Single Parameter for Predicting the Morphology of Atmospheric Black

Nov 21, 2018 - Black carbon (BC) from fuel combustion is an effective light absorber that contributes significantly to direct climate forcing. The for...
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Article Cite This: Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52, 14169−14179

Single Parameter for Predicting the Morphology of Atmospheric Black Carbon Chao Chen,†,‡,§,# Ogochukwu Y. Enekwizu,∥,# Xiaolong Fan,‡,§ Christopher D. Dobrzanski,∥ Ella V. Ivanova,⊥ Yan Ma,‡ Gennady Y. Gor,∥ and Alexei F. Khalizov*,§,∥ †

College of Resources and Environment, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Environment Monitoring and Pollution Control, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing 210044, China § Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey 07102, United States ∥ Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, New Jersey 07102, United States ⊥ Saint-Petersburg State University, 7-9 Universitetskaya nab., Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation 199034

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ABSTRACT: Black carbon (BC) from fuel combustion is an effective light absorber that contributes significantly to direct climate forcing. The forcing is altered when BC combines with other substances, which modify its mixing state and morphology, making the evaluation of its atmospheric lifetime and climate impact a challenge. To elucidate the associated mechanisms, we exposed BC aerosol to supersaturated vapors of different chemicals to form thin coatings and measured the coating mass required to induce the restructuring of BC aggregates. We found that studied chemicals fall into two distinct groups based on a single dimensionless parameter, χ, which depends on the diameter of BC monomer spheres and the coating material properties, including vapor supersaturation, molar volume, and surface tension. We show that when χ is small (low-volatility chemicals), the highly supersaturated vapor condenses uniformly over aggregates, including convex monomers and concave junctions in between monomers, but when χ is large (intermediate-volatility chemicals), junctions become preferred. The aggregates undergo prompt restructuring when condensation in the junctions dominates over condensation on monomer spheres. For a given monomer diameter, the coating distribution is mostly controlled by vapor supersaturation. The χ factor can be incorporated straightforwardly into atmospheric models to improve simulations of BC aging.

lation and vapor condensation.9−11 In some cases, initially fractal BC aggregates can restructure into compact globules. Changes in the population mixing state, morphological mixing state, and backbone morphology of BC significantly modify its ability to absorb and scatter solar radiation.12−18 Accordingly, net climate impact of BC aerosol may vary significantly over its atmospheric lifetime.3,4,19 Currently, the understanding of processes producing different morphological mixing states of BC remains incomplete, and no unified quantitative framework is available to describe the evolution in its backbone morphology. Here we exposed size-classified BC aerosol to vapors of different materials and measured changes in particle mobility diameter and mass that were induced by vapor condensation and coating formation. Additionally, we collected BC particle

INTRODUCTION Black carbon (BC or soot) is an anthropogenic radiative forcer, whose contribution to climate warming is exceeded only by that of carbon dioxide.1 The source of BC is the incomplete combustion of carbon-containing fuels that may also produce, both directly and indirectly, particle-phase sulfates and organics.2 These non-BC constituents scatter solar radiation, modifying the light absorbing contribution of BC aerosol in the atmosphere. The resulting radiative effect is determined not only by the non-BC to BC mass ratio but also by the aerosol population mixing state,3−5 which is the distribution of chemical constituents across the particle population.6 Other factors influencing the radiative effect are the distribution of non-BC chemical constituents on the surface of individual BC aggregates (morphological mixing state6) and mutual arrangement of graphitic spherical monomers comprising the aggregates (backbone morphology).7,8 The mixing state of BC begins to transform already at combustion source, and the transformation process continues during atmospheric aging, driven by particle−particle coagu© 2018 American Chemical Society

Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 14169

July 30, 2018 November 18, 2018 November 21, 2018 November 21, 2018 DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b04201 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52, 14169−14179


Environmental Science & Technology

in terms of Gfd = Dprocessed/Dinitial and Gf m = mcoated/minitial. Here D and m are the particle mobility diameter and mass, respectively. The subscripts “initial” and “coated” refer to the particles before and after exposure to the condensing vapor. The subscript “processed” denotes particles that were coated and then thermally denuded to remove the condensate. Thermal denuding helped to discriminate the change in size of the BC backbone from the overall particle size change (Figure S3). The precision of TDMA and APM measurements was better than 0.5% and 1%, respectively. Effective coating thickness, ΔRs, was derived from the difference in mass of coated and uncoated BC aggregates, assuming that all the monomers in BC aggregates were of the same size and the coating material was distributed uniformly over each monomer

samples and inspected their morphology using electron microscopy imaging. Our aim was to identify major factors responsible for the morphological changes in BC and test the hypothesis that these changes are driven primarily by the surface tension and mass of the liquid coating, as broadly discussed in the literature.20−25 Based on our findings, we propose that under realistic atmospheric conditions, the morphological mixing state and backbone morphology of BC are most sensitive to variations in the condensing vapor supersaturation, followed by BC monomer diameter and condensate surface tension. We developed a framework for predicting the morphological mixing state of BC that helped to reconcile the discrepancies reported in previous BC aging studies.

