Sivanto® - A Novel Insecticide with a Sustainable Profile - ACS

Nov 4, 2015 - use for resistance management against whiteflies and selected aphids, and ... The active ingredient FPF contains a new butenolide pharma...
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Chapter 24

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Sivanto® - A Novel Insecticide with a Sustainable Profile Peter Jeschke,* Matthias Haas, Ralf Nauen, Oliver Gutbrod, Michael Edmund Beck, Svend Matthiesen, and Robert Velten Bayer CropScience AG, R&D, Alfred-Nobel-Str. 50, D-40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany *E-mail: [email protected]

Sivanto® (common name: flupyradifurone, FPF) is a member of the new class of butenolide insecticides. Inspired by the stemofoline lactone "head group" as pharmacophore pattern and structural features of relevant nAChR agonists, its bioactive scaffold was identified. As partial agonist FPF reversible binds to insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and provides a favorable pharmacokinetic and safety profile. Sivanto® prime is very versatile in terms of application methods, exhibits fast contact and feeding efficacy, particularly useful for efficient virus vector control. The ready-to-use SL-formulation demonstrates excellent adhesion, spreading and penetration properties on leaves with improved translaminar activity and rainfastness. Target markets are primarily fruits and vegetable crops as well as plantation (citrus, coffee, cocoa) and tropical fruits. As it is non-hazardous to honey and bumble-bees as well as to most beneficial insects, Sivanto® prime perfectly fits into IPM systems and will be a sustainable tool to control sucking pests in many agricultural and horticultural settings.

Today, there are global chalenges to a product development in modern crop protection. The requirements to develop plant protection products have increased from pure efficacy aspects to multifold parameters to be considered. These include e.g. the (i) product profile (mode of action, safety profile, efficacy and © 2015 American Chemical Society In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

resistance management of the active ingredient), (ii) food security (yield and quality, Minimal Risk Levels (MRLs) and import tolerances, Good Agriculture Practice), (iii) biodiversity (stewardship, product selectivity), (iv) climate change (adaption and mitigation) and the (v) rural development (education and knowledge transfer, easy to use crop protection products), respectively. As a modern insecticide and based on the results at manufacturer recommended field-rates Sivanto® prime (common name: flupyradifurone, FPF) matches the global challenges to product development in a sustainable way in respect of its:

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• • • • •

outstanding safety profile for an uncomplicated control of major sucking pests, high compatibility with honey and bumble-bees allowing wide application windows and treatments during flowering, selectivity to most beneficials in fruit and outdoor grown vegetable crops, providing a perfect fit for Integrated Pest Management (IPM), use for resistance management against whiteflies and selected aphids, and significant benefit to growers, such as excellent speed of action leading to quick feeding cessation which provides an effective virus vector control and flexible applicability at any crop stage (

Because of its excellent profile concerning human- and environmental safety, Sivanto® is a designated United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA, 2013) reduced risk candidate for seven horticultural crop groups (e.g. citrus, curcurbit vegetables, fruiting vegetables, pome fruit) and cotton.

A New Dimension to an Established Mode of Action The selection of butenolide chemistry was inspired by the natural occurring and complex stemofoline alkaloids (isolated from the Asian medicinal plant Stemona japonica; Stemonaceae family) (1), considered as privileged structures to design simplified, insecticidally active nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonists (2). Based on the stemofoline lactone “head group” as a topological pharmacophore pattern, and in combination with molecular modelling studies using structural features of relevant nAChR agonists, a new bioactive scaffold was identified, which finally resulted in the identification of butenolide insecticides. Finally, the stepwise optimization of 5,6-disubstituted pyridin-3-yl (R1)-containing butenolides (I; R2, R3 = H) resulted in the discovery of FPF containing the N-2,2-difluoroethyl residue (R4) as specific substitution pattern (cf. Figure 1) (3).

332 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Figure 1. Stemofoline lactone “head group” and structural features of relevant nAChR agonists as the starting point for the selection of the butenolide chemistry (Z=O), which resulted in the butenolide subclass ( I ) and finally in FPF.

