now. emulsifiable polyethylene to improve your water-based products!
A special emulsifiable grade of A-C® Polyethyl ene now makes possible the use of polyethylene to upgrade water-based products, especially where water resistance is the goal. Examples: A-C Polyethylene is already being used to improve textile finishes . . . coatings for corrugated and paperboard containers... waxes and polishes . . . washable plastic paints. The
Allied Chemical
paper industry is looking into it as a way to build greater wet strength into towels, tissues, and butcher paper. Yes, this polyethylene is emulsifiable. I t forms stable emulsions in all systems—anionic, cationic, nonionic. Why not ask your technical people to evaluate A-C Polyethylene? Write us for samples and data at the address below.
SΕMET-SΟLVAY PETROCHEMICAL DIVISION Dept. 576-AS, 4 0 Rector Street, New York 6, N. Y. National Distribution · Warehousing in Principal Cities Circle No. 14 on Readers' Service Card