Simplified Photometer for Determining Nitrogen Dioxide

Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. , 1942, 14 (3), pp 258–260. DOI: 10.1021/i560103a025. Publication Date: March 1942. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng...
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Vol. 14, No. 3



h instrument to record the dissolved oxygen level continuously is briefly described and some results of laboratory experiments and activated sludge-sewage plant operation studies are given. The variations in the dissolved oxygen produce changes in the current flow which are amplified and recorded upon a thread galvanometer for a 24-hour period. The curves showing the dissolved oxygen in activated sludgesewage mixtures in the laboratory under different conditions demonstrate that the shape of the vessel can largely determine the efficiency of the gas used for aeration. The effect upon the dissolved oxygen of the addition of different quantities of the same food to activated sludge indicates that when more food is added there is no effect upon the dissolved oxygen unless or until the enzyme capacity is large enough to handle the increased load. The electrodes were placed in the aeration tank of an activated sludge-sewage treatment plant, and the dissolved oxygen levels at several points in the tank recorded

continuously for 24-hour intervals. The first section of an aeration tank showed no dissolved oxygen during the day period while the dissolved oxygen increased during the night. There was a relatively large amount of dissolved oxygen in the final section of the aeration tank with only slight variations over the 24-hour period.

Literature Cited (1) Garett, W., Proc. 20th Ann. .V. J . Sewage W o r k s -4YSOC., 5 (1935). (2) Ingols, R. S., Sewage Works J., 13, 1097 (1911). (3) Ingols, R. S., and Heukelekian, H., Ibid., 11, 927 (1939). (4) Manning, W. M.,Ecology, 21, 509 (1940). ( 5 ) Petering, H. G., and Daniels, Farrington, J . A m . Chem. SOC., 60, 2796 (1938). PRESENTED before t h e Division of Water, Sewage, and Sanitation Chemistry a t the 102nd Meeting of the AMERICAN CH~MICA SOCIETY, L Atlantic City, S . J . Journal series paper of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Stati,in, Rutgers University, Department of Water and Sewage Research.

A Simplified Photometer for Determining Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations LOUIS HARRIS AND BENJAMIN 31. SIEGEL Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass.

The concentration of nitrogen dioxide in gaseous mixtures is conveniently determined with a simple photometer. The installation and calibration o f the system are described here. The photometric system permits measurement of the partial pressures of nitrogen dioxide to within 0.05 mxn.


HE authors have developed a simple photometric method for the determination of the partial pressure of nitrogen dioxide in gaseous mixtures. A means of determining the concentration of nitrogen dioxide was required for the study of its reactions with other gases (4). Since the other gases used do not absorb radiation between 400 and 700 mp and nitrogen dioxide absorbs strongly in this region of the spectrum, a photometric method was ideally suited for the solution of the problem. The photometric technique of determining concentrations of gases is well developed ( 5 ) , and its application to the determination of the concentration of nitrogen dioxide has been described. Dixon (3)has made a study of the absorption of nitrogen dioxide in the visible spectrum with a General




Electric recording ospectrophotometer. Sarrow spectral regions (15 and 40 A. wide) were isolated with the “built-in” monochromator. Willey and Foord (6) used a filtered incandescent source and measured the intensity of light transmitted with a potassium photocell and an amplifying system, The system described here has the advantage of being more easily adaptable to problems involving the determination of nitrogen dioxide concentrations than those heretofore described. The necessary parts are readily available, inexpensive, and easy to install. The reproducibility of the measurements exceeds that previously reported and recalibration of the photometer is unnecessary if an accuracy of 0.2 mm. in the partial pressure of nitrogen dioxide is adequate. -4calibration of the system should be made, however, if determinations of kO.05 mm. in the partial pressure of nitrogen dioxide are required. Since nitrogen dioxide absorbs radiation throughout the visible spectrum, it is possible t o use wide continuous bands of radiation for the measurements without the usual loss in sensitivity attendant on such a procedure. The increased intensity thus available permits the use of less refined measuring instruments than are ordinarily require$. Thus, an incandescent source is used, bands about 1000 A. wide in the blue and green are isolated by filters, and the intensity of the transmitted light is measured directly by the e. in. f . developed by a photoelectric cell (Weston Photronic cell, Type 1).