ÉÑ1/3 ijÄÅÅ yz ÑÑ ρEC jjÅÅÅ z Ñ ΔR s = jjjÅÅ(Gfm − 1) + 1ÑÑÑ − 1zzzzR s Å Ñ jjÅÅ zz ρcoat ÑÑÖ kÇ {

MATERIALS AND METHODS Aerosol Generation and Processing. Black carbon aerosol (BC) was generated by combustion of natural gas in an inverted diffusion burner.26,27 A global flame equivalence ratio Φ = 0.5 was maintained using 0.9 L per minute (lpm) of natural gas and 17.1 lpm of air (Φ is the ratio of the actual fuel−air ratio to the stoichiometric fuel−air ratio). BC aerosol was sampled from the burner with an ejector dilutor, using particle-free air preheated to 150 °C to prevent water condensation. Diluted aerosol flow was dried in a diffusion dryer filled with silica gel and in a Nafion dryer (Perma Pure, PD-07018T-24MSS), which were connected in series, resulting in a relative humidity (RH) below 5%, as measured by a Vaisala HMM100 sensor. Before processing, the BC aerosol was brought to an equilibrium charge distribution in a bipolar diffusion charger (Po-210, 400 μCi, NRD Staticmaster) and size classified in a differential mobility analyzer (DMA, TSI 3081), which was operated at a 0.3 lpm sample flow and a sheath-to-sample flow ratio of 10. The size-classified aerosol was sent through a Pyrex saturator chamber (Figure S1), partly filled with liquid coating material (∼15 mL) and maintained at a constant temperature by a PID controller. After leaving the chamber, the aerosol flow cooled down while traveling along the stainless steel tubing, resulting in a supersaturated vapor condensing on the particles and on the tubing wall. When required, the coating was removed from the particles by sending the aerosol flow through a thermal denuder (TD) maintained at 300 °C. In some experiments, BC particles were collected on silicon chips (Ted Pella) for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging, using a custom-built electrostatic sampler.28 A schematic of the system used for aerosol generation, processing, and analysis is shown in Figure S2. Measurements of Coated Particle Mobility Diameter and Mass. Particle mobility diameter and absolute mass were measured using a system consisting of two DMAs (tandem DMA or TDMA), an aerosol particle mass analyzer (APM, Kanomax 3601), and a condensation particle counter (CPC, TSI 3772).29,30 The first DMA was maintained at a constant voltage to select particles of a specified mobility diameter. The size-classified particles were coated or coated/denuded, as described above. To measure mobility diameter of processed particles, the aerosol flow was sent through the second DMA. To measure coated particle mass, aerosol flow was diverted to the APM. Voltage in the second DMA or APM was scanned, and the resulting particle concentration at the exit of either was measured by the CPC to obtain mobility or mass distribution, respectively. Changes in particle size and mass were expressed


where Rs = d/2 is the monomer radius, d = 28 ± 6 nm is the average monomer diameter determined from SEM images, ρEC = 1.77 g cm−3 is the material density of graphitic monomers,31 and ρcoat is the coating material density. Analysis of SEM Images. BC particles collected on silicon chips were imaged with a LEO 1530VP Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM), using a 5 kV accelerating voltage. For each sample, at least 12 randomly selected individual aggregates were inspected at different magnifications. Adobe Photoshop was used to adjust contrast and brightness of SEM micrographs. The average monomer diameter was determined by measuring 10−15 monomers in each aggregate. The compactness of aggregates was characterized using convexity, which is the ratio of projected aggregate area, Aa, over the area of the convex hull polygon, Apolygon.32,33 Convexity =

Aa A polygon


By definition, the convexity varies between 0 and 1, the larger value representing more compact aggregates. In our study, convexity of unprocessed fractal BC was 0.54, corresponding to Gfd = 1. Fully collapsed BC had convexity of ∼0.87, corresponding to Gfd ∼ 0.78. Model for Competitive Condensation on a BC Aggregate. To assess the distribution of the condensate on a BC aggregate (the morphological mixing state), we consider the two limiting cases: all the condensed liquid is distributed as a uniform shell on the surface of spherical monomers (Figure 1a), or the condensate is localized entirely in the gap between spherical monomers (“capillary condensation”, Figure 1b). Here we derive an analytical model for the kinetics of condensation for each case. For brevity, in both cases we refer to the resulting condensate as droplet. We are concerned with the initial period of vapor condensation, when the size of the droplet does not appreciably exceed the initial size of the monomer, which is small compared to the mean free path of the vapor molecules in the vapor-gas medium. Thus, the growth of the droplet takes place in the kinetic (or “free-molecular”) regime, with the flux of molecules to its surface given by34 14170

