All four modes of reflection intensity determination are pre- programmed. Scanning of peak and/or background maybe automatic- ally performed in all th...
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Instruments for Analysis and Research Automatic Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer for accurate, automatic determination of crystal reflection intensi­ ties. The most versatile 4-circle-diffractometer for crystal structure analysis. All four modes of reflection intensity determination are pre­ programmed. Scanning of peak and/or background may be automatic­ ally performed in all three spherical coordinates. Scanning speed and measuring time may be preset or automatically selected by the instrument according to peak-intensity and desired accuracy. Unique design of the open Eulerian Cradle permits the measurement of all reflections on the hemisphere with one instrumental set-up, and offers ample space for accessories. Diffractometers for manual or semi­ automatic operation and other applications also available. Circle No. 1

X-Ray Generators The Kristalloflex 2 is one ex­ ample of our complete line of X-Ray Generators. This new, ex­ tremely e f f i c i e n t , high-voltage generator with four timer-con­ trolled x-ray ports, is priced un­ der $3000.00. It offers: full-wave rectified high-voltage uptoGOkV, with a power rating of 4000 Watts (mx. 80mA), and has a built-in magnetic stabilizer for the x-ray tube current. Other generators available, in­ cluding ultra-stable, high-power Kristalloflex 4 model generators. Circle No. 2

Kristalloflex 2


Oscillomink Ε Direct writing liquid-jet oscillo­ graph with frequency range up to 1000 Hz.

A new complete line of directwriting liquid-jet, light-beam and cathode-ray oscillographs. De­ pending on model: 1 to 36 measuring channels; recording speed— 50 m/sec. to > 10,000 m/sec.; paper speeds— 0.08 mm/sec. to 100 m/sec.; All light-beam oscillographs have exchangeable plug-in galvanom­ eters with frequency range up to 15 kHz. Also available: Galvano­ meters w i t h e l e c t r o d y n a m i c mechanism and with insulation up to 10 kV. UV-direct recording and/or auto­ matic developing for black/white and color.

X-Ray Spectrometers for analysis of elements with atomic number 9 (F) to 92 (U). Lowest detectability limits possible-for example: 0.0015% AI in steel in one minute. The SRS-1 features; 3000 Watt x-ray tube, target-sample dis­ tance as low as 25 mm, crystal changer with four analyzer crys­ tals, self-adjusting pulse-height analyzer, etc. Spectrometers available for manual, semi-auto­ matic, or fully program-controlled automatic operation.

Circle No. 4

Sequential Spectrometer SRS-1

High-Performance Electron Microscope ELMISKOP 101 Point to point resolution of 3.0 All, magnification range 285 χ to 280,000 x, high image stability and simplified operation. Acceleration Voltages: 40, 60, 80, lOOkV. Diffraction without image forming lenses, camera length . . . 770mm D i f f r a c t i o n w i t h image f o r m i n g lenses, diffraction length...90m X-Ray Microanalysis Attachment available Condenser stigmator, objective stigmator, intermediate lens stigmator . . . all 8-pole electromagnetic Intermediate screen . . . 42mm All lenses automatically temperature controlled Large v i e w i n g s c r e e n , . 2 0 3 m m diameter

Circle No. 3 Circle No. 5

Elmiskop 101

SIEMENS AMERICA INCORPORATED Measuring Instruments Division 3 5 0 Fifth Avenue New York, Ν. Υ. 10001 VOL. 4 0 , N O . 1 1 , SEPTEMBER 1 9 6 8
