facilities forstoring and processing data, as well as for integration in computer networks. In USA & Canada contact: Siemens Analytical X-Ray Instrume...
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Universal elemental analysis with the SRS 303 Sequential X-ray Spectrometer

Uranium 34 ± 1 ppm

Zinc 0.5 + 0.1 ppm

Copper 67.8 + 0.08%

All elements from boron to uranium • From ppm to 100% concentrations. • Minimal sample preparation. • Quantitative, qualitative, semi-quantitative.

Boron 4.0+ 0.1%

The SRS 303 X-ray Spectrometer provides optimal excitation for all elements using a Siemens AG Rh 66 end-window tube. Analyses are automated using fully integrated sample changers with 10 or 72 positions by means of easy-to-use PC software. Additional programs for the system support fundamental parameters and semi-quantitative analysis, with comprehensive facilities for storing and processing data, as well as for integration in computer networks.

In USA & Canada contact: Siemens Analytical X-Ray Instruments, Inc. · 6300 Enterprise Lane · Madison, Wl 53719 · (608) 276-3000 · FAX (608) 276-3006 Worldwide contact: Siemens AG, Analytical Systems AUT V 353 · D 7500 Karlsruhe 21 · P.O. Box 21 1262 · Federal Republic of Germany · (0721) 595-4295 CIRCLE 129 ON READER SERVICE CARD