Experimental Work The experimental arrangement is ingle-filament automobile headlight bulb operated at 6.0 amperes (5.6 volts) with a steady current supplied by storage batteries of large capacity. The optical system consists of a parabolic, chromium-plated reflector, /I’ (diameter 11 em.), housing the


March 15, 1942 I00






30 --L-_




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660 1 WAVELENGTH, m y


lamp, an inexpensive plano-conves lens, L1 (focal length 25 cm., diameter 11 cm.), placed 1.4 meters in front of the reflector, and a diaphragm with a 2-cm. aperture, D, placed 3 cm. in front of the lens. This optical arrangement produces a beam which does not diverge more than 3 cm. for a distance of 40 cm. beyond the diaphragm. FILTERS.There are three filters, each composed of three components, all held at F I and FZ by the diaphragm which has been designed to hold the filters and make their interchange simple. Two components are common to all three filters: a cell 2-cm. long containing a saturated aqueous solution of sodium nitrite, and a Corning Corex filter S o . 430. The three compound filters used are:

I. Corex filters, Xos. 585 and 430, and 2 cm. of SaNOZ (saturated solution) 11. Corex filters, Sos. 554 and 430, and 2 cm. of NaiVOz (saturated solution) 111. Corex filters, Sos. 351 and 430, and 2 cm. of SaXOz (saturated solution) A set of filters transmitting sharp bands covering the visible spectrum has been listed by Clifford and Brice ( 2 ) . A set of filters could be chosen f i om this list which would give transmission bands similar and sharper, but which have a smaller per cent transmission and narrower bands than the ones used by the authors. These factors n-ould reduce the response, and since the calibrations had been completed on the above set of filters before the publication of the set by Clifford and Brice, no measurements have been made with their filters. It is only necessary to interchange the single filters Sos. 585, 554, and 351 to obtain any one of the three compound filters The transmission of the filters is shomx in Figure 2. Since the incandescent source gives much more radiation in the green than in the violet, bright brass screens are used with filters I1 and I11 t o produce approximately equal e. m. f. for each of the three filter combinations. MEASURCYEST OF LIGHT ISTEUSITT. The beam, having passed through the diaphragm aperture and filters, is split by a right-angle prism, PR, into two beams which are adjusted to give approximately the same e. m. f. (1.5 millivolts) from the photronic cells, PI and P?, when the absorption cell, C, is empty. The e. m. f. response of the photronic cells is measured on a Type K Leeds & Korthrup potentiometer to the nearest microvolt. Tlie absorption cell has parallel windows 22.3 cm. apart. Certain precautions are necessary when photronic cells are used for quantitative measurements. Here the response of the cells mas calibrated with screens and found to be linear for the low intensity of radiation used (about 0.1 to 0.2 lumen). I t was found advisable to illuminate the cells for 5 to 10 minutes before recording the e. m. f. to allow for the large decay in the response of the cells. In addition, the beam of light n as diffused over the R hole face of the photronic cells by lenses L, and L2,but the more sensitive outer edges of the cells, at which the copper contacts are esposed, were covered n-ith opaque rings. The photronic


cells were housed in aluminum boxes to prevent any sudden temDerature changes. The photronic cell, P2 is used as a check both of any variation in the intensity of the incident beam and the decay and fluctuation of response, for the decays in the two cells are similar. M e a s u r e m e n t s of the ratio e. m. f. PI with the absorption cell e. m. f. PI empty are constant within I per cent. CALIBRATIOXOF PHOTOMETER. Nitrogen dioxide which had been prepared by the decomposition of lead nitrate and stored with an excess of oxygen was dried by passing it slowly over phosphorus pentoxide. The residual oxygen was pumped off the nitrogen dioxide, maintained at -78" C. The nitrogen dioxide was charged into the quartz absorption cell, C, through an all-Pyrex system with glass valves; so that a t no time did the nitrogen dioxide come in contact with any stopcock grease or mercury. The cell itself was surrounded by a lagged copper sheath. An excess of nitrogen dioxide was s u b l i m e d i n t o the cell (a small amount of liquid remained in the side arm at room temperature), and the cell was sealed off just above the side arm of the cell. The total pressure (of the nitrogen dioxide plus nitrogen tetroxide) in the cell was varied by controlIing the temperature of the liquid or solid phase in the side arm. The pressures were measured with a mercury manometer and SociBt6 GBnevoise cathetometer, pressure balance being indicated by a quartz spiral between the absorption cell and the mercury manometer. The partial pressure of the nitrogen dioxide was calculated from the measurements of total pressure and from the equation of Boden2x02. The cell temperastein ( 1 ) for the equilibrium N 2 0 4 ture was recorded to 0.1' C. The transmission of light at each nitrogen dioxide pressure was calculated from four measurements: E,, e. m. f. of photocell PLwhen the absorption cell contains nitrogen dioxide. E,,, e. m. f. of photocell PI when the absorption cell contains no nitrogen dioxide, all the nitrogen dioxide having been frozen in the side arm to -195' C. Ezf,e. m. f. of photocell Pz,measured just before and just after El,, (and averaged). Ezcre, m. f. of photocell Ps, measured just before and just after

Results The transmissions a t 23 O C. for different partial pressures of nitrogen dioxide, for a path length of 22.3 cm., are given for each of the compound filters. The calibration is not af-









