Size-Exclusion Chromatography with Electrospray Mass Spectrometric

tion technique that has been widely applied in the biological arena. Owing to its extremely low detection limits and its ultrasoft ionization process,...
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4 Size-Exclusion Chromatography with Electrospray Mass Spectrometric Detection William J. Simonsick, Jr. and Laszlo Prokai

Downloaded by SUFFOLK UNIV on January 22, 2018 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0247.ch004




Marshall R & D Laboratory, DuPont, Philadelphia, PA 19146

Center for Drug Discovery, College of Pharmacy, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32610


We interfaced a size-exclusion chromatograph (SEC) to a mass spectrometer operating in the electrospray mode of ionization. Stable electrospray conditions were obtained using a tetrahydrofuran mobile phase containing ~10 M dissolved sodium salt, which affords pseudomolecular ions through cationization. Using the SEC with electrospray detection, we calibrated the SEC for an ethylene-oxide-based nonionic surfactant. The calibration standards were the surfactant oligomers themselves. The chemical composition distribution of acrylic macromonomers was profiled across the molecular weight distribution. A nonuniform chemical composition distribution was observed. Cross-linkers, additives and stabilizers, and coalescing solvents contained in a complex waterborne coating formulation were analyzed in a single experiment. -5

SIZE-EXCLUSION C H R O M A T O G R A P H Y (SEC) is a p o p u l a r technique used to obtain molecular weight distributions ( M W D ) on polymers and oligomers (I, 2). T r a d i t i o n a l l y , detection is accomplished b y a differential refractive index (DRI) detector. U n f o r t u n a t e l y , D R I provides little i n formation about the p o l y m e r c h e m i c a l composition. T h e use of mass spectrometry for detailed p o l y m e r analysis is b e c o m i n g more established due to the p r o l i f e r a t i o n of soft i o n i z a t i o n techniques that afford intact oligomer or p o l y m e r ions w i t h a m i n i m a l n u m b e r o f fragment ions ( 3 11). I n addition to the M W D information, the specific chemical structure, i n c l u d i n g e n d groups and the distribution of m o n o m e r units i n a cop o l y m e r , is obtained. F u r t h e r m o r e , the data furnished b y soft i o n i z a t i o n 0065-2393/95/0247-0041$12.00/0 © 1995 American Chemical Society

Provder et al.; Chromatographic Characterization of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by SUFFOLK UNIV on January 22, 2018 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0247.ch004



techniques are predictable. If a researcher hypothesizes about a given structure, the postulated structure has a molecular formula that i n addition to the nominal mass yields an isotope envelope that can be c o m pared w i t h the theoretical isotope envelope based on the molecular formula. Because soft ionization affords molecular or pseudomolecular ions, such hypothesis can be evaluated. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESIMS) is a soft ionization technique that has been w i d e l y applied i n the biological arena. O w i n g to its extremely low detection limits and its ultrasoft ionization process, E S I M S has been the most successful method of coupling a condensed phase separation technique to a mass spectrometer. U n d e r E S I conditions the sample l i q u i d is introduced into a chamber w i t h a h y podermic needle. A n electrical potential difference (usually 2 - 4 kV) between the needle inlet and the cylindrical surrounding walls promotes ionization of the emerging l i q u i d and disperses it into charged droplets. Solvent evaporation upon heat transfer from the ambient gas leads to the shrinking of the droplets and to the accumulation of excess surface charge. A t some point the electric field becomes high enough (up to 1 0 V/cm) to desorb analyte ions. This widely accepted desorption model (12) relies on the existence of preformed ions i n solution. In other words, the ions observed i n the mass spectra were originally present as i o n i z e d molecules i n solution. 9