It was found that the structure-activity-relationship (SAR) of butenolide insecticides is distinct from the class of neonicotinoids. For butenolides a preference of the hetaryl moiety 6-chloro-pyridin-3-yl (R1) could be observed, which results in a different in-vitro and in-vivo SAR as known from commer-cialized neonicotinoid insecticides. In addition, it could be demonstrated that the N-2,2-difluoroethyl group (R4) is a specific substitution pattern for the butenolide class (4). FPF acts selectively on the insect central nervous system (CNS) as a partial agonist of postsynaptic nAChRs and binds with a different pharmacophore than neonicotinoids (5) and sulfoxaflor (6) to the ACh binding site (7). In addition, FPF presents little to no metabolism-based cross-resistance with neonicotinoids in targeted pest species. Because of its clear structural differentiation (new pharmacophore system for commercial nAChR agonsists, unique difluorinated side chain) from active ingredients of the: •

IRAC MoA Sub-group 4A, i.e. neonicotinoid insecticides containing N-nitro-guanidine- [imidacloprid (IMD), thiamethoxam (TMX), clothianidin (CLO), dinotefuran (DNF)], N-cyano-amidine- [acetamiprid (ACT), thiacloprid (TCL)] or nitromethylene [nitenpyram (NPR)] pharmacophors, and IRAC MoA Sub-group 4C, i.e. N-cyano-sulfoximines [sulfoxaflor (SFX)],

flupyradifurone was classified in 2013 as a new butenolide IRAC MoA Subgroup 4D.

333 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Systemicity and Translocation The active ingredient FPF contains a new butenolide pharmacophore system as a bioactive scaffold which is responsible for its specific physico-chemical and environmental fate properties (hydrolysis stable; aqueous photolysis: 33 to 228 d half-life; absorption in soil: KOC of 98 ml/g mean; half-life: 8.5 and 66.2 d). Sivanto® prime (SL 200, soluble liquid) is taken up into the leaves and stems with spray application and via the roots when applied to soil or alternative substrates. After absorption into the plant, Sivanto® prime is systemically translocated acropetally in the xylem, in direction of the transpiration stream, and is translaminarily distributed into the adjacent plant cells. Due to the translaminar distribution throughout the leaf (leaf cross-section), FPF is active against insect feeding on the underside, even when applied only on the upper leaf surface (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Efficiency of FPF after spray application: a) contact and feeding, b) translaminar, measured by honeydew excretion. Finally, insects can even be controlled whilst feeding at the distal end on the lower surface of the leaf. Sivanto® prime provides contact, a very fast feeding cessation (measured by honeydew excretion) and translaminar efficacy even on hidden pests like aphids (Myzus persicae, Aphis gossypii) feeding on the lower surface of the leaves (Table 1).

Table 1. Contact, feeding and translaminar efficacy of Sivanto® prime against Myzus persicae and Aphis gossypii based on suppression of honeydew excretion. Rate [g a.i./ha]



Contact & Feeding


M. persicae




M. persicae




A. gossypii




M. persicae






Efficacy via

++++ excellent, +++ good, ++ satisfactory, + marginal, - insufficient, 0 no activity.

334 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

Finally, due to the up-take through the roots and rapid distribution within the entire plant into the stem and leaves over a long distance, Sivanto® prime is ideal for drench application.

Crop-Pest Spectrum

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Sivanto® prime can reach a large spectrum of sucking pests in a wide variety of fruit, vegetable, plantation and defined broadacre crops (Table 2).

Table 2. Overview of the crop-pest spectrum of Sivanto® prime. Crop

Pest (Binomial name)

Vegetables, Potatoes

Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci, B. argentifolii, Trialeurodes vaporariorum) Aphids (Myzus persicae, Nasonovia ribisnigri) Potato Psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli)


Aphids (Dysaphis plantaginea, Aphis pomi) Scales (Quadraspidiotus perniciosus) Psyllids (Psylla pyri)


Leafhoppers (Empoasca vitis; Scaphoideus titanus, Erythroneura sp) Grapevine Mealybug (Planococcus ficus)


Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri) Citricola scale (Coccus pseudomagnoliarum) Citrus Thrips (Scirtothrips citri)


Cotton Aphid (Aphis gossypii) Lygus Bugs (Lygus sp.)


Coffee Leafminer (Leucoptera coffeella)


Cocoa Mirids (Sahlbergella singularis, Distantiella theobroma)

It is a systemic insecticide that is flexible for different types of application (foliar, drench, drip irrigation), provides adaptable application timing (including during blooming) and is highly target-selective against a broad range of key adult and immature sucking pests, such as aphids, selected hoppers and whiteflies. However, it is also active against mealybugs, coffee leafminers, sawflies, cocoa myrids, soft scales, citrus psyllids as well as some weevils, thrips and beetles. In most cases, the efficacy of Sivanto® prime is better than neonicotinoid insecticides (Table 3).

