Simplified purchasing - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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H o w chemical buyers benefit from t h e service of distributors

Simplified purchasing Your distributor of Du Pont Methanol, Urea and other quality D u Pont chemicals is a convenient, single source of supply for m o s t . . . if not a l l . . . of your chemical requirements. He represents many of the leading chemical manufacturing firms . . . and carries their most widely used products. The result— a single phone call, a single purchase order answers your chemical needs! Through the use of a single source, you eliminate the overhead of costly bookkeeping and placing multiple orders with a number of vendors*






Wherever y o u are · . · there's a distributor of Du Pont Methanol, Urea, "Hexalin" * Cyclohexanol, and "Hytrol" * Ο Cyclohexanone ready to serve you.

S a v i n g s of time a n d money, through simplified purchasing, are only two of the benefits from deal­ ing with your Du Pont Distributor of Methanol and Urea. Another reason is fast service... personal service. Each distributor has the equipment, the manpower and the inventory needed to serve you quickly and efficiently. Du P o n t considers its distribu­ tors a n extension of its own sales organization. Du P o n t salesmen work closely with distributor salesmen . . . and assistance from D u P o n t Technical Representa­ tives is always available through your local distributor. You can be sure of the highest quality when you order Du Pont Methanol and Urea. Check the listing a t right for the Du Pont Distributor nearest you.



FOR METHANOL CALIFORNIA Los Angeles San Francisco COLORADO Denver FLORIDA Jacksonville Miami Orlando Tampa GEORGIA Atlanta ILLINOIS Chicago Chicago INDIANA Ft. Wayne Indianapolis KANSAS Wichita... KENTUCKY Louisville LOUISIANA New Orleans MARYLAND Baltimore MASSACHUSETTS Boston MICHIGAN Detroit Grand Rapids MINNESOTA St. Paul MISSOURI Kansas City Kansas City St. Louis NEW JERSEY Lyndhurst NEW YORK Binghamton Buffalo Rensselaer Rochester N O R T H CAROLINA Durham OHIO Cincinnati Cleveland Toledo OKLAHOMA Tulsa OREGON Portland PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh TENNESSEE Memphis TEXAS Dallas Dallas Houston UTAH Salt Lake City Salt Lake City WASHINGTON Seattle Spokane WISCONSIN Milwaukee

Braun Corporation Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. The Chemical Sales Co. Apperson Chemical. Inc. Biscayne Chemical Labs, Inc. Lenfestey Supply Company Lenfestey Supply Company Chemical Services. Inc. Central Solvents & Chemicals Co. Phillips & Martin Co. Hoosiar Solvents & Chemicals Cor ρ. Hoosier Solvents & Chemicals Corp. Barada & Page. Inc. Dixie Solvents & Chemicals Co. Southern Solvents & Chemicals Corp. Leidy Chemicals Corp. Howe & French Inc. Western Solvents & Chemicals Co. Wolverine Solvents & Chemicals Cc. Lyon Chemicals, Inc. Barada & Page, Inc. Missouri Solvents & Chemicals Co. Missouri Solvents & Chemicals Co. Stoney-Mueller, Inc. Collier Chemicals, Inc. Chemical Sales Corp. Eastern Chemicals, Inc. Chemical Sales Corp. Cardinal Products, Inc. Amsco Solvents & Chemicals Co. Ohio Solvents & Chemicals Co. Toledo Solvents & Chemicals Co. Ward & Kimball Chemical Co. Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. Vitro Manufacturing Co. Chapman Chemical Co. Texas Solvents & Chemicals Co. Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. Texas Solvents & Chemicals Co. Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Wasatch Chemical Co. Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. Van Waters & Rogers. Inc. Wiscor'in Solvents & Chemicals Corp.

FOR UREA ALABAMA Birmingham Mobile CALIFORNIA Los Angeles San Francisco CONNECTICUT South Norwalk FLORIDA Jacksonville

F. H. Ross & Co. F. H. Ross & Co. Braun Corporation Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Merchants Chemical Co . nc F. H Ross & Co.


GEORGIA Atlanta F. H. Ross & Co. Columbus F. H. Ross & Co. Savannah F. H. Ross & Co. ILLINOIS Chicago Centra! Solvents & Chemicals Co. KENTUCKY Louisville Merchants Chemical Co., Inc. MARYLAND Baltimore Leidy Chemicals Corp. MASSACHUSETTS Fall River Borden & Remington Co. Stoneham George Mann & Co., Inc. Worcester Chemical Sales & Service Co., Inc. MICHIGAN Detroit Eaton Chemical & Dyestuff Co. MINNESOTA Minneapolis Merchants Chemical Co., Inc. MISSISSIPPI Jackson F H. Ross & Co. MISSOURI Kansas City Barada & Page, Inc. St. Louis Barada & Page, Inc. St. Louis Missouri Solvents & Chemicals Co. NEW JERSEY Newark National Oil & Supply Co. Paterson Brown Chemical Co., Inc. NEW YORK Buffalo Chemical Sales Corp. Hicksville, Long Island National Oil & Supply Co. New York Merchants Chemical Co., Inc. N O R T H CAROLINA Charlotte F. H. Ross & Co. Greensboro F. H. Ross & Co. Raleigh F. H. Ross & Co. OHIO Cincinnati Merchants Chemical Co Inc. Cleveland Ohio Solvents & Chemicals Co. Columbus Merchants Chemical Co., Inc. OREGON Portland Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. PENNSYLVANIA Altoona Western Penna. Chemical Co., Inc. Erie Western Penna. Chemical Co., Inc. Middletown(Harrisburg) Western Penna. Chemical Co., Inc. Phil adelphia Pioneer Salt Co. R H O D E ISLAND Providence Borden & Remington Co. Providence George Mann & Co., Inc. S O U T H CAROLINA Columbia F. H. Ross & Co. Greenville F. H. Ross & Co. TENNESSEE Cnattanooga Burkart-Schier Chemical Co. Knoxville Burkart-Schier Chemical Co. Knoxville F H. Ross & Co. Nashville Burkart-Schier Chemical Co. TEXAS Dallas Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. Houston Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. UTAH Salt Lake City Braun Knecht-Heimann Co. WASHINGTON Seattle Van Waters & Rogers, Inc.

FOR "HEXAL1N" & "HYTRQL" Ο CALIFORNIA Los Angeles ILLINOIS Chicago INDIANA Fort Wayne.. I ndianapolis KENTUCKY Louisville MASSACHUSETTS Boston Worcester MICHIGAN Detroit MISSOURI Kansas City St. Louis OHIO Cincinnati Cleveland Toledo TEXAS Dallas Houston

Mefford Chemical Company Central Solvents & Chemicals Co. Hoosier Solvents & Chemicals Corp. Hoosier Solvents & Chemicals Corp. .Dixie Solvents & Chemicals Co. Howe & French, Inc. Chemical Sales & Service Co., Inc. Western Solvents & Chemicals Co. Missouri Solvents à Chemicals Co. Missouri Solvents & Chemicals Co. Amsco Solvents & Chemicals Co. Ohio Solvents & Chemicals Co. Toledo Solvents & Chemicals Co. Texas Solvents & Chemicals Co. Texas Solvents & Chemicals Co. *Reg. U. S. Pat Off.

