Software ACS Publications and Services Manufacturers' Literature

Software. Equilibrium. EQUILCHEM soft- ware analyzes aqueous chemical .... Custom- engineered ceramic-metal seals are available. Ceramaseal. 433. GC...
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Polarimetry. Stokesmeter measures the state of light polarization by calculating and reporting the four Stokes parameters for constant monitoring of an incoming beam. The device also detects changes in polarization of the input beam. Lambrecht Research Technologies Partners 417

Software E q u i l i b r i u m . EQUILCHEM softw a r e a n a l y z e s a q u e o u s chemical equilibrium. After solution properties such as pH, ionic strength, and solution components are entered, the database can be searched for appropriate reactions and the mass balance relationship can be constructed. DYNACOMP 418 Chemical graphics. ChemWindow version 1.34, designed to simplify the creation of typeset-quality chemical structures, is used with Microsoft Windows 3.0. Version 1.34 has 34 chemistry-specific drawing tools for rings, bonds, arcs, curves, arrows, and other symbols. SoftShell International Ltd. 419 Polymers. POLYGRAF version 3.0 software can be used to simulate, analyze, a n d design a m o r p h o u s or amorphous/crystalline polymers and polymer blends. Five optional modules can be used to analyze polymer s t r u c t u r e u s i n g diffraction d a t a , q u a n t u m mechanical calculations, and statistical mechanics. Molecular Simulations 420

ACS Publications and Services Education Policies for National Survival. Free pamphlet contains ACS s t a t e m e n t concerning science education issues in the United States and includes recommendations to help alleviate the crisis. 14 pp. 421 WonderScience. Color comic book format magazine provides fun physical science activities for children and adults to do together. Geared to fourth through sixth graders, the activities reinforce language and math For more information on instrumentation and software products, and/or to obtain the free available information on other listed items, please circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards.

skills and can be used at home or in the classroom. Free brochure describes the ordering process; subscriptions are $5 plus handling for the eight issues. 422 Chemical Risk: Personal Decisions. Free pamphlet is designed to help the nonscientist make personal, common sense decisions about risks associated with chemicals in the environment. Pesticides, radon, and lead in drinking water are used as examples. 15 pp. 423

Capillary chromatography. Catalog contains more t h a n 179 chromatograms with run conditions and peak identifications. A column selection guide and compound index for the chromatograms are included. 176 pp. RESTER Corp. 430 Evaporators. Catalog 613 describes a full range of space-saving, highspeed analytical evaporators and extractors along with related glassware and accessories. 20 pp. Organomation Associates 431

ACS Software. Free catalog lists scientific software for IBM and Macintosh PCs available from ACS. Programs for molecular modeling, d r a w i n g chemical s t r u c t u r e s , and m a i n t a i n i n g a chemical inventory are included. An order form is provided. 26 pp. 424

P h o t o d i o d e s . Catalog details the construction and application of silicon photodiodes, including PV/PC PIN photodiodes, hybrid photodetector/amplifiers, and fiber-optic detectors. An index of application notes and sources for further reading are included. 52 pp. UDT Sensors 432

Manufacturers' Literature

Vacuums. Vacuum components catalog features ceramic-metal sealed products, including connectors, thermocouples, and viewports. Customengineered ceramic-metal seals are available. Ceramaseal 433

FT-IR. "The Insider" data sheet describes the emission accessory designed for the sample compartment of FT-IR spectrometers. F e a t u r e s , applications, and ordering information are included. Connecticut Instrument Corp. 425 ICP. Brochure describes the features and applications of the ICP 2070 sequential plasma emission spectrometer. Details and advantages of the harmonic drive scanning mechanism also are included. Baird 426 GC/MS. HP Presents GC/MS for Every 1Mb features the PC-controlled quadrupole GC/MS system with Microsoft Windows 3.0 user interface. Major software and PC improvements to increase the system's speed and productivity are described. 14 pp. Hewlett-Packard 427

GC. Catalog lists GC supplies, including capillary columns and accessories, autosampler vials, and EPA standards. Two new gas purifiers for carbon dioxide and a split vent trap are also highlighted. 232 pp. Chemical Research Supplies 434 Air sampling. Catalog includes constant-flow air samplers, filter cassettes, sorbent tubes, tube holders, and air flow calibrators. Also included is a sorbent tube hazard/application reference guide. 68 pp. Gilian Instrument Corp. 435

P e p t i d e s . Data sheet DS-791 discusses the importance of controlling pH when peptide isomers differing only in their amino acid linear sequence are separated using capillary electrophoresis. The separation of 10 nonapeptide isomers is described. 4 pp. Beckman 428

Catalogs Chromatography. Catalog provides detailed specifications and pricing for more than 7000 laboratory reagents, high-purity acids and solvents, safety products and services, and products for chromatography and biotechnology. J. T. Baker Inc. 429

S-900/S-900H field emission scanning electron microscope is designed for semiconductor, electronic, biotechnological, and materials science applications. Minimal sample preparation is needed to obtain 3D images with ultrahigh resolution. Hitachi Scientific Instruments 416