Since item 4 in the above is based on the ultimate ... - ACS Publications

rather than empirical, it may perhaps be omitted. S. WEINER. 2fi30 NORTH 53nn STREET. MILWAUKEE ... in the Central High School of St. Louis in Septemb...
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Since item 4 in the above is based on the ultimate structure of the atom and is therefore hypothetical rather than empirical, it may perhaps be omitted. S. WEINER 2fi30 NORTH53nn STREET MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN

We are reminded of the fact that some thirty years ago the British Association was urged to offer a prize of a thousand pounds to anyone bho could completely and satisfactorily define an element within the comprehension of the layman. It seemed then-and still seems-that one must know what an element is in order to understand its definition.-&.

'The First High-School Chemistry Laboratory? To the Editor: There recently came to my attention a letter in the .April, 1941, issue of the JOURNAL having the caption: "A Chemical Pioneer in High-School Teaching." In this letter, Dr. Brandt V. B. Dixon is quoted as having claimed that a high-school laboratory installed by him in the Central High School of St. Louis in September, 1876, was as far as he could learn the first high-school chemical laboratory in the United States. We desire to lay claim to a much earlier date for the establishment of a high-school chemical laboratory in this country. This was a t the Central High School of Philadelphia, an institution that recently celebrated its one-hundredth anniversary, having been founded in 1838, the oldest public high school outside of New England. To support our contention, we quote from the "History of the Central High School of Philadelphia," by Franklin Spencer Edmonds, published by Lippincott in 1901. Martin H. Boy6 became professor of chemistry in 1851. "Provision was made for a laboratory which was fitted up in the basement, and illustrative apparatus was provided. From this time, therefore, chemistry assumed its proper place in the cur~iculum."-Page 113. I n 1862 during the incumbency of Dr. B. P w a r d Rand in the chair of chemistry (he had succeeded Professor Boy6 in 18591, John Kingsbury, formerly Superintendent of Schools in Rhode Island, visited the Central High School of Philadelphia and reported: "We were particularly pleased with the chemical laboratory, not with the room, or with the chemicals, or apparatus, but with the unmistakable evidence that there was work done there.. . .We were informed that the chemicals were p u t into the hands of the pupils and they are taught to perform t h e experiments themselves."-Page 179.

Reference could also be made to the laboratory work done in chemistry during the professorship of the renowned Elihu Thomson (1870-80). However, the previous citations make it clear that chemical laboratory instruction started as early as 1831 and certainly was in full operation in 1862. We know that Dr. Dixon will be glad to accept this correction in order that the record may be entirely straight. ROBERT W. KUNZIG CENTRAL H~onScaoo~ PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA

Paper for Platinum in Flame Tests

To the Editor: In these days of another national emergency our available supply of platinum again becomes a cogent issue. An examination of the current texts on qualitative analysis reveals that their authors seemingly are unacquainted with the method developed by Ehringhaus (Cent. Min., 1919, 192, also Annual Reports, Chemical Society, Val. XVII, 130) in which paper is substituted for platinum in flame-test technic. My experience with this test, following the procedure described in J. Ind. Eng. Chem., 12, No. 5, 500 (May, 1920) long ago led me permanently to discard platinum for this purpose. Platinum has little, if any, advantage over paper; hence to use the former in this way seems to me to be an unnecessary waste of an important and valuable material. Several methods have been devised for making bead tests without platinum wire. Small quartz or glass rods and lead-pencil leads serve fpr borax beads. Little, but very beaufiful beads made with microcosmic salt as follows: Strips of filter paper, approximately one cm, by 10 cm., are soaked in a hot saturated solution of the salt, dried, and the process repeated until crystals show on the surface of the paper. For the test place a drop of the test .solution (Co, Ni, or Mn salt) on one end of the prepared strip and hold it in the outer edge of a Meker flame until the paper has carbonized to a depth of 5-10 mm. A hand magnifier will show a number of well formed and characteristic beads on the carbonized edge.

The surface tension of fused borax is such that it cannot be used in this method. C. C. KIPLINGER W s s r LIBERTY STATETEACHERS COLLEGE WESTLIBERTY, WESTVIRGINIA