Simplified Microhydrogenation Apparatus - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

Ed. , 1941, 13 (11), pp 841–843. DOI: 10.1021/i560099a037. Publication Date: November 1941. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this i...
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A Simplified Microhydrogenation Apparatus I. B. JOHNS AND E. J. SEIFERLE Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa

form bore, 4 mm. in inside diameter, and about 43 cm. long; its capacity is therefore about 5.5 cc. It is calibrated in 0.1-cc. divisions which are sufficiently long to be read accurately to *0.01 cc. At point D,the base of the buret, a side tube of the same diameter as the buret is sealed. This serves both as a manometer for accurate leveling of the buret liquid and as an inlet tube, when connected at C to the source of hydrogen. A leveling bulb is connected by rubber tubing to the apparatus at E. The apparatus is clamped firmly to a 0.94-cm. (0.375-inch) board, about 13.8 X 50 cm. (5.5 X 20 inches), at the points shown in Figure 1. The capillary above B is bent out from the board a distance sufficient to accommodate the bulb of the reaction flask, and is supported a t B by being clamped to a block of wood


N THE course of certain investigations in this laboratory on compounds of plant origin i t was desired to carry out

quantitative catalytic hydrogenations on small amounts of material. These experiments were designed to determine the number of reducible groupings such as ethylenic double bonds present in the compounds studied, with a view to obtaining structural information concerning them. The various kinds of apparatus previously described for such work have been based on one or the other of two principles: the measurement at constant volume of the decrease in pressure resulting from the consumption of hydrogen, and the volumetric measurement at constant pressure of the hydrogen absorbed. Apparatus for the manometric procedures were modified from the original Warburg (16)manometers for metabolism studies. Hyde and Scherp (6) and Kuhn and Moller (9) designed a p paratus of a complicated nature which gave results of *2 and *0.5 per cent accuracy, respectively. Tsuda and Sakamoto (f4) reported a much simpler apparatus based on the same principle. Foresti (4)made use of a solenoid-activated stirring mechanism in an a paratus of high sensitivity. The earliest vofumetric apparatus for microhydrogenations was that of Smith (IS), who used an arrangement with a compensation flask and differential manometer similar to that in the manometric apparatus and obtained with it an accuracy of *2 per cent. Slotta and Blanke (12) and Bretschneider and Burger ( 1 ) increased the accuracy of the method to *l per cent and introduced several refinements in technique, but produced highly complicated pieces of equipment. Jackson and Jones (7) devised new methods of introducing the sample and agitating the reaction flask. Prater and Haagen-Smit (11) recently described a new apparatus that can be used with or without the compensation flask. Simplified apparatus which eliminated the differential manometer and compensation flask was first described by Ebel, Brunner, and Mangelli (2). Their apparatus, however, was designed for semimicroquantities of material, as were those of Erdos @), Zechrneister and von Cholnoky (17), and Mayeda (10). Kaufmann and Bakes (8) devised an apparatus on this same principle for determination of the degree of unsaturation of fats by catalytic hydrogenation, using 20- to 40-mg. samples. Weygand and Werner (16) used an electromagnetic stirring device in their apparatus.


Description and Operation of Apparatus 0-

The apparatus is made throughout of Pyrex glass. The bulb of the reaction flask is 3.5 cm. in diameter and the neck and side arm are 1.1 om. in diameter. The ground-in plug, A , in the side arm is hollow and to its base is sealed a piece of 2-mm. tubing which serves to retain the sample tube F, in the neck of the flask until the solvent and catalyst have been saturated. Through the side of the plu and the ground surface of the side arm are bored matching haes about 0.5 mm. in diameter. At B is a ground-glass connection to a capillary of 1-mm. bore which leads to the measuring buret. This buret is made of tubing of uni-







