Simultaneous multielement GFAAS

cated software and an RS-232 interface. The CATS softwareincludes calibration programs, GMP/GLP compliance proto- cols, and a spectral library and per...
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reproducibility of heating cycles and re­ duce carryover from high-concentration samples. All parameters, including load times and heating cycles, are controlled through AAS software and stored as methods. GBC • 422 Spectrophotometry Series 8000 and 9000 symmetrical doublebeam UV spectrophotometers have holo­ graphic grating monochromator optics with a wavelength range of 190-800 nm ± 0.5 nm and resolution of 2 nm. The on­ board computing system displays labeled spectra, calibration curves, data tabula­ tions, overlaid scans, andfirst-or secondderivative spectra. Up to 10 methods and 30 curves can be stored. The 9000 Series spectrophotometers perform ratio calcula­ tions, difference spectra, background correction, multiwavelength analysis, and other functions. The systems are avail­ able with accessories for turbid samples, tablet dissolution, microsampling, and autosampling. Cecil • 423 TLC Scanning densitometer for TLC plates and gels is designed to perform UV-vis absorbance or fluorescence measurements operating in reflectance or transmittance mode for the wavelength range of 190800 nm with selectable spatial resolution of 25-200 μπι. It scans at up to 100 mm/s and is controlled through a PC with dedi­ cated software and an RS-232 interface. The CATS software includes calibration programs, GMP/GLP compliance proto­ cols, and a spectral library and performs multiwavelength scanning, track optimi­ zation, and self-validation. Camag • 424 CCD UV-vis CCD array spectrophotometer is designed forfiber-opticremote sampling. It includes Windows-based data acquisi­ tion and analysis software and can be used with a wide range of probes for in situ absorbance and reflectance measure­ ments. Spectral Instruments • 425

SOFTWARE RELEASED IR/ 13 C NMR cross-referencing SearchSmart IR, a complement to the CSearch carbon NMR spectroscopy struc­ tural elucidation software, has been re­ leased in versions for Silicon Graphics and Sun Microsystems workstations. The

Simultaneous multielement GFAAS The SIMAA 6000 atomic absorption spectrometer is an automated GFAAS system designed for simultaneous de­ termination of up to six elements. The instrument combines a transversely heated graphite furnace and longitu­ tection sensitivity equivalent in most dinal Zeeman-effect correction with a new Echelle polychromator and a solid- cases to that of sequential-detection transversely heated GFAAS systems. It state UV detector. The furnace design is the reverse of disperses incoming radiation twodimensionally so that virtually all wave­ the conventional arrangement for GFAAS systems. Longitudinal Zeeman- lengths used for AAS fall within a 3 cm χ 6 cm area. effect correction and transverse heat­ The integrated GFAAS system oc­ ing of the graphite furnace allow the cupies the same bench space as a spectrometer to achieve uniform heating along the length of the atomiza- conventional flame AA spectrometer. It is controlled through Windowstion platform for improved accuracy based software that can be used to and reproducibility. perform analytical and quality control Simultaneous multielement deter­ functions for GLP and regulatory mination is achieved with an Echelle compliance as well as data editing, polychromator that has been designed formatting, and transfer. Perkin for GFAAS with high dispersion and luminosity to achieve multielement de- Elmer • 428

software matches IR spectra of unknown samples with those for materials in the Sadder IR Standards Collection, many of which are cross-referenced with materials in the CSearch databases. The software performs substructure and full-molecule searches. Bio-Rad • 426 GC OnLine GC Lab v. 2.0 is a PC-based col­ umn optimization software package for temperature-programmed or isothermal capillary GC. The upgraded version in­ cludes simulation of temperature program­ ming. Features include an integral data­ base of thermodynamic retention indexes for phase selection; a data library that permits changes in carrier gas, tempera­ ture, and column dimensions; single- or multidimensional system design op­ tions, including diagram windows; and specifiable degrees of separation, sensitiv­ ity, and detection limits. An updated retention index database compiled from the literature is available for loading into the database. OnLine Analytics • 427 CE Caesar is a peak integration system de­ signed for CE. The Windows-based soft­ ware with online help integrates peaks,

tracks drifting baselines, and allows the user to choose S/N with an automatic noise-level calculation feature. Peak height threshold, peak width, area percentage, and bunching parameters can be manipu­ lated to achieve the desired peak inte­ gration. Baselines and peak start/stop lo­ cations are automatically optimized to per­ mit peak width changes using a single set of integration parameters and eliminate the need for time programming of peak widths and thresholds. Scientific Resources • 429 MS EZScan data system is designed to inter­ face triple- or single-quadrupole mass spectrometers with a PC. It achieves mass accuracy of 0.03 Da per data acquisi­ tion step for a 2000-Da mass range instru­ ment, supports MS/MS scanning modes, and has an option for collision energy scanning. Data can be acquired in the background. The Windows-based data re­ duction module displays and plots TICs and RICs, overlays chromatograms, and provides automatic or manual (mouseselected) peak integration. Spectral func­ tions include single or averaged spectral plots, background subtraction, spectral enhancement, and reference library searching. Mass Evolution • 430

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 67, No. 3, February 1, 1995 143 A