Proteins and biopolymers are typically i o n i z e d through acid-base equilibria. L a r g e r biopolymers acquire more than a single charge. A charge envelope results from the analysis of a single species. Because mass spectrometers separate ions based on the mass-to-charge ratio, increasing the number of charges can be used to extend the operable mass range. In fact, F e n n and N o h m i (13) have observed polyethylene glycols w i t h molecular weights up to five million on a quadrupole mass analyzer w i t h upper mass limits of 1500 D a . Unfortunately, E S I M S has had limited applications on synthetic polymers (13, 14). U n l i k e biopolymers, many synthetic polymers have no acid or basic functional groups that can be used for i o n formation. M o r e o v e r , each species of a unique molecular formula can give rise to a charge distribution envelope, thus further complicating the spectrum. T o resolve multiple charge distribution envelopes, ultrahigh resolutions are r e q u i r e d (15). Unfortunately, commercial quadrupoles generally y i e l d only unit resolution throughout their mass range. Therefore, synthetic polymers that can typically contain a distribution of chain lengths and a variety of endgroups furnish quite a complicated mass spectrum, making interpretation nearly impossible. T h e approach we used to circumvent the difficulties described p r e viously are as follows. W e used sodium cations dissolved i n our mobile phase to facilitate ionization. T o simplify the resulting E S I spectra, we

Provder et al.; Chromatographic Characterization of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.




SEC with ESIMS Detection

reduced the number of components entering the i o n source. F u r t h e r more, the multiple charged states were reduced b y analyzing only small molecules that generally produce fewer charged states. Once we d e m onstrated that an electrospray signal was furnished i n a tetrahydrofuran ( T H F ) mobile phase, we evaluated the utility of S E C - E S I M S for S E C calibration, measurement of chemical composition distribution i n copolymers, and complex mixture analysis.

Experimental Details SEC was carried out using a three-column set of 1 0 , 500, and 100 Â 30 cm X 7.8 mm i.d. Ultrastyragel columns (Waters, Milford, M A ) . The acrylic macromonomers were analyzed using a two-column set of 500- and 100-Â Ultrastyragel columns. The T H F mobile phase was delivered by a Spectroflow 4000 solvent delivery system (Kratos Analytical, Manchester, U K ) at 1.0-mL/min flow rate. T H F is a flammable solvent and proper care should be exercised when using large volumes. A l l samples under study were dissolved i n the mobile phase ( ~ 0 . 5 % wt/vol) before analysis. The sample solutions were injected using a Rheodyne 7125 valve equipped with a 100uL loop (Cotai, CA). Effluent splitting was achieved with a T-junction (Valco) that supplied only ~ 8 - 1 0 min/flow to the mass spectrometer through a 25-cm-long fused silica capillary (25 μτη i.d.). A Spectroflow 757 absorbance detector (Kratos Analytical) operated at 254 nm was used for deter­ mining M W D data by SEC. The polystyrene calibrants used were molecular weights of 580, 2450, 5050, 11,600, and 22,000 D a with polydispersities ranging from 1.03 to 1.09. A block diagram of the S E C - E S I M S is seen in Figure 1. A Vestec 200ES instrument (Vestec Corp., Houston, T X ) was used to obtain the ESIMS (16). The spray was generated from the solvent entering

Downloaded by SUFFOLK UNIV on January 22, 2018 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0247.ch004


S E C - G P C Column(s) ι



J- - - '

Flow Splitter



U V or Rl Detector

Figure 1. studies.

Block diagram of the SEC-ESIMS instrumental setup used in all

Provder et al.; Chromatographic Characterization of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



