Siemens Corporation

And an X-ray tube that can be changed in five minutes. So next time someone talks about cost, ask him to talk about effectiveness. For complete inform...
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In X-ray spectrometers, cost-effectiveness is far more important than cost. There's no arguing. The SRS 200 is the most cost-effective sequential spectrometer on the market today. Depending on model, it can accommodate up to 80 specimens. And it's specially designed for full automation. It analyzes solids in any configuration, powders and liquids. For all elements from fluorine to uranium ... in standard concentrations from 0.0001% to 100%. And, with special sample preparation, trace analyses in the ppm or sub-ppm ranges. Control it with your own computer ... or with our floppy-disk-oriented

system. Either way, you can feed it our software packages for sophisticated data manipulation and the latest correction methods. The computer also controls the filter aperture changer, and X-ray tube power setting. A 10-position sample changer is standard. The SRS 200 has a 4-KW output generator powerful enough to operate two tubes simultaneously. So when you're ready to expand, you've got built-in economy. It also features a detector pulse spectroscope for initial setup and observation of the pulse-height

selector. And an X-ray tube that can be changed in five minutes. So next time someone talks about cost, ask him to talk about effectiveness. For complete information on the SRS 200, use the reader-response card. For more information on our full range of X-ray analyzers plus a free 30 χ 43-inch, four-color wall chart of the X-ray periodic table of the chemical elements, call or write Mr. Pedro Arredondo, Siemens Corporation, 2 Pin Oak Lane, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034. (609) 424-9210.

Siemens SRS 200. A little more the day you buy it, but more for your money for years. CIRCLE 191 ON READER SERVICE CARD