: Nancy Daerr, McCrone Research Institute, 2508 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 60616 (312-842-7105) Microscopy for Conservators of Art Objects Chicago. June 27-July 1. $400. Contact: Nancy Daerr, McCrone Research Institute, 2508 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 60616 (312-842-7105) Radio Frequency Inductively Coupled Plasma Workshop Imperial College, London, England. July 5-7. $140. Contact: M. D. Silvester, Dept. of Geology, Royal School of Mines, Prince Consort Rd., London SW7 2BP, England Infrared Spectroscopy Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. Session I: Applications, July 18-22. Session II: Advanced Applications, July 25-29. $375, each session. Instructors: Lionel J. Bellamy, Christopher W. Brown, Jeanette Grasselli, Robert Hannah, Jack Koenig, Foil A. Miller, William L. Truett, and Ray L. Williams. Contact: Dana W. Mayo, Codirector, Dept. of Chemistry, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Me. 04011 Applied X-ray Spectrometry and X-ray Powder Diffraction July 25-Aug. 1. University of Denver. Instructors: C. S. Barrett, D. E. Leyden, J. B. Newkirk, C. O. Ruud, and P. K. Predecki. Contact: Mildred Cain, Denver Research Institute, University of Denver, Denver, Colo. (303-7532141)
A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y , V O L . 4 9 , N O . 7, J U N E 1 9 7 7
For Your Information An annotated bibliography on glucose methodology, the second in a series, is available free of charge from the Center for Disease Control. The bibliographies are being prepared in parallel with the development of reference methods to make a comprehensive survey of the literature available to those with an interest in a particular analyte for which a reference method is being developed. This bibliography contains 905 annotations, from 1841 through March 1976, arranged chronologically by year and alphabetically by author within each year. Copies of the uric acid bibliography published in 1974 are also available free of charge. Requests should be addressed to Technical Information Service, Clinical Chemistry Division, Center for Disease Control, 30Cham, Atlanta, Ga. 30333. The Perkin-Elmer Corp. and Physical Electronics Industries, Inc., have entered into an agreement in principle to merge the two companies subject to the approval by the board of directors of the respective companies. Physical Electronics Industries, headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minn., is a leading producer of Auger and ESCA spectroscopy instrumentation for surface analysis. PerkinElmer, headquartered in Norwalk, Conn., produces analytical and other scientific instrumentation, small- and medium-scale data systems, and metallurgical coating equipment. The sales of medical electronic laboratory instruments in the U.S. have grown from $90 million in 1969 to $263 million in 1976 and are expected to reach nearly $440 million by 1980, according to a study on clinical laboratory instrumentation. "Medical Laboratory Instruments: An Automation Revolution" has been released by Creative Strategy, Inc., a market