335 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Table 3. Application spectrum of Sivanto® prime in comparison with neonicotinoid insecticides. Species

Sivanto® prime Rate [g a.i./ha]/Efficacya

Neonicotinoids’ Rates [g a.i./ha]/Efficacya

B. tabaci

100-205 / +++(+)

150 IMD, 196 DNF / ++

T. vaporariorum

75-270 / +++

140-280 IMD / +

B. argentifolii

90-205 / +++

196 DNF / ++

A. gossypii

50-75 / ++++

100 IMD, 30 DNF / ++(+)

M. persicae

90-180 / +++

150 IMD / +++

B. brassicae

75-125 / +++

100 IMD, 63 ACT / +++

N. ribisnigri

90-125 / +++

100 IMD, 96 TCP / ++

Aphis spp.

50-125 / +++

100 IMD, TMX / +++

A. fabae

150-207/ +++

83 ACT, 200b / ++(+)


++++ excellent, +++ good, ++ satisfactory, + marginal, - insufficient, 0 no activity; activities in between are indicated by brackets. b Various neonicotinoids.

Its fast activity against B. tabaci, B. argentifolii and A. gossypii is a clear benefit compared with current standards like spirotetramat and neonicotinoids/ pymetrozine. In addition, Sivanto® prime fits perfectly into integrated spray programs in sustainable perennial (e.g. apple) and annual crop (e.g. tomato) solutions (8).

Control of Neonicotinoid-Resistant Whitefly Populations B- and Q-type strains of B. tabaci showing resistance ratios against IMD of >1300- and 250-fold, exhibit a three and seven-fold lower susceptibility to FPF, respectively when compared to a susceptible reference strain in leaf-dip bioassays. Recombinantly expressed CYP6CM1, a cytochrome P450 highly overexpressed in resistant cotton whitefly populations, hydroxylates IMD and pymetrozine (9), but not FPF. Based on the results at manufacturer recommended field-rates, Sivanto® prime demonstrates a good control of whiteflies resistant to neonicotinoids (IRAC MoA Group 4A) (Table 4).

336 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

Table 4. Efficacy of Sivanto® prime against neonicotinoid-resistant Bemisia sp. and -tolerant Trialeurodes vaporariorum in various countries. (Country)


Rate [g a.i./ha]

Neonicotinoid-resistant Bemisia sp.

Bemisia sp., (Brazil) B. argentifolii (USA) B. tabaci (Spain) B. tabaci (Japan) B. tabaci (China)

+++ +++ ++++ +++ +++(+)

90-125 205 112.5-150 200-400 125-150

Neonicotinoid-tolerant T. vaporariorum

T. vaporariorum (Italy) T. vaporariorum (Brazil)

+++ ++(+)

112.5 270


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++++ excellent, +++ good, ++ satisfactory, + marginal, - insufficient, 0 no activity; activities in between are indicated by brackets.

Virus Vector Control Whiteflies are one of the major pests on tomatoes that also transmit several viruses such as the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) or the Pepper Huasteco Yellow Vein Virus (PHYVV) and permanent yellowing diseases. In comparison with untreated controls, IMD and TMX, FPF (applied as Sivanto® prime to the foliage) provides rapid knockdown of whiteflies and protected tomatoes from plant virus transmission, as it shows a rapid control of the vector (Figures 3 and 4).

Figure 3. Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV, transmitted by whiteflies) on tomatoes: virus vector control of Sivanto® prime (FPF) in comparison with IMD and TMX; Mexico 2012.

337 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Figure 4. Pepper Huasteco Yellow Vein Virus (PHYVV, transmitted by whiteflies) on tomatoes: virus vector control of Sivanto® prime (FPF) in comparison with IMD and TMX; Mexico 2012.

