Software ACS Publications and Services Manufacturers' Literature

The software is designed for IBM. PC-AT, PC-XT, and compatible com puters. Rhislander Software. 417. Data analysis. KaleidaGraph 2.1, de signed for Ap...
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Water analysis. Series 1801 micro­ processor-controlled ion-selective mon­ itors are designed for continuous on­ line monitoring of ammonia, fluoride, or nitrate. Features include automatic high and low calibration/correction, in­ ternal diagnostics, and a regulatedtemperature water bath. Capital Con­ trols Co. 410 LC. Model QSY-lCSC is a solvent de­ livery system for preparative chroma­ tography that includes a pump, dial flow monitor, pulse dampener, lowflow fittings, and tubing. Flow rate range is 0-1380 mL/h, and the stroketo-stroke repeat accuracy of the pump is better than 1%. FMI 411 XRF. TREX 610 is a total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analyzer that fea­ tures typical detection limits of 1010 atoms/cm2 for metals and other trace contaminants on the surface of semi­ conductor wafers. Data presentation formats include tables, histograms, and full-color wafer maps. Charles Evans & Associates 412

Software Polymers. Substance module for the MACCS-II system allows users to store, search, and retrieve information on formulations, mixtures, and poly­ mers. The module incorporates fea­ tures to help clarify the connectivity of polymers and represent different re­ peating chains. Molecular Design 422 References. Citation version 2.0 is a bibliographic management program that allows users to record any number of authors per reference; control order and placement of author names; and assign up to three keywords per refer­ ence. The software is designed for IBM PC-AT, PC-XT, and compatible com­ puters. Rhislander Software 417 Data analysis. KaleidaGraph 2.1, de­ signed for Apple Macintosh computers, provides mathematical data analysis with a programmable macro calculator and algebraic formula entry. The re­ sults can be transformed into publica­ tion-quality graphs using any of 16 plot types. Synergy Software 418

ACS Publications and Services Informing Workers of Chemical Hazards: The OSHA Communica­ tion Standard. 2nd ed. Free booklet is designed to make users of chemicals more aware of the responsibilities asso­

ciated with their use and to provide information on implementing a chemi­ cal safety program. 418 WonderScience. Fun physical science activities for children and adults to do together are presented in a colorful comic book format. Geared to fourth through sixth graders, the activities re­ inforce language and math skills and can be used at home or in the class­ room. Free brochure describes the or­ dering process; subscriptions are $5 plus handling for eight issues. 419 1991 Summer Intern Program—In­ formation for Employers. Employers looking for summer help can partici­ pate in the 1991 Summer Intern Pro­ gram sponsored by the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry. Free brochure describes the program and contains a Sponsor Application Form for listing available positions. 420 1991 Summer Intern Program—In­ formation for Students. Free bro­ chure describes the summer intern pro­ gram for college students, sponsored by the ACS Division of Analytical Chem­ istry. The application, selection, and placement processes are described. 421

Manufacturers' Literature Chromatography. Chromatogram, Vol. II, No. 2, includes information on drug metabolism studies by HPLC and on high-performance capillary electro­ phoresis. Beckman Instruments 437 Environmental analysis. Catalog contains chromatography products for drinking water, industrial wastewater, hazardous waste, and air-monitoring analyses. Industrial hygiene standards are included. Supelco 444 LC detector. Brochure highlights the Model 1000S diode array detector, which allows the use of spectral over­ lays, absorbance ratios, derivatives, and spectral suppression to uncover hidden peaks and resolve coeluting components. Applied Biosystems 429 Scientific products. Catalog includes pumps, specific-gravity meters, ovens, centrifuges, water-testing instruments, software, microscopes, spectrophoto­ meters, and electrophoresis and chro­ matography products. Cole-Parmer 445 Bioscience. Brochure describes the separation of biological molecules by HPLC. Topics include protein purifi-


Linomat C HPLC/TLC Interface accom­ modates flow rates up to 100 μί/Γηίη. The unit can be programmed so that only the desired HPLC fractions are sprayed onto preselected positions on the plate. Camag 402

cation and analysis, peptide separa­ tion, amino acid analysis, carbohy­ drates, nucleic acids, and biochemical messengers. Hewlett-Packard 430 Newsletter. Waters Column provides information on purification of caro­ tenes, an HPLC system for basic drugs, affinity chromatography, segmented column technology, and peptide map­ ping. Waters Chromatography Divi­ sion of Millipore 423 Directory. "Safety and Compliance Directory" includes addresses and phone numbers of nearly 200 profes­ sional societies and private and govern­ ment agencies that offer guidance on safety policies, practices, and proce­ dures. Lab Safety Supply 435 Fraction collectors. Brochure de­ scribes Models 201 and 202 fraction collectors, which feature 120- and 540tube capacities, respectively. Informa­ tion on operating and collection modes, peak detection, and programming is provided. Gilson Medical Electronics 436 Kinetics. Brochure describes the Spectronic 3000 spectrophotometer enzyme kinetics system, which allows users to run multiple samples using a built-in eight-position cell holder, con­ trol sample temperature from 20 to 40 °C, and calculate and store reaction rates. Milton Roy 427

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