Siemens Corporation

2 Pin Oak Lane. Cherry Hill,. New Jersey. 08034. Telephone: (609) 424-9210 accuracy during all phases material examination; such as qualitative analys...
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Some X-ray diff ractometers cost more than others because, quite simply, some are better than others. S i e m e n s has effectively used its many years of diffract o m e t e r d e v e l o p m e n t and manu­ facturing e x p e r i e n c e to create t h e D 500—a diffractometer of superior construction. Its out­ standing design means greater accuracy during all phases of material examination; such as qualitative analysis of c o m p o u n d s or phases, quantitative measure­ ment of mixtures, study of lattice constants and line profile effects and evaluation of orientation or stress. S i e m e n s D 500 has been d e s i g n e d to permit flexible operation in t h r e e modes—fully auto­ mated, semi-automated or manual. In t h e fully automated m o d e t h e soft­ ware utilizes B A S I C lan­ guage w h i c h is easier to use than the F O R T R A N language in other systems.

Simplicity and ease of operation mean y o u can concentrate on analytical problems instead of e q u i p m e n t operational problems. T h e D 500 can operate in either a horizontal or vertical position and because the X-ray

tube is integrally m o u n t e d to the diffractometer, t h e position may be changed while maintaining the alignment of the instrument. The D 500 is available with 1, 4 0 or 80 specimen magazines, each with sample rotation capa­ bilities.. . perfect for the routine analysis of a large number of samples. A specimen holder for sample sizes of up to 50 mm by 50 mm by 8 mm is standard e q u i p m e n t for t h e D 500. A n d t h e Θ, 20 motors operate at a high speed of 400 d e g r e e s / m i n u t e as well as a variety of i n d e p e n d ­ ently selected scan speeds. For c o m p l e t e details on Siemens D 500 X-ray Diffracto­ meter, from both an analytical and investment point of view, write or call Mr. P. A r r e d o n d o :

Siemens Corporation Measurement Systems Division 2 Pin Oak Lane Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034 Telephone: (609)424-9210

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