Six-Center Concerted Mechanism for Poly(vinyl chloride

Six-Center Concerted Mechanism for Poly(vinyl chloride) Dehydrochlorination. Requiescat in Pace? Volume 29, Number 23, November 4, 1996, pp 7631−763...
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Macromolecules 1997, 30, 676


H.-J. Winkelhahn, T. Pakula, and D. Neher*: Investigations of the Viscoelastic Properties of Thin Polymer Films by Electromechanical Interferometry. Volume 29, Number 21, October 7, 1996, pp 68656871. The absolute values |∆h| of the electric field induced change in film thickness as displayed in Figure 4 are given in picometers. Also note that the relaxation times τ in Figure 8 are given as log ω ) -log τ, instead of log ω ) log(2π/τ). MA952023H

S. Talibuddin, L. Wu, J. Runt,* and J. S. Lin: Microstructure of Melt-Miscible, Semicrystalline Polymer Blends. Volume 29, Number 23, November 4, 1996, pp 7527-7535. The authors would like to acknowledge ref 1 (below) in which discussion of the microstructure of weakly- and strongly-interacting polymer blends and initial SAXS experiments on model blends containing poly(ethylene oxide) appear. Additional characterization of these blends can also be found in this reference. (1) Barron, C. A. Ph.D. Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, 1994.


William H. Starnes, Jr.,* Joshua A. Wallach, and Hongyang Yao: Six-Center Concerted Mechanism for Poly(vinyl chloride) Dehydrochlorination. Requiescat in Pace? Volume 29, Number 23, November 4, 1996, pp 7631-7633. Equation 3 on p 7631 should appear as follows:


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