fastened to the board. The board is pivoted and the whole apparatus is agitated by connection to a motor-driven eccentric. A vibration rate of 200 per minute is satisfactory and a variable resistance is connected in the electrical system to control the speed of the motor. The catalyst, either Raney nickel or Adams and Shriner's platinum oxide, is weighed to the nearest 0.01 mg. in a porcelain microboat and introduced into the reaction flask. Then 5 cc. of solvent are added. The sample, 5 m . or more, is weighed to the nearest 0.01 mg. in a thin-walled, fiat-bottomed glass capsule, F, about 8 mm. in outside diameter and 2 cm. long. This capsule is then inserted into the neck of the reaction flask and is held in place by the end of the tube attached to the base of plug A , bent as shown in Figure 1. This tube must be so bent that the holes in the plug and side arm meet sufficiently to effect an opening to the apparatus while the capsule is held in position; i t must also be pomible to turn plug A s fficiently to close off the openin through the holes, still retaining the capsule in position. The sife arm of the reaction flask must be blown outward above its connection to the flask, as shown in the figure, to allow withdrawal of plug A . With A adjusted a t the open position, the flask is attached to the capillary manifold through the carefully greased connection at B , and is held firmly in position by springs. The liquid in the buret, preferably mercury, is lowered below D and hydrogen is swept through the apparatus for several minutes, in a t C and out a t A . This procedure is a distinct advantage over the method previously used, of alternately evacuating the ap aratus and introducing hydrogen, repeating 6 to 10 times. &ore the hydrogen enters the apparatus it is bubbled through a tower containing alkaline stannite solution to remove traces of oxygen and then through a saturator containing the same solvent used in the reaction flask. This procedure reduces to a minimum the time necessary for saturation of the atmosphere in the apparatus. The hydrogen is led through a small-bore tube to the bottom of a side-arm test tube, 17.5 X 2.2 cm. (7 X 0.875 inches), which is filled with glass beads covered by the solvent. It is advisable to insert a Bunsen valve in the inlet tube from the hydrogen cylinder. When the apparatus has been thoroughly snTept out the source of hydrogen is disconnected, plug A is closed, still holding capsule F in place in the neck of the flask, and the apparatus is let stand until thermal eauilibrium is reached. The mercury is then . raised until it is exactiy at zero in the side tube, A is o &ed momentarily to equalize the pressure in the apparatus a n f t o adjust the mercury at zero in the manometer, and is then closed, still retaining the capsule in the neck of the flask. The catalyst and solvent are saturated with hydrogen, the apparatus bein shaken by means of the electrically driven eccentric. Compktion of saturation is attained when on continued a itation no further change in the buret reading is observed. t h i s reading is recorded as the initial reading for the hydrogenation of the sample. Plug A is then turned to allow capsule F to dro into the solvent, the side opening a t A being ke t closed. &aking of the apparatus is begun again and the hygogenation roceeds. Observations of hydrogen consumption may be male at intervals, the shaking being stopped momentarily, and the final reading is made when no further consumption of hydrogen is evident. The tem rature at the apparatus is read at each observation, and the Crometric pressure is recorded; in hydrogenations requiring several hours the pressure is noted at least at the beginning and end of the experiment. Corrections are applied to the readings &s outlined below. ~~

Vol. 13, No. 11

curves can be drawn for interpolation a t intermediate temperatures. Corrections to be applied to the readings for changes in temperature or barometric pressure are dependent upon :he free volume of the apparatus. This is determined by any convenient method. Temperature changes produce variations in both partial pressure of solvent and volume of the gaseous phase. Corrections for both these factors as well as for changes of temperature may be determined in the following way: The volume of hydrogen in the apparatus at any time is VRs = 1Vtote.l





+ capsule)