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b04201 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52, 14169−14179


Environmental Science & Technology SK ≡

2γVm 2γ = nlkBT R gT


is the characteristic Kelvin length, γ is the vapor−liquid surface tension, nl is the number density of the liquid phase (related to the molar volume Vm through the Avogadro number nl = NA/ Vm), kB is the Boltzmann constant, and Rg is the gas constant. When the radius of the droplet noticeably exceeds the Kelvin length, R ≫ SK , eq 5 can be linearized: l SK | o o nR ≃ n∞m o1 + R } o (7) n ~ For substances studied, the linearization produces an 11% average error in the Kelvin factor; the maximum error does not exceed 26%. Substituting the dependence of the saturated vapor concentration near the droplet’s surface on the curvature through the linearized Kelvin eq 7 and the number of 4 molecules in the spherical shell N = 3 π (R3 − R s3)nl into eqs 3 and 4, we get the following equation for the droplet radius as a function of time i S dR 1 = αvT ajjjj1 − K dt 4 R k

Figure 1. Two models representing the morphological mixing state of coated BC aggregates. a, A coating layer with effective thickness ΔRs is distributed uniformly over monomer spheres. b, Pendular rings of radius rm are formed by capillary condensation at the junctions between monomer spheres. Rm is the radius of curvature of the meniscus. The extent to which the gap is filled by condensate is described in terms of the angle θ. c, A thickly coated aggregate with rm ∼ ΔRs.


1 αAvT(n0 − nR ) 4

and droplet growth rate parameter n − n∞ a≡ 0 nl



The initial condition for this equation stems from the fact that condensational growth takes place on a surface of the spherical BC monomer with radius Rs: R(t)|t=0 = Rs. Since the radius of the sphere Rs sets the main length scale in the problem, it is convenient to introduce the reduced droplet radius as R̃ ≡ R/Rs; the characteristic time scale of the droplet 4R growth in the kinetic regime can be defined as τ ≡ αv sa and the T reduced time t ̃ ≡ t/τ. Integrating eq 8 and writing the result in terms of dimensionless variables we get ÄÅ É Å R̃ − χ ÑÑÑ Å Å ÑÑ t ̃ = R̃ − 1 + χ lnÅÅÅ Ñ ÅÅÇ 1 − χ ÑÑÑÖ (11) where



Below we consider eqs 3 and 4 for the two cases: growth of a uniform film on a spherical surface and capillary condensation in the gap between the two spherical particles. Condensational Droplet Growth on a Spherical Surface. The saturated vapor concentration near the droplet’s surface nR depends on the droplet’s radius R through the Kelvin equation l o o SK | nR = n∞ expm oR} o n ~


where we introduce two dimensionless parameters: vapor supersaturation n − n∞ ζ= 0 n∞ (9)

Here α is the molecular accommodation coefficient, A is the surface area of the droplet, vT is the mean thermal velocity of the molecules, n0 is the unperturbed vapor concentration (number density of molecules) far from the droplet, and nR is the concentration of saturated vapor near the droplet’s surface of radius R. The droplet growth rate due to vapor condensation is determined by the material balance. The rate of change of the number molecules in the droplet N, given by eq 4, is equal to the total flux toward its surface dN =J dt

1 yzz z ζ z{

SK 1 Rζ


Note that all the physical parameters of the problem are contained in the dimensionless parameter χ, which reflects the competition between the Kelvin effect (SK /R s ) and vapor supersaturation (ζ). Condensational Droplet Growth in the Gap between Two Spherical Particles. Now we assume that the condensation takes place exclusively in the gap between the spheres. The extent to which the gap is filled is expressed in terms of the filling angle θ (see Figure 1b). For the case of perfect wetting of the solid spheres by the condensing liquid, the liquid−vapor interface of the pendular rings is well approximated as arcs of circles.35 The analytical expressions for


where n∞ is the concentration of saturated vapor over a flat surface 14171

DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b04201 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52, 14169−14179


Environmental Science & Technology Table 1. Properties of Coating Materials coating material


CAS no.

molar mass, g mol−1

density, g cm−3

surface tension, mN m−1

boiling point, °C

vapor pressure, Pab,c

Kelvin length, nm

triethylene glycol triethylene glycol monobutyl ether diethyl adipate tetradecane dioctyl sebacate oleic acid bis(2-ethylhexyl) adipate bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate sulfuric acid (H2SO4, 69 wt %)