Vol. 14, No. 3


fected by temperature changes of *3O C. for pressures of nitrogen dioxide below 10 mm. It will be observed that the logarithm of the transmission is not a linear function of the partial pressure of nitrogen dioxide. The linear relation is to be expected only for strictly monochromatic radiation or for the case where the absorbing species has a n absorption coefficient that is constant over the whole spectral band used for analysis. Dixon (3) has shown t h a t the absorption coefficient of nitrogen dioxide changes rapidly with wave length, so that the nonlinearity of this function is t o be anticipated. The limiting slopes (at high transmission values) of the curves of Figure 3 lead t o the following limiting absorption coefficients, k: Filter


I I1 I11

0.0089 0.0057 0.0014

log,, I l l 0 X 7 1 , where k is calculated from the relation k = - ?) p is the partial pressure of nitrogen dioiide (reduced to 0' C.) in millimeters of mercury, and 1 = 22.3 cm., the cell

length. The authors have used the procedure described t o follow the nitrogen dioxide partial pressure in various gas mixtures

capable of reaction. It is applicable to other systems for determining the partial pressure of nitrogen dioxide. An accuracy of *0.05 mm. in the measurement of the partial pressure of nitrogen dioxide can be obtained where the filters are used under the following conditions: Filter

P N O ~(Mm.

Product of H g ) X I (Cell Length, Cm.)

I 1 t o 90 I1 46 t o 130 I11 110 to 2205 a Accuracy with filter I11 is k O . 1 mm. in the measurement of the partial pressure of N0z for p X I products between 220 and 460.

T o attain this accuracy, however, it is advisable to calibrate the cell and filters because of the possible variation in the transmission of the commercial filters.

Literature Cited (1) Bodenstein, M., Z.physik. Chem., A100, 68 (1922). (2) Clifford, P.A.,and Brice, B. A., IND.ENG.CHEM.,ANAL.ED., 12, 218 (1940). (3) Dixon, J. K., J. Chem. Phya., 8, 157 (1940). (4) Harris, L.,and Siegel, B. M., J . Am. Chem. SOC.,63,2520 (1941). (5) Miiller, R.H., IND.ENG.CHEM., ANAL.ED.,11, 1 (1939). (6) Willey, E. J. B., and Foord, 9. G., Proc. R o y . SOC.,A135, 166 (1932). CONTRIBUTION No. 475 from the Research Laboratory of Physical Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

A Cutter for Spectroscopic Electrodes E. S. HODGE, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station, Lexington, Ky.

solid sample or a small liquid volume to be evaporated. Two devices for cutting such craters, described previously (1, a), require either a lathe of special design or a drill press capable of turning the tool and holding the carbon in line in a chuck. The tool described here is simpler than either of these, both in manufacture and in use. Its use requires neither a lathe nor a drill press n-ith a stationary chuck vhose axes must be kept aligned.

smooth and perpendicular to the axis of the rod. Any roughness should be taken off with emery paper. The uniformity of depth in the crater will be determined by the flatness and the right-angle surface of the electrode. A carbon rod is drilled by slowly pushing it into the rotating tool until the maximum depth is cut. In preparing craters on the spectroscopic carbons and special graphite electrodes a sharp drill holds its edge very well. However, because of the hardness of the special carbon spectroscopic electrodes the drills become dull and it iq desirable to have several well-sharpened drills of the desired size a t hand. Drills should be replaced after: 20 to 30 cuttings, or when the crater walls begin to break. I t is important to use a sharp drill and not to attempt t o turn down the crater wall.

The accompanying figure shows an inner sleeve which is fastened by a setscrew to an ordinary twist drill of the size of the crater to be made. The depth of the crater is regulated by the position of the sleeve along the drill. An outer sleeve for guiding and centering the electrode is fastened to the inner one. The inside diameter of this outside sleeve is the same as the diameter of the rods t o be drilled. In use the inner sleeve is fastened to the drill t o give the desired crater depth, then the guide sleeve is attached by means of a setscrew. The drill is placed in the headstock of a lathe or the chuck of a drill press or even a chuck of a polishing wheel shaft. A desirable speed is about 1200 r. p. m. The electrodes t o be cratered should be cut with a fine-toothed saw (a coping saw is excellent) in a right-angle miter guide, so that the ends are

This device has been found especially satisfactory since i t does not require that two axes be kept aligned. By using drills only for this purpose a regular shop drill press can be used without fear of contamination of the electrodes, even those of the highest purity. Khile similar devices are known to have been used for some time by Cholak, Mankovich, and others, this is presented as a very satisfactory means of cutting the harder special spectroscopic carbon electrodes. The writer wishes to thank Fred hlangelson of the College of Engineering, University of Kentucky, for technical assistance.

ANY workers using carbon electrodes for spectrographic analysis employ a small crater t o hold either a dry

Literature Cited (1) M a j o r s , X . R., a n d H o p p e r , T. H . , IND. ENQ.CHEM.,ANAL.ED., 13,647-8 (1941). (2) Myers, A. T., and, B. C., Ibid., 11, 218-19 (1939). THE investigation reported here is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published by permission of the director.