Simulation Study of Protein-Mediated Vesicle Fusion - American

Dec 23, 2008 - A dissipative particle dynamics simulation method is used to probe the mechanism of protein-mediated membrane fusion. The coarse-graine...
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2009, 113, 589–591 Published on Web 12/23/2008

Simulation Study of Protein-Mediated Vesicle Fusion Shaogui Wu and Hongxia Guo* Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, Joint Laboratory of Polymer Sciences and Materials, State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China ReceiVed: October 04, 2008; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: December 03, 2008

A dissipative particle dynamics simulation method is used to probe the mechanism of protein-mediated membrane fusion. The coarse-grained models for proteins are designed based on the function of fusion proteins. Attractive forces have been introduced to produce a protein complex. The formation of protein complexes provides mechanical forces to bring membranes in proximity and trigger their merging. The whole fusion process is in good agreement with the scaffold hypothesis. Additionally, if self-defined interactions are also imposed on transmembrane segments (TMSs), their association will yield an unstable fusion pore, which can incorporate lipid and water to accomplish membrane fusion. It indicates the formation of a protein-lined pore will promote the stalk-pore transition and accelerate the fusion process. Membrane fusion is an essential event in many biological processes, such as virus infection, sperm-egg binding, and membrane traffic.1 In order to fuse, two apposing membranes must get close to establish an initial contact, which necessitates considerable energy to remove the water and dehydrate the polar head groups of lipids.2 This is why membranes do not fuse spontaneously under normal circumstances, which requires special proteins and is subject to selective control.3 These proteins mediate the initial recognition of the membranes destined for fusion, pull them together, destabilize the lipid/ water interface, and trigger mixing of the lipids.4 Several models for protein-mediated membrane fusion have been proposed to explain experimental phenomena, such as the proteinaceous fusion pore model, fence model, scaffold model, and local perturbation model.5 Due to membrane fusion occurring on a length scale of tens of nanometers and a time scale of submilliseconds,6 it is not easy to investigate the intermediate structures directly using conventional experimental approaches. Thus, it still remains impossible to provide a full molecular understanding of protein-mediated fusion using these models. Nowadays, computer simulations have been widely used in membrane study, because they can track collective behavior at the molecular level. To guarantee our simulations are performed at reasonable time and length scales, a mesoscopic simulation method, dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulation based on coarse-grained models, is employed in this work to study the protein-mediated vesicle fusion, expecting to get insight into the protein-mediated vesicle fusion in molecular-level details and provide useful information for understanding the basic fusion mechanism. The DPD method is a mesoscopic simulation technique that can be used to study the systems of greater length and time scales than classical molecular dynamics.7,8 Our simulation system contains water, lipid, and two types of fusion proteins. Their simplified coarse-grained (CG) models are illustrated in * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].

10.1021/jp808776z CCC: $40.75

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the coarse-grained model in simulation. Beads in different blocks of fusion proteins are distinguished in different colors with their labels by the side.

Figure 1. A CG water unit (w) represents three water molecules. The CG lipid model is composed of three hydrophilic beads (h2) and two tails, each tail consisting of five hydrophobic beads (t1). To investigate vesicle fusion in a fast way with a relative small simulation system, bending forces are not considered for lipid chains, meaning all lipid chains are very flexible. Therefore, some complex dynamics phenomenon can be reproduced in relatively small time and space scales.9-13 Model proteins (here termed as t- and V-proteins localizing in apposing vesicles) are designed according to the function of fusion proteins called “SNAREs” (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors), in which the formation of a SNARE complex establishes membrane proximity, leading to complete fusion.14 Following the model formulation of Venturoli,15 the model protein is built from a bundle of seven amphiphile chains. Inclusion of a cap bead at the tip is for better coupling of t- and V-proteins. Furthermore, model proteins featured by multiblocks and self-defined interactions (see the Supporting Information) are imposed on the corresponding block pairs between t- and V-proteins (such as, t4-t10, h5-h11, h6-h12, h7-h13, and h8-h14). The interactions introduced here are just simply mimicking the specific interactions (i.e., helical hydrogen bonds, electrostatic interaction between charged residues) between multiple distinct binding sites of fusion protein pairs to form protein complexes.  2009 American Chemical Society

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Figure 2. Pathway I of protein-mediated vesicle fusion (scaffold model): (a) 0t0, starting state; (b) 355t0, outer leaflets contact; (c) 385t0, stalk; (d) 400t0, inner leaflets contact; (e) 430t0, hemifusion diaphragm; (f) 495t0, fusion pore appears; (g) 565t0, full fusion. Upper part: section view. Different colors distinguish between lipid tail beads in the outer (blue and magenta) and the inner (green and yellow) monolayers for the two vesicles. Additionally, head beads of lipids in outer and inner monolayers are painted black and red, respectively. Lower part: perspective view. For better visibility, water and tail particles are omitted and head particles are shown in smaller size.

