Sixth National Colloid Symposium

SIXTH NATIONAL COLLOID SYMPOSIUM. The National Colloid Symposium has accepted the invitation of the University of. Toronto to hold the Sixth Symposium...
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SIXTH NATIONAL COLLOID SYMPOSIUM The National Colloid Symposium has accepted the invitation of the University of Toronto t o hold the Sixth Symposium there on June 14th. 15th. 16th. next. Themest of honor a t this meeting will be Sir William Hardy of Cambridge, England. Professor Hardy may be considered the pioneer of modern colloidal chemistry in England; for a number of years he was a Secretary of the Royal Society of London, and has gained an enviable position in the scientific world by his first-class scientific work and pleasing personality. The Local Committee desires t o draw the attention of all interested to two innovations which it is hoped will add materially t o the interest of the meeting: (1) Since the experience of other Societies shows that t h e provision of abstracts of the papers in advance greatly stimulates discussion a t the meetings, arrangements have been made with the publishers of Canadian Chemistry and Metallurgy to print a special Supplement t o their June issue which will contain complete abstracts of all papers contributed t o the Symposium. Advance copies of this Supplement will be mailed t o all who indicate their intention of attending the meeting. (2) Arrangements have been made for an Exhibition of Experimental Methods in colloidal work; a large hall has been secured adjoining the building in which the Symposium will be held, and space will be offered free for exhibits accepted by the Local Committee. It is thought that in this way workers in colloids may be enabled t o bring t o the attention of their colleagues many details of experimental arrangement and technic which are necessarily crowded out of the limited program of papers; it is hoped papers a t the Svmposium will accent this onnortunitv of disthat those presentine: - . . .. playing the apparatus used in their work and that others with novel types of apparatus will take advantage of the opportunity t o exhibit them. Suitnhle arranarnrrtfi will hr mnrlc with thr Custr,rns ;~uthclrit#cs of huth countries to fsrilitatr the palsage of such :+pl~:%ratus o\.(.r the horder; It811 details mdy I,?