Small-particle research: physicochemical properties of extremely small

Dec 1, 1989 - Small-particle research: physicochemical properties of extremely small colloidal metal and semiconductor particles. Arnim Henglein. Chem...
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ChsmRev.1989. 89. 1861-1873


Small-Particle Research: Physicochemical Properties of Extremely Small Colloidal Metal and Semiconductor Particles ARNIM HENGLEIN

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8, 1989 mevlsed Manuscript Recehd Ju& 12, 1989)

conlents 1. Introduction 11. Metals A. Catalysis of Free Radical Reactions E. The Growing Microeiectrode C. Reactions of Silver Atoms in Solution D. Long4ved Silver Clusters in Solution E. Final Rematks 111. Semiconductors A. Size Quantization Effects B. me Question of "Magic" ~ g g i o m t i o n Numbers C. Surface ModHicatlon D. Colloidal Sandwich Slructures E. Excess Electrons on Particles F. Photoelectron Emission 0. Charge Carrier Interactions H. Conclusions

1861 1862 1862 1862 1864 1864 1865 1865 1865 1866 1867 1867 1869 1870 1871 1872

I. Inlroductlon During the past decade, 'sd-particle" re-& has in various fields of and physics. By particles" are Illeant Of atoms or molecules of metals and semiconductors, raneine in size from