112-27-6 143-22-6

150.17 206.28

1.12 0.99

46.5 31.4

287 278

0.18 0.33

5.0 5.3


141-26-6 629-59-4 122-62-3 112-80-1 103-23-1 117-81-7 7664-93-9

202.25 198.38 426.67 282.46 370.57 390.56 98.08

1.01 0.76 0.91 0.90 0.92 0.99 1.60

32.7 26.7 31.1 32.8 30.0 31.2 73

245 251 436 360 417 384 165a

7.73 2.00 2.96 × 10−6 7.28 × 10−5 1.13 × 10−4 1.89 × 10−5 3.87 × 10−7

5.3 5.6 11.7 8.3 9.7 9.9 3.6


Temperature at which the total pressure above sulfuric acid solution (mostly due to water vapor) reaches 101325 Pa. bSaturation vapor pressure at 25 °C. cReferences to surface tension and saturated vapor data sources: TEG,61,62 TEGMBE,63,64 DA,65,66 TDA,67,68 DOS,69,70 OA,71,72 BEHA,73,74 BEHP,75,76 SA.72,77

or R̃ . In these equations, χ is the only parameter, which determines the condensation scenario and contains all the physical parameters of the problem: vapor supersaturation ζ, monomer size Rs, surface tension γ, and molecular density nl of the condensate. When comparing the two solutions, we plot the dependence of reduced amount of condensate in the gap or 2 on a sphere, Ñ ≡ N / 3 πR s3nl , versus reduced time t.̃ Note that the complete filling of the gap corresponds to Ñ = 1. Modeling of Vapor Supersaturation in Condenser. Time profiles of saturation ratio, ζ + 1, and particle radius, R, in the saturator/condenser were obtained by solving eqs 20−22 for a given coating liquid and experimentally measured gas and wall temperatures, using a model implemented in Python. The first term on the right-hand side of eq 20 accounts for condensational vapor loss to aerosol particles and the second term describes loss to the condenser walls. The vapor loss to particles was modeled using the continuum regime equation (with transition correction) because the spherical particles utilized in condensation experiments to verify the calculations were larger than the gas mean free path (Text S4). ÅÄÅ ÑÉ ij Å dp T yzÑÑ = −ÅÅÅÅ4πRnpDvCBL(p − psat , p ) + klossjjjp − psat zzzÑÑÑÑ j ÅÅ dt Tw z{ÑÑÑÖ k ÅÇ

the area and volume of the pendular rings in the gap are rather cumbersome for use in eqs 3 and 4.35 Therefore, for further analysis we use the area and volume of the cylindrical surface of the condensate that are given by simpler analytical expressions written in terms of θ. The area is given then by Agap = 4πR s2 sin θ(1 − cos θ)



The volume of the fluid accumulated in the gap is the difference between the volume of the cylinder and the volumes of two spherical caps Vgap =

2π 3 R s (cos θ − 1)2 (2 cos θ + 1) 3


The perfect wetting condition assumed here gives the following equation for the radius of the meniscus Rm R m = Rs

1 − cos θ cos θ


Using this relation, similarly to eq 5, the concentration of saturated vapor at the concave interface is given by the Kelvin equation in the following linearized form ij S cos θ yzz n R m ≃ n∞jjj1 − K z j 2R s 1 − cos θ zz{ k



The flux of molecules to the pendular ring surface is given by eq 3. Substituting eqs 13, 14, and 16 into eqs 3 and 4 and using the definitions for τ, t,̃ and χ, we obtain cos θdθ 1+

χ cos θ 2 1 − cos θ

Here psat is the saturation pressure of condensate on the wall (related to the vapor concentration n∞ = psat/kBT), psat, p is the saturation vapor pressure above particles adjusted for the Kelvin effect (see eq 5), np is the number concentration of aerosol particles, Dv is the diffusion coefficient of vapor in the air, CBL is the transition correction based on the method of Bademosi and Liu,36 T and Tw are the gas and wall temperatures, and kloss is the first-order rate constant for diffusion-limited vapor loss on the wall in a laminar flow37

= dt ̃ (17)

Integration of eq 17 for an arbitrary value of χ in the interval (0,1) gives t̃ =

where I=

2 2−

| l χ o o sin θ + [θ − I ] } m o o o χo 2 − χ n ~

ij 4 − χ θ yz 1 arctanjjj tan zzz j χ 2 z{ (4 − χ )χ k


kloss =


3.66Dv 2 rtube


for a cylindrical tube of a radius rtube. The change in the particle radius due to vapor condensation is described as DC V 1 dR = v BL m (p − psat , p ) dt R gTR


Competition between the two solutions given by eq 11 and eq 18 determines the localization of the condensing fluid. Note that both could be solved analytically only for t ̃ and not for θ


The diffusion coefficient was estimated using the approach by Fuller, Schetter, and Gittings, and a unity accommodation 14172

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Environmental Science & Technology

Figure 2. Morphological changes occurring in soot aggregates that were exposed to condensable vapors of different chemicals and then denuded. a, Mass-mobility relationship showing the dependence of mobility diameter change (Gfd = Dprocessed/Dinitial) on mass change (Gf m = mcoated/minitial) and coating mass fraction (f m = 1−1/Gf m). b-e, Scanning electron microscopy images of soot aggregates, where b is an uncoated aggregate, c is a coated aggregate with 10% mass fraction DA, d is a coated aggregate with 13% OA, and e is a coated aggregate with 43% OA. Initial mobility diameter is 240 nm in a and 350 nm in b-e. See Table 1 for acronyms.