- Vburet 1 x P


-Tx -

- vp


where P = barometric pressure and v p = vapor pressure of the solvent at temperature T. This volume, VB*,is calculated at the time the hydrogenation of the sample is started and again a t the end. The difference between the two values is the volume of hydrogen, at standard conditions, used by the sam le. EXAMPLE.Fumaric acid, hydrogen number, 116. !ample, 5.302 mg. Catalyst, PtOz, 3.112 mg. Solvent, alcohol, 5 cc. Total volume, 35.3 cc. Volume of boat and causule, 0.4 cc. Hydrogenation of catalyst: Initial readings, vburet = 0; P = 741.0; t 7 28.0'. Final readings, 'Vburet = 0.69; P = 741.3: t = 28.5 Hydrogenation of sample: Initial readings, Vburet = 0.69; P = 741.3; t = 28.5'. Final readings, Vburet = 2.06; P = 741.3: t = 28.3'.. . Vapor pressure of alcohol, 70.2 mm. at 28', 71.5 mm. at 28.3', 72.5 mm. a t 28.5'


Initial VH*= (35.3 - 5.0 - 0.4) X

273 - X 741 76070.2 301


23.94 cc.


After hydrogenation of catalyst 273 VHr = (35.3 - 5.0 - 0.4 - 0.69) X 301.5


741.3 72.5 760

Observed VHZused by catalyst = 23.94

- 23.27



= 0.67 CC.

Calculated Va, used by catalyst = 3*112X 2 X 22.4 = 0.61 cc. 227 After hydrogenation of sample

VH, = (35.3 - 5.0 - 0.4

- 2.06) X 273 301.3

741*3- 71'5 = 22.23 cc. 760

VH2used by sample



- 22.23 = 1.04 cc.

Hydrogen number = 5*302 X 22.4 = 114 1.04





Va or Presaure

CzHrO% Mm.




Calculations The actual consumption of hydrogen is calculated to standard conditions from the buret readings by the usual procedure, i t being necessary to subtract from the barometric pressure the vapor pressure of the solvent at the observed temperature. For convenience the vapor pressures of several common solvents have been taken from the International Critical Tables (6) and are presented in Table I. From them

It is, of course, unnecessary to calculate the volume of hydrogen used by the catalyst. The calculation is put in here to show the close agreement between the observed volume and the volume calculated from the weight of platinum oxide employed. This agreement makes i t obvious that catalyst and sample can be hydrogenated simultaneously, correcting the total hydrogen uptake by subtracting the calculated volume of hydrogen used by the catalyst. While the accuracy to be expected by this method is only * 6 per cent, the vigor of the catalyst is considerably greater and the time required for the hydrogenation shorter. Where extreme precision is not necessary the method has some advantages. When using the platinum on zirconium oxide and palladium on zirconium oxide catalysts prepared by the American Platinum Works, the volume of hydrogen absorbed is so small that i t can be neglected except where highest precision is required.

November 15, 1941


Summary A simple apparatus for quantitative catalytic microhydrogenation is described, and details of the necessary corrections for temperature and barometric pressure changes are given. An accuracy of *2 per cent, sufficient for determining the number of hydrogenated groupings in organic compounds, is attainable.

Literature Cited (1) Bretschneider, H., and Burger, G., Chem. Fabrik, 10, 124 (1937). (2) Ebel, F., Brunner, R., and Mangelli, P., Helv. chim. acta, 12, 19 (1929). ( 3 ) Erdos, J., Mikrochemie, 18, 305 (1935). (4) Foreeti, B., Ann. chim. applicata,26, 207 (1936). (5) Hyde, J. F.,and Scherp, H. W., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 52, 3359 (1930).