the ion source through a 0.005 i.d. X 0.010 o.d. flat-tipped hypodermic needle held at 3.0 k V potential. Preformed ions were obtained by dissolving —5 X 10~ M sodium iodide in the T H F mobile phase. W h e n the needle tip to orifice distance was ~ 1 0 mm, the spray current was in the range of 6 0 - 1 0 0 μΑ at 5-10 ^ L / m i n flow rate. The source block was heated to 250 °C, and the spray chamber temperature was estimated at 5 5 - 6 0 °C. A Vec­ tor/One data system (Teknivent, St. Louis, M O ) was used to control the quadrupole analyzer (m/z 2 0 0 - 2 0 0 0 at 3 ms/Da scan speed). Selected-ion chromatograms were reconstructed from full-scan data, and elution volumes ( V E = t X flow rate) were determined by adjusting the time (t ) versus intensity data to the theoretical (Gaussian) elution (17) profile using a non­ linear curve-fitting program running on an IBM-PC/AT-compatible computer (MINSQ, Micromath Scientific Software, Salt Lake City, UT). The 80/20 (wt/wt) methyl methacrylate ( M M A ) rc-butyl acrylate (BA) macromonomer was prepared i n the following manner. To a 3000-mL flask 440.1 g M M A , 200.0 g ΒΑ, and 150.0 g methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) were added. The mixture was stirred and heated to reflux under a nitrogen blanket. After a 10-min hold, 30.0 g M E K , 0.140 g Vazo-67, and 0.050 g Co(dimethylglyoxime-BF ) were added to the flask. After a 5-min hold, 359.9 g M M A , 200.0 g M E K , and 1.90 g Vazo-67 were added over a 3.5h period. The mixture was held 1 h at reflux after the feed. Subsequently, 150.0 g M E K and 1.00 g Vazo-52 were feed over an hour. The mixture was held for 1 h at reflux. The mixture was then allowed to cool to room tem­ perature. A more detailed procedure and the Co(dimethylglyoxime-BF )2 synthesis are given in reference 18. 5

Downloaded by SUFFOLK UNIV on January 22, 2018 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0247.ch004






Results and


Cationization has been the preferred technique for p r o d u c i n g gaseous ions from synthetic oligomers and polymers by desorption ionization (3, 4, 6,19). W e have relied on this approach upon considering the coupling of E S I to S E C . A small amount, ~ 1 0 ~ M , sodium iodide dissolved i n the T H F mobile phase does not impair the chromatography and affords meaningful E S I mass spectra as singly charged ions are seen as M [ N a ] , doubly charged as M [ 2 N a ] , and triply charged as M [ 3 N a ] . N o E S I M S signal was observed without addition of a soluble salt that p r o v i d e d the source of cations. T o simplify the complexity of the resulting E S I spectrum, we chose to reduce the number of components entering the E S I source. W e se­ lected S E C because the mode of separation is w e l l understood, p r e ­ dictable, and performed on a routine basis i n our laboratory. T o reduce the breadth of the charge envelopes, we chose to examine exclusively lower molecular weight materials, typically < 3 0 0 0 D a . This molecular weight regime encompasses many of the components contained i n to­ day's high-performance coatings (19). W e have previously reported on the coupling of an S E C to a mass spectrometer operated i n the electrospray mode of ionization and its application to the molecular weight characterization of octylphenoxypoly(ethoxy)ethanol oligomers (20). T h e analysis of nonionic surfactants 5




Provder et al.; Chromatographic Characterization of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Downloaded by SUFFOLK UNIV on January 22, 2018 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0247.ch004





SEC with ESIMS Detection










Figure 2. Electrospray ionization mass spectrum of octylphenoxypoly(ethoxy)ethanol. Inset is the total ion chromatogram. Conditions are given in Experimental Details.

has also been accomplished by other condensed-phase separation tech­ niques w i t h mass spectrometric detection (21, 22). T h e following dis­ cussion serves as an introductory example of the data and its interpre­ tation. F o r a more detailed discussion on the coupling of S E C to E S I M S and its application to octylphenoxypoly(ethoxy)ethanol, consult refer­ ence 20. F i g u r e 2 shows the summed electrospray mass spectrum of an octylphenoxypoly(ethoxy)ethanol (see 1). T h e total ion chromatogram is seen i n the inset. T h e shaded region of the total ion chromatogram was summed to y i e l d the spectrum. T w o envelopes are present, due to singly and doubly charged species. T r i p l y charged ions are also present but are slightly masked by the doubly charged envelope. W e d i d not observe any other chemical species i n this surfactant other than 1 nor d i d we target our analysis toward such materials. Investigators have previously reported low-level impurities i n similar mixtures (23). T h e determination of charge state is easily accomplished by exam­ ining the repeat group. T h e molecular weight of the ethylene oxide unit ( - C H C H 0 - ) is 44 D a , hence the spacing i n the region above 1200 2











j 4 4 n Da

OH + Na π

)| 40

Da |


Provder et al.; Chromatographic Characterization of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