Figure 3. Dependence of convexity of soot aggregates on the surface tension (a) and saturation vapor pressure (25 °C, b) of the coating material. The initial mobility diameter of soot aggregates is 350 nm, and the coating mass fraction is 13 ± 2%. Convexity reflects the degree of compaction of soot aggregates and was measured for coated and denuded soot aerosol to eliminate the contribution from condensed coating material, which tends to offset the decrease in the aggregate mobility diameter caused by restructuring. The dashed line shows convexity of uncoated aggregates (0.54). See Table 1 for acronyms.

coefficient was assumed when calculating the CBL term.38 The particles typically contributed little to vapor loss, with loss on the wall accounting for over 95% of the change in vapor concentration.

particles changed, as shown in Figure 2a by the normalized particle diameter (Gfd) and mass (Gf m). Two prominent features are evident in Figure 2a. First, BC particles gain coating mass (Gf m > 1) but decrease in size (Gfd < 1) because of restructuring, a process that transforms fractal BC aggregates into compact globules of a smaller mobility diameter.9,39−41 Second, all the coating materials fall into two distinct groups based on their restructuring ability. For materials shown in red, such as BEHA, BEHP, DOS, OA, and SA (see Table 1 for acronyms), the particle mobility diameter decreased gradually with an increase in coating mass. The particle mass had to be nearly doubled (Gf m > 2) before the aggregates could attain a nearly fully compact structure (Gfd ∼ 0.8), requiring a saturator temperature of 50 °C and above. Such a mass growth corresponds to a coating mass fraction, f m = 1−1/Gfm, of more than 50%. This behavior is in agreement with previous observations, such as for OA and DOS condensation on BC.40 On the other hand, materials shown in blue, such as DA, TDA, TEGMBE, and TEG, induced a complete restructuring when present at a mass


Morphological Changes in Coated BC Aggregates. The coating materials selected were sulfuric acid and eight organic liquids with different functionalities, including a combination of a hydrocarbon chain or an aromatic ring with the hydroxyl, ether, ester, and carboxylic acid groups (Table 1). Accordingly, the properties of these liquids varied broadly, including γ = 27−73 mN m−1 and psat = 4 × 10−7 − 8 Pa. The coating mass was controlled through vapor supersaturation (ζ), which depended on the temperature of the liquid coating material in the saturator and aerosol cooling rate in the condenser, where most of the condensation took place. In response to an increase in ζ, the size and mass of BC 14173

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Environmental Science & Technology fraction as low as ∼5%, corresponding to Gf m = 1.05. Notably, for these materials, some minor vapor condensation (Gf m ≤ 1.03) and partial restructuring (Gfd ∼ 0.90) were observed already at room temperature (corresponding to ζ ≤ 0). The mobility diameter of fully collapsed aggregates was comparable between the two groups of materials, corresponding to Gfd ∼ 0.8. Analysis of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of BC confirmed the results of mass-mobility measurements. For instance, a 350 nm mobility diameter fractal aggregate with initial convexity of 0.54 (Figure 2b) became compact after gaining a 10% mass fraction of DA (convexity 0.87, Figure 2c) but not after gaining 13% OA (convexity 0.60, Figure 2d). Instead, a 43% coating fraction was required to induce significant restructuring of fractal aggregates when using OA (convexity 0.78, Figure 2e). Overall, for a 13 ± 2% coating fraction, all materials clustered into two groups (Table S1), e.g., materials shown in blue in Figure 2a induced significant BC compaction, as reflected by convexities of 0.86 ± 0.01, whereas materials shown in red had a minor structural impact, with convexities of 0.62 ± 0.02. The loss of the coating material upon denuder-induced evaporation led to an additional small but consistent compaction of the aggregates. For coated BC with f m ∼ 10%, the convexity increased from 0.77 ± 0.03 to 0.86 ± 0.01 for the materials shown in blue and from 0.59 ± 0.02 to 0.62 ± 0.02 for the materials shown in red. This additional compaction only occurred to the airborne BC but not to the aggregates deposited on SEM substrates because in the latter case restructuring was restricted by aggregate-substrate interactions.42 Trends between BC Morphology and Coating Material Properties. It is commonly believed that BC restructuring is promoted by thicker coatings of higher surface tensions.23 However, in some of our experiments, complete restructuring of BC was observed for a condensate mass fraction as low as 4−5% (Figure 2a) with no discernible correlation between processed BC convexity and coating surface tension (Figure 3a). Some materials of vastly different surface tensions, such as SA (73 mN m−1) and DOS (31.1 mN m−1), induced similar restructuring, while some materials of comparable surface tensions, such as DOS and TEGMBE (31.4 mN m−1), induced vastly different restructuring. Most surprisingly, a nonpolar hydrocarbon TDA with γ = 26.6 mN m−1 was significantly more effective at restructuring than the polar SA. No apparent correlation was also observed between the convexity of processed BC and the presence of specific chemical functions (Table S1). However, when convexity was plotted against the saturation vapor pressure, all materials became clustered in two distinct groups. As shown in Figure 3b, the intermediate-volatility materials with psat in the range of 0.13−8 Pa induced significant restructuring, while the lowvolatility materials (psat = 4 × 10−7 − 1.2 × 10−4 Pa) had a minor impact on the morphology of lightly coated BC (f m = 0.13 ± 0.02). Similar dependencies were observed when the surface tension and saturation vapor pressure were plotted against Gfd (Figure S4). Two Distinct Morphological Mixing States. In our experiments and in several other studies,29,43 the restructuring of BC was observed in the presence of as little as 4−5% mass fraction of condensate. Using a simple geometrical model, we estimated that such a coating fraction corresponds to a single monolayer, if distributed uniformly (ΔRs = 0.3 nm, Figure 1a).

