Simultaneous concentrations of ammonia and nitric acid in a polluted

Simultaneous concentrations of ammonia and nitric acid in a polluted atmosphere and their equilibrium relationship to particulate ammonium nitrate. Ge...
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other than ozone. T h e duration of t h e transient response is several measurement cycles. Thus, when a point source plume containing a sufficiently high concentration of a n interferent is traversed a t a speed of about 200 km/h, the UV instrument will give a “plume-like” response t h a t closely correlates with the aerosol profile in the plume. This, however, is an artifact. For such studies a chemiluminescent ozone instrument is highly desirable.

Literature Cited

Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association, June 7 972. (4) Huntzicker, J. J., Johnson, R. L., Kushner, E. J., Larson, D., “Survey of Ozone and Light Scattering Particles in Western Oreeon”. final reoort to the.’Oreeon Deoirtment of Environmental Quality, NTIS No. PB-27105g, 1977.’ (5) Evans, L. F.. Kine, N. K.. Packham. D. R... Steohens, E. T.. En. uiron. Sci. Techno[,’ 8, 75 (1974). (6) Radke, L. F., Stith, J. L., Hegg, D. A,, Hobbs, P. V., J . Air Pollut. Control Assoc., 28,30 (1978). ( 7 ) Bowman, L. D., Horak, R. F., Anal. Instrum., 10,103 (1972). (1972).

(1) U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv. List of Desienated Reference and Equivalent Methods; Feh 22, 1979. (2) Fed. Regist.. 44(28),8221 (Feb 8, 1979). ( 3 ) Behl. B: A., “Absolute Continuous Atmospheric Ozone Determination by Differential UV Absorption,” presented at the 65th

Received for reuiew A m i / 6. 1979. AcceDted Julv 30. 1979. This research was supported-by the Oregon De>artmeni of Enuironmental Quality.

Simultaneous Concentrations of Ammonia and Nitric Acid in a Polluted Atmosphere and Their Equilibrium Relationship to Particulate Ammonium Nitrate George J. Doyle”, Ernest0 C. Tuazon, Richard A. Graham, Thomas M. Mischke, Arthur M. Winer, and James N. Pitts, Jr. Statewide Air Pollution Research Center, University of California, Riverside, Calif. 9252 1

Simultaneous absolute concentrations of N H J and “ 0 3 in ambient air were measured with short integration times (