D a . Close examination of the region from 600 to 1200 D a shows a 2 2 D a repeat unit due to the doubly charged oligomers. T h e base peak seen at 1549 D a is due to the sodiated η = 30 oligo­ mer. T h e octylphenyl [ C H - C H - ] moiety contributes 189 D a . T h e 30 ethylene oxide groups add 1320 D a , whereas the terminal h y d r o x y l group and sodium cation contribute 40 D a ; hence, the peak at [189 D a + 1320 D a + 40 Da] = 1549 D a . The equation describing the distribution of singly charged oligomers is 8

1 7



M [ N a ] = (229 + 44n) D a +


Downloaded by SUFFOLK UNIV on January 22, 2018 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0247.ch004

T h e doubly charged species follow the equation M[2Na]

2 +

= (126 + 22n) D a


L i k e w i s e , the triply charged species are described by the equation M[3Na]

3 +

= (91.67 + 14.67n) D a


T h e S E C elution behavior of any oligomer can be profiled by plotting the selected-ion chromatograms that correspond to the ions defined by equations 1-3. F o r example, the singly charged η = 20 oligomer fur­ nishes a singly charged ion at 1109 D a (see e q 1). T h e doubly charged η = 35 oligomer yields i o n at 896 D a (see e q 2). T h e triply charged η = 50 oligomer affords an ion at —825 D a as defined by equation 3. F i g u r e 3 displays the U V chromatogram (λ = 254 nm), the selected-ion plots of the singly charged η = 20 oligomer (1109 Da), the selected-ion plot of the doubly charged η = 35 oligomer (896 Da), and the triply charged η = 50 oligomer (825 Da) for the S E C analysis of octylphenoxypoly(ethoxy)ethanol (1). T h e fitted curves were generated using the nonlinear curve-fitting program described i n Experimental Details. As expected, the higher molecular weight η = 50 oligomer w i t h a larger hydrodynamic volume elutes before (19 min) the smaller η = 35 oligomer (20 min) and η = 20 oligomer (22 min). Such data can be used to calibrate the S E C and unrelated calibrants such as narrow molecular weight polystyrenes can be avoided (20). M W D information can be computed using the averaged mass spec­ trum presented i n F i g u r e 2. T h e doubly charged envelope w o u l d be used because a portion of the singly charged envelope exceeds the upper mass limit of our system. H o w e v e r , the reliability of this approach is poor due to instrumental parameters that may provide a nonuniform response w i t h molecular weight. M o r e o v e r , the electrospray response is not uniform w i t h increasing molecular weight. F o r example, the mo­ lecular weight average computed from the singly charged envelope is lower than that calculated from the doubly charged envelope. W e spec­ ulate that the multiple charging becomes predominant and attenuates

Provder et al.; Chromatographic Characterization of Polymers Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.




SEC with ESIMS Detection


uv 2000



Downloaded by SUFFOLK UNIV on January 22, 2018 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0247.ch004



* η = 3 5 , [M + 2 N a f .•^,

; t;

π = 20, [M + N a f


η = 50, [M + 3 N a f





Elution Volume (mL)

Figure 3. UV chromatogram (λ = 254 mnj and selected-ion traces for octylphenoxypoly(ethoxy)ethanol. The triply charged η = 50 oligomer se­ lected-ion trace was obtained by summing 824-826 Da through the duration of the chromatogram. The doubly charged η = 35 oligomer selected-ion trace was furnished by summing 895-897 Da. The singly charged η = 20 oligomer selected-ion trace was obtained by summing 1108-1110 Da.

the relative abundance of the singly charged species proportionately to the increase i n molecular weight. W e recommend that selected i o n profiles be used for calibration. A full scan acquisition is collected and the selected-ion profiles of the individual oligomers used for calibration. H e n c e , the S E C is cali­ brated for octylphenoxypoly(ethoxy)ethanol using the octylphenoxypoly(ethoxy)ethanol oligomers. F i g u r e 4 presents the calibration curve obtained from the selected-ion plots of individual oligomers. Also plotted is the calibration curve obtained using narrow molecular weight p o l y ­ styrenes. Notice the large discrepancy at lower molecular weights (