Short Synthesis Leads to Alkaloids - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - The discovery may open the door to synthesizing complex natural products along short, efficient routes, say Dr. Ε. Ε. van Tamelen, Dr...
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Short Synthesis Leads to Alkaloids Simple dialdehyde yields complex compound resembling strychnine and curare alkaloids A simple indole derivative yields in one operation a complex organic com­ pound containing five fused rings and six asymmetric centers, University of Wisconsin chemists report. And the structure of this compound closely re­ sembles the structures of strychnine and the curare alkaloids. The relatively simple synthesis sim­ ulates the supposed path by which plants make such alkaloids. The dis­ covery may open the door to synthe­ sizing complex natural products along short, efficient routes, say Dr. Ε. Ε. van Tamelen, Dr. Lloyd Dolby, and Rich­ ard Lawton. With minor changes in the structure of the materials in the model system, the scheme should per­ mit synthesis of any of several alka­ loids, Dr. van Tamelen adds. Most

immediate commercial prospect for the synthesis appears to be the curare alka­ loids, now useful in medicine as anti­ spasmodics. Simple Reaction. The beauty of the whole reaction is its simplicity, says Dr. van Tamelen. Periodate cleavage of the diolamide, Ν-(β-ιηdoleacetyl ) -4- ( r-amino-2' - butyl ) - cyclopentan-l,2-diol, produces the key intermediate in the scheme—N-( β-indoleacetyl) -β'- ( l-amino-2-butyl ) - glu tardialdehyde. This cyclizes sponta­ neously to an alkanolamide. Subse­ quent heating in an aqueous acid sys­ tem such as acetic acid-sodium ace­ tate or formic acid-sodium formate yields—probably via an indolinene— the five-ringed fused system whose structure corresponds to a tertiary base

of oxotetrahydro-C-fluorocurarine, one of the curare alkaloids. One major advantage: There's no need to isolate each of the relatively unstable intermediates involved in going from the dialdehyde to the alka­ loid. The sequence does pose a puzzle, though. Normally, the alkanolamide would be expected to undergo a-cyclization to a true indole derivative, instead of yielding a five-ring sys­ tem. Dr. van Tamelen's group is now seeking the reasons for this unexpected result. Early Steps. The route to the diol­ amide starting material begins with alkylation of ethylcyanoacetic ester with the p-toluenesulfonate of A3-cyclopentenol. The resulting product— when saponified and decarboxylated— gives 2- ( A3-cyclopentenyl ) -butyronitrile. Lithium aluminum hydride re­ duces this nitrile to the unsaturated primary amine, 2-(A 3 -cyclopentenyl)n-butylamine. This is heated with methyl indole-3-acetate to get the oily unsaturated amide, N-(/?-indoleactyl)4- ( r-amino-2'-butyl ) -cyclopentene - 1 .

New Synthesis Approaches Biogenetic Routes

Tertiary Base of OxotetrahydroC-fluorocurarine

Indole Cyclization Product Spontaneous

Mkanolamide Normal

Heat + Acetic Acid — Sodium Acetate




8, 196 0

An Indolinene

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Chemical and Lubrication Engineers Outstanding Career Openings at Boeing Boeing's Transport Division has immediate openings for experienced men to work as members of the Structures Staff in research into aircraft applications of lubrication, surface preparation and inorganic finishes. These positions are:

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Oxidation with osmium tetroxide then leads to the required diolamide. No direct comparison of the fivering material has been made with corresponding natural material. But definitive chemical and physical chemical studies have been made to identify all the substances involved in the synthesis, Dr. van Tamelen says. The findings allow "no reasonable structure other than that proposed." Synthesis of complex alkaloids such as strychnine and the curare group has been a severe challenge to scientists. Because of the importance of these compounds in medicine, there have been many efforts to find a commercially useful synthesis for them. It wasn't until the late 1940's that the structure of strychnine was determined—a finding which verified that the synthesis wouldn't be easy. Success came in 1954, however, when Dr. R. B. Woodward and co-workers at Harvard worked out a route involving more than two dozen steps. Swiss and British scientists have determined the structure of the curare complex of alkaloids, which are similar to strychnine. And it is possible to convert strychnine to some of the more valuable curare compounds.

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C&EN AUG. 8, 196 0

BRIEFS More research grants have been announced by military agencies: Army Chemical Corps launches a new grant program for support of basic research with nine awards totaling more than $220,000. Areas of investigation: genetic, biochemical, and physiological characterization of infectious microorganisms; the host-parasite relationship in airborne infection; and medical entymology. Controls for Radiation, Inc., gets a contract from the Air Force Missile Development Center to evaluate the biological effects of cosmic radiation. The company will use high energy radiation from cyclotrons and linear accelerators to simulate radiation in outer space, will study the effects on a mammalian cell to evaluate relative hazards of cosmic rays. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute will continue its study of combustion characteristics of high energy borane fuels under a contract from the Air Force. The research is being done by Dr. W. A. Bauer and Dr. S. E. Wiberley.