Most commonly, the presence of heavier coatings is required for restructuring23,44,45 because a monolayer cannot provide sufficient mechanical load. To explain the unexpected restructuring in the presence of a small coating mass and the drastic difference in the restructuring behavior between the two groups of coating materials (Figure 2), we suggest the formation of one of two different morphological mixing states, a uniform coating layer (Figure 1a) and a pendular ring (Figure 1b). Pendular ring thickness, rm, can be determined by solving together eqs 14 and 23, using the volume of condensate in the gap, Vgap, derived from experimental measurements via eq 24. rm = R s sin θ Vgap = (Gfm − 1)


ρEC ρcoat


4 3 πR s 3


If present in the junctions between the spheres, condensate with a 4% mass fraction forms pendular rings of significant thickness (rm = 8 nm), exerting sufficiently strong capillary force to induce restructuring of BC aggregates, especially when located at weaker junctions. If distributed as a uniform 0.3 nm layer, condensate induces only a minor restructuring. For condensate located in the junctions, the extent of morphological change (Gfd) can be related to the pendular ring radius (rm); for uniform coatings, ΔRs serves as a good approximation of rm. The application of this concept is illustrated in Figure 4, where the Gfd of the coated and

Figure 4. Extent of restructuring (Gfd = Dprocessed/Dinitial) as a function of pendular ring thickness (rm, blue, low supersaturation) and effective coating thickness (ΔRs, red, high supersaturation) for BC aggregates that were coated and then denuded. The range of ΔRs and rm corresponding to nearly complete restructuring of BC is indicated by the vertical green band. See Table 1 for acronyms.

denuded BC is plotted against rm and ΔRs for the intermediatevolatility and low-volatility coatings, respectively. The two important conclusions that can be drawn from Figure 4 are that the behavior of all substances follows a similar trend, where the Gfd decreases gradually with rm, independently of the surface tension, and that for all coating materials a nearly complete restructuring is achieved for rm = 6−8 nm. The merging of all Gfd curves into a nearly single curve when plotted against rm is the key to reconciling the significant apparent differences in behavior between the two groups of 14174

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Environmental Science & Technology materials in Figure 2a. It can be deduced that the intermediate volatility materials condense nearly exclusively in the junctions, leading to a rapid increase in rm. The low volatility materials produce uniform coats, and hence a much larger Gfm is required to achieve the critical pendular ring thickness, as shown in Figure 1c. In either case, the aggregates undergo restructuring only when the junctions become sufficiently filled. In our study, the critical pendular ring thickness was about half of the primary sphere radius. Mechanism Leading to Two Distinct Morphological Mixing States. One can envision two alternative mechanisms leading to the formation of a nonuniform coating: redistribution of the uniform coating layer and direct condensation into junctions. On the time scale of our experiments, coating redistribution can be ruled out because of slow surface transport.10,46 Thus, pendular rings can only form by direct vapor condensation into the junctions. Since all substances explored in our study wetted perfectly the surface of BC, the condensation was not limited by the rate of heterogeneous nucleation but occurred promptly at the rate that depended on the vapor flux J toward the surface47 J ∝ psat × (ζ + 1 − K )


