Siemens Corporation

Mr. Pedro Arredondo, SiemensCorporation, 2 Pin Oak. Lane, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034. (609) 424-9210. even the intangibles are tangible reasons to ...
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When choosing an X-ray analytical system...

Naturally, any Siemens is a superb manual or automatic analyzer. Each has a range of capabilities that assures top performance in its own areas of application. Our SRS 200 is the most cost-effective sequential X-ray spectrometer on the market today. Our new MRS 400 high-performance, multichannel spectrometer delivers 28 simultaneous X-ray evaluations in as little as 40 seconds. And our D 500 diffractometer.. .w.ith 1-, 40-, or 80-specimen magazine, all with sample-rotation capabilities; integrally mounted X-ray tube; and independent-GvSOr motion... is absolutely unexcelled in the industry. They're all tangible, hard-working, highly productive hardware. But when the chips are down, the Siemens intangibles can be equally essential: People. Thoroughly competent people who give you hard, unbiased information ... not product puffery. Cooperative people who listen and deliver. Permanent people who'll be there when you want them, year after year.

Service. A widespread, mobile service organization. Fast, fast response. Unexcelled facilities. Top-notch engineers and technicians. Attitude. Siemens is a world leader in X-ray technology and equipment. We got that way through state-of-the-art thinking, absolute product quality, and a simple corporate policy: The fastest way to get ahead, is to put your customers' interests first. For more information on our full range of X-ray analyzers, use the reader-response card. For complete information, plus a free 30 χ 43-inch, four-color wall chart of the X-ray periodic table of the chemical elements, contact Mr. Pedro Arredondo, Siemens Corporation, 2 Pin Oak Lane, Cherry Hill, New Jersey 08034. (609) 424-9210.

even the intangibles are tangible reasons to buy Siemens. CIRCLE 191 ON READER SERVICE CARD