since ion chromatography was introduced back in 1975, the world has

Mfefore the answering machine came along, the best way to screen your phone calls was to use a secretary. And the best way to screen your ions was to ...
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Fifteen years ago, most people couldn't have imagined capturing their favorite TV shows on tape. And most ion chromatographers couldn't have imagined capturing 30 anions in just 89 seconds.

Mfefore the answering machine came along, the best way to screen your phone calls was to use a secretary. And the best way to screen your ions was to use ion chromatography.

fax machines gained widespread acceptance, obtaining printed information took days instead of minutes. And obtaining ion separations took hours instead of seconds.

ËJuring the late 80's, compact disc technology improved the quality and resolution of audio recordings. Which is precisely what Waters new technology is doing for ion analysis.

%Mntii recently, the process of filming home movies wasn't exactly user friendly. Neither was the process of analyzing ions.

INTRODUCING CAPILLARY ION ANALYSIS FROM WATERS. WELCOME TO THE 9 0 ' s . At Waters, we're introducing a new technology that

sis with Waters exclusive NICE-Pak™ chemistries.

represents a bold leap forward for ion chromatography.

The results really have to be seen to be believed. So ask

We call it Capillary Ion Analysis (CIA™). With CIA, you'll

your Waters representative or call us at 508-478-2000,

be able to screen 30 anions in an amazing 89 seconds.

ext. 2614. We'll send you the latest edition of Ion Notes,

Capture what's really in your sample and improve the

which tells you more about CIA. And shows you why

quality and resolution of your analysis. It all comes together in our easy-to-use Quanta™ 4000 sys-

any other w a y to 89 seconds 1 Thiosulfate 2 Bromide 3 Chloride 4 Sulfate 5 Nitrite 6 Nitrate 7 Molybdate β Azide 9 Tungstate 10 Monoflyorophosphate 11 Chlorate 12 Citrate 13 Fluoride 14 Formate 15 Phosphate 16 Phosphite 17 Chlorite 18 Galactarate 19 Carbonate 2 0 Acetate 21 Ethanesultonate 22 Propionate 23 Propanesulfonate 24 Butyrate 25 Butanesulfonate 26 Valerate 27 Benzoate 28 L-Glutamate 29 Pentanesulfonate 30 d-Gluconate

analyze ions is suddenly out of date.

tem, which combines capillary eletrophore-

30 anions in 89 seconds

Waters Division of MILLIPORE