Sixth National Organic Chemistry Symposium - C&EN Global

IN December, 1925, the organic chemists met in Rochester, N. Y., and held the First Symposium on Organic Chemistry. It was highly successful, and was ...
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P r o g r a m f o r Intersectiorial Meeting S c h e n e c t a d y a n d T r o y , Ν . Υ . , O c t o b e r 25 a n d 2 6 , 1935 Friday, October 25 9:30 A. si.—Registration at Rice Hall, General Electric Co., Schenectady, Ν. Υ. 10:00-11:45 A.M.—Inspection trips to various parts of the General Electric Co. works, including the mercury boiler plant. 12:00 M.- 1:00 P. M.—A series of short talks and demonstrations by members of tbe research staff of the General Electric Co. on work: in progress in the research labo­ ratories1:05 P.M:.—Complimentary luncheon at the General Electric Co. 2:00 P . M . — R e g i s t r a t i o n c o n t i n u e d , Chemical Laboratory, Union College, Schenectady, Ν. Υ. 2:15 P. M.—Greetings by EDWARD E L -

LERY, professor of chemistry and chair­ man of the faculty of Union College.


P.M.—Address by IRVING


MTJIR, "Interaction between Unlike Atoms in Adsorbed Films Having Two Constituents. " 3:30-5:0€ P . M.—Presentation of papers. 5:30-7:00 P . M.—Inspection of new Aero­ nautical, Chemical, and Metallurgical Engineering Building, Rensselaer Poly­ technic Institute, Troy, Ν. Υ. 7:00 P. M-—Group dinner at Russell Sage Dining Hall, R. P. I. Campus, Troy, Ν. Υ.; price, $1.00 per plate. Reserva­ tions in advance are requested.

in the lower Adirondacks, including Lake George and the Sacandaga Reservoir. Twenty-five miles away is Saratoga Springs, with its remarkable new spa developments. The Berkshires, Green Mountains, Catskills, and Helderbergs are all within a radius of 30 to 50 miles, and offer unlimited opportunity for enjoyment of late autumn colorings. Accommodations The Van Curler Hotel in Schenectady and the Hendrick Hudson Hotel in Troy offer accommodations ranging from $2.50 up for single rooms. Reservations should be made in advance directly with the hotel. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy offers a limited number of desirable dormi­ tory rooms at S 1.00 per person. These will be available for both men and women. Make all reservations for these, indicat­ ing whether they are to be for men or women, with Ε. Κ. Bacon, Chemical Labo­ ratory, Union College, Schenectady, Ν. Υ. Also address reservations for the dinner, for football tickets, and requests for in­ formation to Ε. Κ. Bacon. The registration fee will be 50 cents.

A. I M . - 1 2 : 0 0 M.—Presentation


papers. Papers t o be presented at both sessions are as follows : R.






Molecular Orientation of Organic Com­ pounds. F. H. RHODES. The Detergent Action of Soap Solutions. J. CLYDE HOSTETTER. Some Phases of Glass Technology. G. H.




papers on Vitamin Investigations. A. L. ELDER. Analytical Determination of Boron. W. D. BAINCROFT. Qualitative Analysis of Leaf Pigments.



of Crystal Hydrates. H. ESSEX· A Preliminary Discussion of Work on. Molecular Shape from Data on Diffusion. Coefficienta in Electrical Fields. F. C. SCHMIDT. Heats of Solution with the Liquid Ajnmonia Calorimeter. H. A. LIBBHAFSKY. Constitution of Liquid Zinc Amalgams. E. O. WIIG. Title not announced. There will also be several other papers, the authors and titles of which will be an­ nounced later. Entertainmen t Union College will furnish a limited number of complimentary tickets for the R. P. I.-Union football game at 2:00 p. M. Saturday afternoon. It will be advisable to reserve these well in advance. Many enjoyable individual auto trips may be arranged for Saturday afternoon. Within less than 2 hours' ride from Sche­ nectady will b e found many beautiful spots


H . WILLARD, University of Michigan, • will lecture on "Some Recent Ad­ vances in Analytical Chemistry," "New Methods in Analytical Chemistry," and "Fluorescence" before the following local sections




SOCIETY on the dates noted:


Wednesday, October 16 Erie Section Thursday, October 17 Pittsburgh Section Friday, October I S Northern West Virginia (Morgan town )

The tour has been arranged by the secretary of the group of Local Section Officers.

