Software - Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications - American

May 30, 2012 - Software. Anal. Chem. , 1988, 60 (23), pp 1350A–1350A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00174a736. Publication Date: December 1988. ACS Legacy Archive...
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arately or simultaneously. The system includes pump, injector, cartridge column, recorder, and detector. Bacharach 411 AA. Model Z-8100 flame/furnace Zeeman AA spectrophotometer eliminates the need for furnace alignments and for interchanging of sample compartments. Features include statistical capabilities such as mean, standard deviation, and relative standard deviation. Hitachi 413

Waters 845 Apex chromatography data station for GC, based on the VAX/station 2000 computer, acquires data and controls up to eight gas chromatographs using highresolution analog-to-digital converters. Waters Chromatography Division of Millipore 402

SEM. SCU 020 SEM cryopreparation chamber integrates into any standard SEM and allows multiple examinations of one specimen, including repeated evaporation and/or sputtering, without interrupting the vacuum. The stage features x-y-z axes control, ±30° rotation, and 0-45° tilting. Balzers 412

Software Electrophoresis. CHEF-DRII system combines electronic and electrophoresis technologies to resolve DNAs from a few hundred bases to ~ 1 0 million bases. The system provides a uniform electric field at all points of the gel and a 120° angle of alternating pulses. BioRad Laboratories 404 Spectrophotometer. Spectronic 3000 Array UV-vis spectrophotometer features a photodiode array detector for fast scanning over the 190-900-nm wavelength range. The system is composed of three interconnecting modules: the optics/central processing unit, the video display unit, and the keyboard. Milton Roy 405 MS. Delta GC is a GC/combustion MS system designed for measurement of carbon isotopes. Organic compound components separated by the gas chromatograph are converted into CO2, which is purified without the use of cryogenic coolants and is then introduced into the MS ion source. Finnigan 406 LC-EC. Deoxygenator, designed for use with reductive LC-EC detection methods, eliminates 99% of dissolved oxygen from both the mobile phase and the sample. The unit is compatible with most common solvents and mobile

phases, as well as with isocratic and gradient elution techniques. NovaTech 407 Detector. Model UD-1 ultrasonic detector for large-scale preparative HPLC accommodates flow rates up to 5000 mL/min. For remote operation or under hazardous conditions, the electronic module can be operated up to 150 m from the 3.5-mL stainless steel flow cell. Showa Denko America 408 pH. Sentry-2000 is a laboratory and process pH control and monitoring system that controls pH to an accuracy of 0.01 pH units. A manual or automatic pH control feature allows for the addition of acid or base to regulate and maintain the required pH value. Carolus Corp. 409

MS. PC version of the NBS/EPA/ MSDC mass spectral database, which contains more than 44,000 spectra, can be searched by CAS registry number, identification number, chemical name, molecular formula, and molecular weight. Royal Society of Chemistry 414 Image analysis. OPTIMAS captures electronic images from standard and high-resolution TV cameras, CT scanners, MR imagers, and ultrasound machines. The program allows users to enhance images with standard imageprocessing techniques and then extract a variety of measurement data. BioScan 415

Manufacturers' Literature

Gases. KA series toxic gas detectors are direct digital-reading, portable instruments that incorporate gas membrane galvanic sensors. Dedicated units are available for the continuous monitoring of hydrides, ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, ozone, or hydrogen. CE A Instruments 410

Evaporators. Brochure highlights Buchi rotary evaporators. Included are two models that feature programming capabilities for rotation speed, bath temperature, operating pressure, and distillation time. 16 pp. Brinkmann Instruments 417

LC. Coleman 3D HPLC features a trifunctional detector that allows UV, fluorescence, and conductivity detection modes to be monitored either sep-

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