where K = exp(SK /Rc ) is the Kelvin factor, and the radius of curvature, Rc, equals either Rs or Rm. For a given supersaturation, preferential condensation into junctions (capillary condensation) may occur due to significantly lower vapor pressure above concave rings (Rm < 0, K < 1) relative to the convex spheres (Rs > 0, K > 1).48 Based on our experimental measurements and condenser modeling (Supporting Information, Section S4), we estimated that in the case of oleic acid (OA) and other low-volatility liquids, a maximum ζ as large as 20−30 was attained. Under such conditions, the variation in K between convex (K ∼ 1.4) and concave (K ∼ 0.6) surfaces had a relatively minor effect on J, leading to condensation with little spatial preference. However, in the case of intermediate volatility chemicals, such as diethyl adipate (DA), ζ never exceeded 0.3−0.4, resulting in a significant preference for concave locations over convex locations and nearly exclusive capillary condensation. This observed preference of the condensation location is fully supported by our model, which describes analytically the competition between the rate of condensation on a sphere and in the junction between two spheres, using a single parameter, 0 < χ < ∞ (eq 12). The lower limit of χ corresponds to infinite supersaturation where condensation on spheres prevails (Figure S8). As χ reaches 0.65, rates of condensation on spheres and in junctions become comparable. For larger χ, condensation in the junctions is the dominant process. In the integrated analytical solution, discontinuities appear at χ values of 1, 2, and 4. The first is imposed by the minimum supersaturation required for the condensation on a sphere in eq 11; the other two are imposed by discontinuities in eqs 18 and 19. Figure 5a shows that in the case of DA (ζ = 0.36, χ = 1.042), condensation on the convex spheres was suppressed, and the vapor condensed exclusively in the gap between spheres. However, in the case of OA with its significantly higher supersaturation (ζ = 20.5, χ = 0.029), there was negligible thermodynamic preference between convex and concave locations, and condensation occurred on the spheres (Figure 5b) because of their significantly larger surface area. There was

Figure 5. Calculated competition between the uniform vapor condensation over the entire aggregate (sphere) and capillary condensation in junctions (gap): a, DA (ζ = 0.36, χ = 1.042) and b, OA (ζ = 20.5, χ = 0.029). Reduced amount of condensate equaling 1.0 corresponds to half of the volume of the monomer sphere. The monomer sphere diameter is 28 nm. See Table 1 for acronyms.

little change in the outcome for OA when its supersaturation in the model was decreased to an atmospherically relevant ζ = 447 (χ = 0.147, Figure 6b). According to eq 12, for a given substance, only the product of ζ and Rs is important in determining the value of χ. Thus, for a fixed ζ, the distribution of the condensate must be affected by the size of the monomer spheres Rs. Such dependence is indeed confirmed by our calculations for the condensation of OA at a fixed ζ = 4.0 on monomers of different diameters. When the monomers are relatively large (28 and 45 nm), the condensation shows no spatial preference (Figure 6b, c), resulting in a uniform coating. However, for smaller, 7 nm monomers, capillary condensation in the junctions competes with condensation on spheres (Figure 6a). With this information in hand, we can explain the vastly different restructuring behavior reported by research groups who used different types of BC. For instance, the commonly recognized ease of restructuring of spark-discharge (Palas) aggregates17,49,50 can be explained by the small, 7−11 nm diameter monomers,50 where condensation occurs mostly in the junctions, placing the condensate where it has the largest impact on morphology. Such capillary condensation may explain the unexpected restructuring of spark-discharge aggregates exposed to products of propene ozonolysis, which have a high vapor pressure and typically do not exist in the aerosol phase.49 Similarly, the significant restructuring of the lightly coated BC (OA, f m ∼ 0.05) observed by Bambha et al.43 14175

