SOCMA's 90th Annual Dinner - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 7, 2011 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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New York City

Monday, December 5, 2011


6:00 pm- 10:00 pm

90th Annual Dinner




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Treat your VIP GUESTS to dinner and entertainment by Kenn Kington

Hundreds of chemical industry leaders and their VIP clients and colleagues attend to celebrate the past year’s successes, and network with the industry's best. The evening’s highlights also include honoring the winners of SOCMA’s 2011 Performance Improvement Awards sponsored by ChemStewards®. For nearly a century, SOCMA members have gathered annually in New York for this event. Join us for networking, dinner, awards and entertainment. Dinner Registration is $345 per person and $3,375 per table of 10. 񡑙񡑱񡑀0∋−񡑀!񡑦.񡑰񡑀)−񡑰+,∀∋&+񡑃񡑀(∃񡑰񡑦+񡑰񡑀񡑨∋&,񡑦񡑨,񡑀񡑕񡑦∗∋&񡑀񡑤−∗&񡑰∗񡑀񡑦,񡑀,−∗&񡑰∗񡑨񡑓+∋񡑨%񡑦񡑅񡑨∋%񡑀∋∗񡑀񡑨񡑦∃∃񡑀񡑁񡑈񡑆񡑈񡑂񡑀񡑑񡑈񡑇񡑄񡑉񡑇񡑐񡑐񡑅񡑀 񡑤∋񡑀∗񡑰 ∀+,񡑰∗񡑀∋&∃∀&񡑰񡑃񡑀.∀+∀,񡑀񡑅񡑀 New sponsorships are available. Contact Claire McCandless at (202) 721-4184. Official Media Partner:



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1850 M Street NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-5810

(202) 721-4100

Fx (202) 296-8120