Note our protein models are relatively crude, which are not direct mappings from real protein structures. Each parent vesicle is spontaneously formed from a bilayer initial configuration. Proteins are inserted into vesicles in an artificial route and then equilibrated to a stable state (see the Supporting Information). After vesicles with V-proteins and t-proteins are prepared, they are moved into a rectangular box such that the cap beads of these neighboring proteins in the apposing vesicles are in initial contact. The cutoff radius r0, the bead mass m0, and the temperature kBT are taken as length, mass, and energy unities, respectively. All simulations are performed in the NVT ensemble at constant temperature kBT ) 1 and constant density Fr03 ) 3. The simulation box of size 34.9 × 69.9 × 34.9 r03 contains a total of 256 000 beads. The equations of motion are integrated using a modified velocityVerlet algorithm at λ ) 0.65 with a time step of ∆t ) 0.05t0. The protein-mediated fusion is illustrated in Figure 2. The assembly of t- and V-protein pairs in the separate vesicles begins at the contacted caps down toward the membrane anchors, and forms into a parallel bundle like a zipper, which acts as the trans-SNARE complex to bridge apposed vesicles and supply the free energy needed for removal of water. More than one protein complex is formed so as to generate a large enough dragging force. By gradually binding the specific blocks to one another in the pairing proteins, fusion complexes tightly drag the apposing vesicles proximally. The subsequent route is completely consistent with the stalk-pore hypothesis:16 at first, the initial contact between proximal monolayers grows outward to form a so-called stalk intermediate. Second, the stalk expands radially and evolves into a hemifusion diaphragm (HD), in which two distal monolayers connect. Third, HD is degraded and a fusion pore appears. At last, the enlargement of the water pore completes full fusion. Simultaneously, the transmembrane segments (TMSs) of the fusion protein complex in separate vesicles are coalesced into the same bilayer, and form into a cis-protein complex in the fused vesicle. After fusion, no water transport and lipid translocation over monolayers are observed; the fused vesicle retains its tubular shape rather than evolving


Figure 3. Pathway II of protein-mediated vesicle fusion (protein-pore model). The protein-lined pore (encircled) originates directly from the radially expanding stalk, which allows lipid and water to penetrate into it. Then, the pore expands to accomplish vesicle fusion: (a) 225t0, outer leaflets contact; (b) 245t0, stalk; (c) 250t0, protein-lined fusion pore appears; (d) 275t0, full fusion. For clarity, water beads are omitted.

into a spherical one. These findings indicate that the fusion proteins serve as scaffolds to draw two membranes into close contact. Therefore, this pathway is termed the scaffold model (pathway I). It is notable that the hemifusion intermediate and the fusion pore in this pathway are purely lipidic. Recent studies suggest that the TMSs of fusion proteins might contribute to the stalk-pore transition.17 Our simulations show that, if self-defined interactions are also imposed on TMSs, their association gives rise to an unstable protein-lined pore in a hemifusion intermediate. As shown in Figure 3c, this fusion pore is partly composed of TMSs. Lipids and water can be incorporated into the pore, which allows the pore to expand instantly to accomplish membrane fusion. We name this pathway the protein-pore model (pathway II). For comparison, some fusion simulations with pure vesicles are performed. Several successful fusion events suggest that, without the participation of proteins, the averaged fusion time is 150t0, close to that for pathway I, 140t0. Obviously, pathway I and pure vesicle fusion undergo many of the same fusion intermediates. The averaged fusion time for pathway II is ∼25t0, shorter than that through the pure lipidic pore intermediate. It indicates the formation of the protein-lined pore promotes the stalk-pore transition and accelerates the fusion process. It is noted that, due to a series of simplifications in our simulations, the fusion times cannot be transferred into real physical time directly. Additionally, there is no direct experiment evidence to support pathway II. However, we expect pathway II is a new mechanism for proteinmediated membrane fusion, which needs further experimental confirmation. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt using a simple model system to mimic the complicated protein-mediated vesicle fusion involving extensive and cooperative molecular rearrangement. Fusion proteins are introduced as the fusion machines: the “zippering” of protein complexes brings separate vesicles into close proximity and catalyzes their fusion. The “zipper” model for protein complex is implemented by introducing attractive interactions on the pairing multiblock proteins to overcome the energy barrier to fusion. The subsequent fusion pathway generally follows the stalk-pore mechanism, in which the stalk intermediate and the fusion pore are purely lipidic. However, if the protein pairs “zipper” through their TMSs, the fusion pore originates directly from the radially expanding stalk, which promotes the stalk-pore transition and speeds up fusion further. The details about transient structures and comparison

Letters of the results to the theoretical and experimental studies will be given in a separate paper. Further studies are expected to generate the CG models which take account of the secondary structure of fusion protein to glean a comprehensive insight on protein-mediated vesicle fusion. Acknowledgment. This work was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 20674093). Supporting Information Available: Details of DPD simulation condition and additional snapshots of fusion pathways (PDF). This material is available free of charge via the Internet at References and Notes (1) Jahn, R.; Lang, T.; Sudhof, T. C. Cell 2003, 112, 519. (2) Cohen, F. S.; Melikyan, G. B. J. Membr. Biol. 2004, 199, 1. (3) Yang, L.; Huang, H. W. Science 2002, 297, 1877.

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