This effect could be demonstrated in Mexican field trials against neonicotinoid-resistant whiteflies. It has been shown in various trials that also by applying Sivanto® prime (400 g a.i./ha) as drench after transplanting, a lower number of plants with diseases transmitted by sucking pests such as whiteflies was observed. In addition, more tomatoes with greater overall fruit quality were harvested. Furthermore, a major concern in cantaloupe melon production is the whitefly species (B. tabaci) transmitting Curcurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder Virus (CYSDV). Sivanto® prime directly manages the problem of both whiteflies and CYSDV, while allowing production of cantaloupe melons to thrive. In comparison with newer active ingredients recently developed for this segment (e.g. cyazypyr, 110 g a.i./ha or sulfoxaflor, 100 g a.i./ha), Sivanto® prime (application rate: 205 g a.i./ha) is clearly the most effective compound and has the best fit in desert melon IPM programs (10).

Feeding Cessation Sivanto® prime shows excellent and fast feeding cessation of target pests such as whiteflies, psyllids as well as aphids, and thus reducing the risk of virus and bacteria transmission. As demonstrated by Electrical Penetration Graph (EPG) measurements, during the feeding phases of adult Asian citrus psyllids (Diaphorina citri) of phloem ingestion and penetration the potential for pathogen transmission is given (marked with* in Figure 5; standard is Admire Pro®).

338 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Figure 5. Frequency of Asian citrus psyllid (D. citri) adult feeding phases measured by EPG technique; adult’s feeding phases [in %].

Molecular Docking Studies of Flupyradifurone within the CYP6CM1vQ (B. tabaci)

The overexpression of CYP6CM1 is considered as one of the major mechanisms of IMD resistance in B. tabaci. Recently, a possible explanation for the lack of metabolization of FPF in comparison with IMD could be given by molecular docking studies. Based on a structural model of CYP6CM1vQ from whitefly (B. tabaci) which resulted from a previous homology modelling study (including a subsequent molecular dynamics refinement) conducted by Karunker cit. (11) molecular docking investigations (LeadIT/FlexX) with both IMD and FPF were carried out. Due to the large volume of the CYP6CM1vQ catalytic site, only ligand poses were taken into account accommodating one or more heavy atoms within 3.8 Å distance from the heme iron-oxygen centre, using FlexX-Pharm as post-filtering tool (12, 13). The docking poses underwent a positional clustering. In contrast to IMD (35 possible clusters), for FPF only 23 clusters of interaction poses within the CYP6CM1vQ cavity model were identified. It was found, that most of these clusters revealed an orientation of the rather non-reactive difluoro-methyl moiety of the N-2,2-difluoroethyl side chain of FPF towards the active heme-iron center of the CYP6CM1vQ cavity model (Figure 6).

339 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Figure 6. Molecular docking studies of IMD and FPF within the CYP6CM1vQ (B. tabaci) cavity model: a) representative IMD pose in surrounding of amino acids; b) oxidative metabolic attack (red arrow) of the 2-N-nitro-imidazolidine ring system of IMD; c) FPF pose in surrounding of amino acids; d) possible positions of oxidative metabolic attacks (green arrows) of the butenolide system of FPF.

In summary, the 23 docking poses of FPF appear quite similar with respect to the overall orientation within the active site, i.e. in sharp contrast to IMD. According to the modelling study, none of these poses suggested a metabolism in the corresponsing butenolide ring system, e.g. at the CH-position of the α,β-unsatturated carbonyl [C=CH-CO]-fragment or at the [-O-CH2-]-group. The presence of the N-2,2-difluoroethyl residue in FPF increases its insecticidal activity and effectively prevents the butenolide moiety to be placed in an orientation suitable for oxidative metabolization by CYP6CM1vQ. 340 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

Safety Profile It could be demonstrated, that Sivanto® prime meets the diverse safety needs of modern agriculture. Its active ingredient FPF has a low acute toxicity (LD50 (rat): ≥ 5000 mg/kg) when exposed through ingestion, inhalation and dermal absorption (LD50 (rat): > 2000 mg/kg) and therefore it is non-hazardous for humans and mammals. Furthermore, by using under practical conditions in the field, there are no adverse effects on non-target arthropod populations.

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Selectivity to Beneficials Based on the recommended field-rates and positioning of Sivanto® prime, the results show that the insecticide is selective to most beneficials in fruits and outdoor vegetable crops (Table 5).

Table 5. Selectivity of Sivanto® prime against various beneficial groups and species after foliar vs drench application in relevant crops. Beneficials Predatory mites

Predatory bugs

Species Amblyseius swirski

Stage motile

Crop Bell pepper





Typphlodromus pyri





Kampimodromus aberrans





Orius laevigatus


Bell pepper



Anthocoris nemoralis




1 n.a.