International Critical Tables, Vol. 111, pp. 212-17, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co. Jackson, H., and Jones, R. N., J. Chem. Soc., 1936, 895; Jackson, H., Chemistry & Industry, 16, 1076 (1938). Kaufmann, H. P., and Baltes, J., Ber., 70B,2537 (1937). Kuhn, R., and M61ler. E. F., Angew. Chem., 47,145 (1934). Mayeda, S.,J. Pharm. Soc. Japan, 56,511 (1936). Prater, A. N., and Haagen-Smit, A. S., IND.ENG.C H ~ MANAL. ., ED.,12, 705 (1940). Slotta, K. H., and Blanke, E., J. prakt. Chem., 143, 3 (1935). Smith, J. H. C., J. B i d . Chem., 96, 35 (1932). Tsuda, K.,and Sakamoto, S., J. Pharm. SOC.Japan, 57, 303 (1937). Warburg, O., “Uber den Stoffwechsel der Tumoren”, p. 199, Berlin, J. Springer, 1928. Weygand, C . , and Werner, A., J. prakt. Chem., 149, 330 (1937). Zechmeister, L., and Cholnoky, L. von, (?hem.-Ztg., 60, 655 (1936).

Detection of Carbon Dioxide and Sulfur Dioxide from Mixtures of Carbonates and Sulfites G . B. HEISIG AND AARON LERNER School of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn.


F A GAS containing small quantities of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide is passed through a few drops of an acidic

solution of ferric ferricyanide, the sulfur dioxide will be oxidized to the nonvolatile bisulfate ion, the brown ferric ferricyanide will be reduced to Turnbull’s blue, and the carbon dioxide will pass through the liquid and can be detected with barium hydroxide solution without interference. The simple apparatus (Figure 1) has been developed to carry out the test on a semimicro scale.



FIQURE 1 Place a drop of a saturated solution of barium hydroxide in the top of the tube and work the drop down into the constricted part. Then put in the lower end of the tube enough of a freshly repared ferric ferricyanide solution, made by mixing one of 0.17 M potassium ferricyanide, one drop of 0.3 M ferric mtrate, and one dro of 5 N hydrochloric acid, to form a thin layer of solution. ne or two strands of glass wool may be in-



serted in the tube to aid in retaining the solution, although they are not necessary. Carefully remove any liquid on the outside of the tube with filter paper. Put the solid or liquid neutral sample containing about 1 mg. of sulfite and carbonate ion in the test tube, add 4 drops of 5 N acetic acid, assemble the apparatus, and place it in a water bath maintained at 70” t o 80” for 2 minutes.

If as little as 0.005 mg. of sulfite ion is present the brown solution of ferric ferricyanide will turn blue within a minute. A white precipitate will form in the lower meniscus of the drop of barium hydroxide if as little as 0.025 mg. of the carbonate is present. I n the absence of a carbonate, no precipitate forms in the barium hydroxide when as much as 3 mg. of sulfite ion is present. The tube must be cleaned scrupulously after each determination, for even a thin film of ferrous ferricyanide hastens the reduction of the ferric ferricyanide, although the mechanism is not clear. The solution of ferric ferricyanide should be freshly prepared, for it becomes green after standing 15 to 20 minutes and will no longer oxidize the sulfur dioxide. A similarly prepared solution of ferric ferricyanide was used by Noyes (2) to detect the presence of reducing anions in suitably prepared solutions. Noyes states that the blue color is due chiefly t o the formation of ferrous ferricyanide. H e accounts for the formation of this substance instead of ferric ferrocyanide, which would be expected from the oxidation-reduction potentials, by the slowness of the reduction of the ferricyanide ion by sulfur dioxide. This conclusion is in agreement with the work of Eibner and Gerstacker ( I ) , who found that the ferricyanide ion is not reduced by sulfur dioxide even though the solution is boiled. Nitrites, thiosulfates, and sulfides when treated with acids form gases which are reducing agents and will interfere with the test for a sulfite. However, strontium acetate (3) may be used to precipitate the sulfite and carbonate ions without precipitating the interfering ions.

Literature Cited (1) Eibner and Gerstacker, Chem.-Ztg., 37. 195 (1913). (2) Noyes, A. A., “Qualitative Chemical Analysis”, p. 143, New York, Macmillan Co., 1920. (3) Sneed and Heisig, “Theory and Practice of Semimicro Quslitative Analysis”, p. 134,Minneapolis, Minn., Burgess Publishing Co., 1941.