Siemens Corporation

more complete X-ray spectrometer availabletoday. For complete information on the ... Lane, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034. (609) 424-9210. Fast and ver...
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Twenty-eight X-ray analyses in 40 seconds... evaluation in 20 more.

You couldn't ask more from a multichannel X-ray spectrometer. Twenty-eight elements ... simultaneous quantitative analyses ... adaptability to qualitative analysis too ... simultaneous evaluation ... integrated computer... floppy disk with dual drives ... data display unit. Plus a great many other unique technical and operational features typical of Siemens innovation. The MRS 400 handles concentrations from the ppm range to 100% directly ... trace analyses in the ppb

or sub-ppb ranges with additional sample preparation. It features the highly recognized 4kW Siemens generator to power our 3kW end window rhodium or palladium X-ray tube; logarithmically bent focusing crystals; and our patented tandem flow counter for higher counting rates and resolution. The MRS 400 can be supplied with up to two computer controlled scanners (movable spectrometers). Its speed, sensitivity and versatility make it equally valuable in routine

analyses, quality monitoring, process control, or research. There is no finer, more complete X-ray spectrometer available today. For complete information on the MRS 400, or our full range of X-ray spectrometers and diffractometers, plus a free wall chart of the X-ray periodic table of chemical elements, contact Mr. Pedro Arredondo, Siemens Corporation, 2 Pin Oak Lane, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034. (609)424-9210

Fast and versatile. Siemens MRS 400 CIRCLE 194 ON READER SERVICE CARD