Coccinella septempunctata




Hover flies

Episyrphus balteatus





Chrysoperla spp.




Parasitoid wasp

Encarsia formosa

mixed/ mumies







Aphidius colemani





Aphelinus mali a

IOBC rating = International Organization for biological and Integrated Control 1 = non-hazardous, 2 = slightly harmful, 3 = moderately harmful, 4 = harmful, n.a. = not applicable.

In Table 5, the rating given for foliar and drench application is in accordance with the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control (IOBC). 341 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

Its positioning in IPM systems can be exemplified on pome fruits which are important for growers in Belgium. Two IPM-compatible foliar applications of Sivanto® prime to control rosy apple aphids and pear suckers have demonstrated a highly effective protection of pome fruits against these pests, responsible for significant damage and quality issues each year, and no adverse effects on predatory mites and coccinellidae.

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No Adverse Effects to Honey and Bumble-bees As part of the risk assessment study package prepared during the development and registration of Sivanto® prime, several studies were conducted to demonstrate the safety profile to honey bees. The studies indicate that Sivanto® prime has no adverse effects on foraging honey bees, foraging activity, brood and colony development, colony vitality and honey bee health or on over-wintering success when used in accordance with the proposed label instructions. Sivanto® prime has been tested in laboratory and extensive semi-field and field studies using crops that are highly attractive to bees. The studies were conducted following a tiered approach, starting with acute and chronic laboratory studies that show that FPF is more toxic to adult bees when exposed orally than when exposed on a contact basis (oral LD50 = 1.2 µg a.i./bee and contact LD50 = 122.8 µg a.i./bee) (14). The latter way of exposure can be considered as practically non-toxic for adult bees. Furthermore, when individual bees are exposed in the laboratory to diet containing high concentrations of FPF, no effects were observed in adult and larva bees (chronic oral No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) to adult bees as well as the dietary NOEC for larvae > 10,000 µg/kg). The data generated under laboratory conditions are an indication of the intrinsic toxicity of Sivanto® to individual bees under unrealistic worst-case exposure conditions. The next higher tier in the testing approach is the studies conducted with Sivanto® prime under semi-field with highly attractive surrogate crops such as Phacelia. The results show that even exposures in a crop under worst-case conditions causes no adverse effects on honey bees and honey bee colonies when applied at highest registered application rate during full bloom and when bees were actively foraging. Likewise, a study under confined and forced worst-case exposure to spiked diet with FPF demonstrated that no adverse effects on honey bees and honey bee colonies are caused, including overwintering at concentrations up to at least 10,000 µg/kg diet, a concentration that is higher than the concentration levels found in bee-relevant matrices of treated crops. Residues were measured in many bee-attractive crops under realistic agronomic field conditions (14). The highest tier evidence, the field studies, demonstrate as well that under realistic exposure and field agronomic conditions that when applied at the maximum proposed label rates, Sivanto® prime causes no adverse effects on honey bees and bumble-bees in any of the tested endpoints even when applied to flowering crops.

342 In Discovery and Synthesis of Crop Protection Products; Maienfisch, et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Concluding Remarks Sivanto® prime (common name: flupyradifurone, FPF) is a modern butenolide insecticide with an outstanding safety profile for the control of major sucking pests like aphids, whiteflies, and other key insect pests including larval and adult stages. The SAR of butenolides containing the new butenolide scaffold for insect nAChR interaction is distinct from the class of neonicotinoid insecticides. Sivanto® prime has excellent safety characteristics: (i) it is highly compatible with honey and bumble-bees allowing wide application windows and treatments during flowering, and (ii) its selectivity to most beneficials in fruit and field-grown vegetable crops provides a perfect fit for most Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. FPF is a valuable tool for resistance management, in particular for selective neonicotinoid-resistant pests like whiteflies and selected aphids. Its N-2,2-difluoroethyl residue increases the insecticidal activity and prevents the oxidative metabolization by CYP6CM1 in whiteflies like B. tabaci. Additionally, Sivanto® prime provides a wide range of significant benefits to the growers, such as excellent speed of action, quick feeding cessation, effective virus vector control and flexible application at any crop stage.

Acknowledgments The material covered by this article is based on the inventions and scientific support of many colleagues in Bayer CropScience AG.

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