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is negatively correlated with molar volume so that the product of these two quantities results in little variation in lk (eqs 6 and 12, Table 1). For this reason, SA (γ = 73 mN m−1) was only marginally more effective at restructuring than other materials (γ = 27−46 mN m−1), and only when coating thickness exceeded ΔRs > 3 nm (Figure 4). Similarly, Kutz and SchmidtOtt20 have reported comparable restructuring for nonpolar nhexane and polar 2-propanol, when the supersaturation was sufficiently high for the condensate to engulf the BC aggregates. Also, Schnitzler et al.23 have shown that glycerol (64 mN m−1) and ethylene glycol (47 mN m−1) produced marginally larger compaction than tridecane (26 mN m−1), even when applied as a thick layer. Surface Wetting Controls Aggregate Restructuring. Theoretical calculations have shown that capillary condensation can occur only when the condensate wets the aggregate surface.48 Thus, surface wetting is another major factor that controls the morphological mixing state and, through restructuring, backbone morphology of BC. All liquids tested in our experiments, including the 69% sulfuric acid, wet the surface of graphite nearly perfectly, and they all induce restructuring, given sufficient coating mass. Other experimental studies also point to the connection between restructuring and wetting. For instance, significant restructuring has been observed upon the exposure of BC to subsaturated (ζ = −0.1) vapors of n-hexane and 2-propanol20 and saturated vapors of n-heptane, ethanol, and a dimethyl sulfoxide/water mixture,51 all of which wet the surface of BC and hence condense in the junctions. On the other hand, there was no restructuring upon exposure of BC to subsaturated water vapor (ζ = −0.05) because of poor wetting, hindering the capillary condensation.20,30 When supersaturation is high, water will condense on BC even when the wetting angle is relatively large, but the junctions between spheres may remain unfilled and no restructuring would ensue. For instance, Ma et al.22 have shown that BC aggregates could be embedded within water droplets but remain fractal, collapsing only when the droplets evaporate. It can be rationalized that because of the high supersaturation and high partial pressure of water vapor in that study, the droplets grew rapidly (∼3 mm s−1), and the aggregates became engulfed before their structure was affected. Once engulfed, the aggregates remained fractal due to the lack of unbalanced forces.21,22 Only during droplet evaporation, when the primary spheres deformed the droplet surface, was the balance disrupted, resulting in a net restructuring force. Implications for Evaluation of Atmospheric BC Impacts. We propose the use of the dimensionless parameter, χ, to evaluate the distribution of coating material on atmospheric BC aggregates and hence predict their morphological mixing state and extent of compaction. This parameter can be computed straightforwardly for a specified BC monomer diameter and coating material properties. The monomer diameter is readily available from imaging studies of BC particles collected during multiple field campaigns, varying in a relatively narrow range of 20−50 nm.32,52−54 Coating material properties, including surface tension, molar volume, and volatility, can be inferred from the particle analysis by high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometry55 in conjunction with aerosol volatility measurements56 and modified volatility basis set theory.57 The parametrization can be applied even for diesel exhaust and biomass combustion particles that are already coated, as long as their morphological mixing state is known.

Figure 6. Calculated competition between the uniform vapor condensation over the entire aggregate surface (sphere) and capillary condensation in junctions (gap) for different monomer diameters: a, 7 nm (χ = 0.590), b, 28 nm (χ = 0.147), and c, 45 nm (χ = 0.092). Reduced amount of condensate equaling 1.0 corresponds to half of the volume of the monomer sphere. The condensing vapor is oleic acid, OA (ζ = 4.0).

could be due to the small, 11 nm diameter of the monomer spheres, while the minor restructuring of the heavily coated BC (OA and DOS with f m ∼ 0.5) observed by Ghazi et al.40 and Cross et al.39 could be due to the large, ∼40 nm monomers. The monomer diameter also defines the number of monomer spheres in aggregates of comparable size and hence the maximum extent of compaction.25 The dependence of χ on surface tension is not very significant because for most chemicals a higher surface tension 14176

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Sulfuric acid vapor is nearly always highly supersaturated, but supersaturation of organic vapors can vary broadly both spatially and seasonally because of vast differences in emission sources and photochemical oxidation rates. Accordingly, a range of mixing states and morphologies of aged BC can be produced, leading to significant variation in light absorption enhancement between different locations, as reported in recent field studies.5,58,59 These differences, at least for lightly aged BC, can be reconciled using the χ methodology. Furthermore, the χ framework, in differential or integral form, can be incorporated into particle resolved models60 to improve predictions of the morphological mixing state and morphology of BC. Such predictions have not yet been possible because of the commonly used spherical shape assumption for black carbon particles.


* Supporting Information S

The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b04201. Experimental setup, convexity data, and coating evaporation experiments; figures depicting saturator chamber (Figure S1) and integrated aerosol system (Figure S2), mobility diameter change for coated and coated-denuded BC (Figure S3) aggregate restructuring expressed in terms of convexity (Table S1) and mobility diameter change (Figure S4), loss of coating mass as a function of travel time (Figure S5), coating mass loss for different chemicals (Table S2), loss of coating mass as a function of saturation vapor pressure (Figure S6), calculated saturation ratio profiles for OA and DA (Figure S7), and competition between condensation in gap and on surface as a function of χ (Figure S8) (PDF)


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Gennady Y. Gor: 0000-0001-7455-1778 Alexei F. Khalizov: 0000-0003-3817-7568 Author Contributions #

C.C. and O.Y.E. contributed equally.


The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the reviewers for their comments and suggestions. This work was supported by the National Science Foundation (AGS-1463702 to A.F.K.), New Jersey Institute of Technology (Faculty Seed Grant to G.Y.G. and A.F.K.), and China Scholarship Council (scholarships to C.C. and X.F.).


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b04201 Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52, 14169−14179