V i r g i n i a S e c t i o n E l e c t s Officers HE Virginia Section announces T election of the following officers 1935-36:

the for

Chairman, Thos. A. Balthis; Vice Chairman, John H. Yoe; Secretary·, J. C. Forbes; Treasurer, Forrest B. Evans; Councilors, C. Braxton Valentine and M. F. Fogler.

Rochester, N. Y . , December 30, 1935, t o J a n u a r y 1, 1936

"Color Photography and the Kodachrome Process." Illustrated with slides arid motion pictures. Sage Lec­ ture Hall, R . P. I. Campus.


T o u r of H . H . Willard t o Local Sections

Sixth National Organic C h e m i s t r y S y m p o s i u m

8:30 P.M:.—Address by C. Ε. Κ. M E E S ,

S a t u r d a y . October 26 9:00 A. M : . — R e g i s t r a t i o n c o n t i n u e d , R. P. I., Troy. Ν. Υ.

VOL. 13, NO. 19

Preliminary A n n o u n c e m e n t N December, 1925, the organic chem­ ists met in Rochester, Ν. Y., and held the First Symposium on Organic Chem­ istry. I t was highly successful, and was followed by interesting and stimulating symposia at Columbus, Princeton, New Haven, and Ithaca. This year the sym­ posium returns to Rochester, Ν. Υ., in celebration of ten years of Organic Symposia. The Rochester arrangements are in charge of Erie M. Billings, of the Eastman Kodak Co. The program for the symposium this year is t o be composed of well-rounded discussions of a particular field in which the speaker is interested. Summarizing reviews of the status of a particular line of investigation will be given, including the speaker's own work, with some indications of the direction which future investigations may take. The speakers at the Sixth National Or­ ganic Chemistry Symposium will be the following:


Homer Adkins Marston T. Bogert Benjamin T. Brooks Wallace H. Carothers James B. Conant Louis F. Fieser Henry Oilman Arthur J. Hill John R. Johnson Morris S. Kharasch C. Frederick Koelsch Carl S. Marvel Lyndon F. Small Vincent du Vigneaud George H. Whipple M. L. Wolfrom Meetings will be held morning and after­ noon Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, December 30, 1935, to January 1, 1936. Two evening meetings will be held. Mon­ day evening the symposium will be ad­

dressed by Dean George H . Whipple, University of Rochester Medical School, the Tuesday evening speaker will be President James B. Conant of Harvard University. The headquarters hotel will be the Hotel Seneca. Three other nearby hotels will afford adequate accommodations. The rates are as follows: HOTEL

Hotel Seneca Sagamore Hotel Hotel Rochester Powers Hotel


$2.50 3.00 2.50 2.25

up up up up

S3. 5 0 u p 4 . 0 0 up 3.50 u p 2.75 u p

Room reservations should be made di­ rectly with the hotels. In addition t o the above hotels, ar­ rangements have been made with the University of Rochester to permit the housing of 90 men in the men's dormitory. The charge is $1.00 per night. The Todd Union Hall Cafeteria, where meals may be obtained at very reasonable charges, is near the dormitory. It is hoped that many students of chemistry will take ad­ vantage of these arrangements, which will enable them to attend the symposium at very low cost. Dormitory reservations should be made b y writing to Edwin Wiig, Department of Chemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, Ν. Υ. Arrangements are being made to secure reduced railroad fares to Rochester. The reduced fares will be obtainable on the convention certificate plan, which re­ quires a minimum of 100 certificates to be validated at Rochester. If this number is secured, tickets for the return trip may be purchased at one-third fare. The complete program, with titles of the addresses and place and time of meetings, will be published later. ARTHUR J. H I L L

Chairman, Division of Organic Chemistry RALPH L. SHRINER

Secretary, Division of Organic Chemistry