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Signal Averaging... Principles and Practices

pands the 1070's applications and data reduction capabilities. Of special interest is the availabili ty of a proprietary software pack age for 4096-wo...
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more than just a signal averager

• In addition to high speed (1 usee) or high resolution (12 bits) signal digitizing, the 1070 offers special-purpose plug-ins for NMR spectroscopy, auto- and crosscorrelation, time or amplitude histograms, and pulse height anal­ ysis. Additional plug-ins are be­ ing developed. • A 1070 readout option not found on any other averager is the display of decimal number data values (with sign) as well as the address number on a CRT. • An extremely useful feature is the continuous display mode which allows viewing the entire memory contents during meas­ urements at slow sweep speeds or with low repetition rates. • After data are accumulated they can be transferred from one section of memory to another, normalized, integrated, differen­ tiated, constants added or sub­ tracted, or they may be digitally smoothed. • Direct interfacing to a generalpurpose computer f u r t h e r ex­ pands the 1070's applications and data reduction capabilities. Of special interest is the availabili­ ty of a proprietary software pack­ age for 4096-word Fast Fourier Transforms.


Signal Averaging... Principles and Practices Instant Replay Signal Averaging? Instant replay TV is great for the football fan. A significant play, occurring without ad­ vance warning, can be viewed a t t e n t i v e l y even though the im­ portance of the play is not known until the end. We thought t h a t "instant replay" signal averaging could be val­ uable for t h e same general reason: an in­ teresting signal may be partially or completely finished before there is any indication of its occurrence. Fabri-Tek now offers a Model SW-78 plug-in for implementing this technique. I t causes a segment of the input signal to be recorded in memory continually, discarding old information and replacing it with new. Upon receipt of each warning (trigger) signal, a portion of the input signal preceding and following the trigger are permanently recorded in order to allow ensemble averaging. We don't call it an "instant replay" plug-in unit, however. I t is really a Signal Delay unit. Signal delays ranging from zero to many minutes (depending on sampling rate) with respect to the time of occurrence of the trigger signal are available. The applications are exceedingly varied. They range from looking at complete heartbeat signals while triggering on the prominent mid-beat R-wave or measuring star diameters under occultation conditions, to triggering on a prominent line of an NMR spectrum. Drift of the magnetic field is automatically ignored, when using this mid-spectrum trigger technique. We now have eighteen plug-in unit models for our 1070 system with more on the way, plus computer interfacing in­ cluding software, and a wide range of readout accessories. There is no more versatile signal averaging system in the world today. Write or phone to discuss your application.


5225 VERONA ROAD · MADISON, WIS. 53711 · PHONE: 608/271-3333 Sales and Service: In Canada by Ahearn & Soper, Limited, Θ44 Cale­ donia Road, Toronto 19, Ont. Tel. (416) 789-4325 — Telex 02-2757. Branches in Montreal, Vancouver, and Ottawa . . . In Europe by FabriTek Instruments, Inc., 6000 Frankfurt 1, Eschersheimer Landstr. 34, West Germany

Instruments, Inc. Circle No. 42 on Readers' Service Card

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